Message from @DrYuriMom

Discord ID: 508804873932898319

2018-11-05 00:39:47 UTC  

That is how they are already handled, @Dvir

2018-11-05 00:40:17 UTC  

Reservations are ruled by tribes and they have greater autonomy in many regards than a state.

2018-11-05 00:40:26 UTC  

Tribes are under the authority of the Federal govt but not any state. They have constitutions.

2018-11-05 00:41:51 UTC  

The issue is that most tribes signed away thier resource rights to the Federal govt in thier treaties with the understanding that the Feds would manage them "in the tribe's interests"

2018-11-05 00:42:04 UTC  

What could possibly go wrong with that? /s

2018-11-05 00:42:50 UTC  

Ah, here we are.

2018-11-05 00:43:29 UTC  

I think I am starting to understand. In such a scenario the best case the resources are managed by the feds and the wealth given to the tribe, but even in such a case you are creating a dependency on the federal government and you keep the tribe trapped in such a state.

2018-11-05 00:43:41 UTC  


2018-11-05 00:44:12 UTC  

Senator Jacob Howard, a drafter of the 14th amendment: "This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons."

2018-11-05 00:44:25 UTC  

The relationship between the Federal govt and the tribe's has always been extremely paternalistic. The "great white father".

2018-11-05 00:44:46 UTC  

In the records of Senate discussions on the 14th amendment, recorded in The Congressional Globe, May 30th, 1866.

2018-11-05 00:45:14 UTC  

I've been told that the quote has had commas attached

2018-11-05 00:45:35 UTC  

I'm not at my PC or I'd try to pull up an actual quote

2018-11-05 00:45:56 UTC  

The Lawmakers said that it was never intended to be used with foreign people, the 14th is for Slaves, not for Illegal Aliens

2018-11-05 00:45:58 UTC  

The original source, in its entirety, you may peruse the entire context at your leisure, when you're able to.

2018-11-05 00:46:19 UTC  

Again, I dispute the comma after "aliens"

2018-11-05 00:46:58 UTC  

Unfortunately, voice recording technology was limited in the 1860's.

2018-11-05 00:47:04 UTC  

Its a misuse and abuse of the Original Intend that we have here. And the Supreme Court ruled at least twice. You really should watch the Justicar Video I've posted!
At one point he said "we lower court judges", so he might be a judge and know it better than we do.

2018-11-05 00:47:05 UTC  

Print is all we have.

2018-11-05 00:48:55 UTC  

So if our interpretation is so wrong how has it lasted for 150 years with a trail of precedent all through that time? This is not a new issue.

2018-11-05 00:49:50 UTC  

because it wasn't really an issue until recently, because the immigration act of ~1964 or so....

2018-11-05 00:49:50 UTC  

And again, if you were willing to remove illegals from US jurisdiction, I think it'd pass muster.

2018-11-05 00:50:09 UTC  

I...I'm not sure what you mean.

2018-11-05 00:50:17 UTC  

Its the fucking job of the Gouvernment to remove illegal aliens.

2018-11-05 00:50:22 UTC  

But as long as they are subject to US law, I really think we're stuck

2018-11-05 00:50:31 UTC  

as its the job of Security hired by a company to remove illegal entrys.

2018-11-05 00:50:32 UTC  

Illegals don't need to be removed from US jurisdiction. They are not under US jurisdiction in the first place.

2018-11-05 00:50:51 UTC  

As long as we can try an illegal for murder, they are in our jurisdiction

2018-11-05 00:51:36 UTC  

If we grant illegals diplomatic immunity like we do embassy staff then problem solved

2018-11-05 00:51:49 UTC  

That could be done by treaty

2018-11-05 00:51:52 UTC  

I don't understand. Do we not prosecute foreign nationals for crimes done to American people or property?

2018-11-05 00:52:10 UTC  

And a treaty, as ratified by the Senate, becomes part of the constitution

2018-11-05 00:52:18 UTC  

there is no problem. you are creating the problem through needless legalese.

2018-11-05 00:52:37 UTC  

@DrYuriMom What do you say about the Children born by Diplomats in the US?
If we follow your logic, they should be US Citizens, right?

2018-11-05 00:52:45 UTC  

they are not citizens. they are not residents. they are not tourists. they are not natives. they have no legal status, except as fucking invaders.

2018-11-05 00:53:26 UTC  

would you think it rational to either a) put a viking raider on trial or b) give them immunity? no. you'd just kill them or drive them off and have done with it.

2018-11-05 00:53:37 UTC  

No, Stefan. Diplomat children are specifically the *only* children not covered by the 14th

2018-11-05 00:53:44 UTC  

```there is no problem. you are creating the problem through needless legalese.```
There is a Problem. When you take the "are Indians White" Case, it would mean that the Citzienship of all illegaly born here could be revoked, wich means that tens of millions of people could be deportet and loose their Citizenship. that IS a Problem.

2018-11-05 00:53:56 UTC  

And foreigners, even with your current comma quibble.

2018-11-05 00:54:11 UTC  

that's not a problem to me