Message from @Mimi

Discord ID: 523139373341081612

2018-12-13 13:43:03 UTC  


2018-12-13 13:43:31 UTC  

The worst thing I knew of nVidia doing was the RTX cards XD

2018-12-13 13:43:43 UTC  

I never knew they were that shitty in their business practices

2018-12-13 13:44:26 UTC  

Oh yeah and their laptop graphics cards sucked ass until like very very recently.
They always were known for having issues

2018-12-13 14:17:30 UTC  

Intel and nVidia have had their heads up their asses for too long and AMD is on track to steal huge sections of their respective markets if they don't wise up.

2018-12-13 16:25:19 UTC  


2018-12-13 18:21:07 UTC  


2018-12-13 19:34:09 UTC  

Ban stupidity.

2018-12-13 19:59:34 UTC  

hey now, liberals deserve to be able to express their opinions too

2018-12-13 20:26:28 UTC  

```I never knew they were that shitty in their business practices```
Yeah, they are worst. Just look at the Crysis 2 shit that happned. Not visible highly tesselated water.

Or all the shit they did with the tesselated hair from their Hairworks bullshit in Witcher 3 (and in the German PCGH, there was an interview where the lead programmer shat on nVidia as best as he could and called it a "business decision")...

2018-12-13 20:30:03 UTC  

Or their closed source Gameworks Libary that normally don't allow the developers to change the code or even look at it.

2018-12-13 20:31:03 UTC  

and if you think that the Gameworks Libery does one thing and the nVidia Graphics card something different, you might be right.
And if you think well, that smells like anti-competitive behaviour and damaging your competition, you'r etotally right.

2018-12-13 23:43:17 UTC  

seafoam is the ocean ejaculating. change my mind

2018-12-13 23:44:04 UTC  

The seafoam is that ginger mermaid tho

2018-12-13 23:46:40 UTC  

that's not what I meant

2018-12-13 23:46:49 UTC  

and you feckin' know it

2018-12-14 11:27:23 UTC  

Anyone know if this is true?
```We would see near-UV as magenta if we could see those wavelengths with our cones. We can't because our lenses filter out most of the light in that range and so it falls below the threshold of photopic (cone based) vision. People who have had their lenses surgically replaced with artificial lenses that are more UV transparent do in fact see near UV light as a magenta or magenta haze.```

2018-12-14 13:19:15 UTC  

Horseshoe theory of colour is commie propaganda.

2018-12-14 13:56:27 UTC  

I want to share a thought I have in regards of "what is the Truth?".
Is it matter of perspective or not?
Let me express a hypothetical situation I 've been thinking:
```There are two persons, one with a condition that doesn't allow him to feel pain (Congenital insensitivity to pain and anhydrosis(CIPA)), and another that is normal. Both of them are hit with a stone in the head. So, the person with CIPA would not feel any pain, while the regular person would be squirming on the floor. ```
So, pain would be a matter of perspective, right? One feels it the other doesn't.
But, both of them got hurt, so the truth is that both persons were hurt. Hurt is the truth.


2018-12-14 14:08:45 UTC  

you might be moved by the momentum of the brick hitting you, and maybe dazed by the jolt to your brain.

2018-12-14 14:09:06 UTC  

but you wouldn't FEEL the pain. your brain would not register the pain as it was.

2018-12-14 14:15:52 UTC  


2018-12-14 14:18:22 UTC  

you'd be injured, but you wouldn't register it

2018-12-14 14:18:37 UTC  

The damage is the truth. It is measurable. Pain is someone perception of it. It is opinion.
We can both be standing in front of a picture. That is the truth. Whether or not it is a good picture is perception.

2018-12-14 14:18:43 UTC  

I guess it depends on your definitionof hurt.

2018-12-14 14:19:06 UTC  

Yes, I should have used damage.

2018-12-14 14:20:04 UTC  

then of course. Not feeling pain doesn't make you bullet proof.

2018-12-14 14:21:16 UTC  

facts don't care about your feelings.

2018-12-14 14:22:11 UTC  

hahaha, @Poppy Rider, your example is shorter.

2018-12-14 14:22:30 UTC  


2018-12-14 14:23:02 UTC  

@Mimi I'll use damage, rather than hurt

2018-12-14 19:33:56 UTC  

Would leaving Afghanistan be a good idea? When we left Iraq, it caused a power vacuum and ISIS came into power. Will we be responsible for the deaths caused by a neo-Taliban after we leave?

2018-12-14 19:50:04 UTC  

We can’t stay forever and I don’t think those countries will ever have stability.

2018-12-14 19:51:12 UTC  

Best to leave and just have a travel ban for people from those countries.

2018-12-14 19:51:35 UTC  


2018-12-14 19:51:57 UTC  

I would say, extreme migration policy for them.

2018-12-14 19:53:04 UTC  

Oh of course. Destabilizing the Middle East *never* comes back to bite the West in the ass

2018-12-14 19:54:01 UTC  

Also when we try training/arming them so they can fight terrorists they always end up using it against us.

2018-12-14 19:54:28 UTC  

That's because the CIA likes to pick extremist groups

2018-12-14 19:54:37 UTC  

Like it's their weird fetish