Message from @Khanclansith

Discord ID: 526664361964601349

2018-12-20 17:58:29 UTC  

I dunno about that. They've got some rather specific economic ideas that such a plan works well with. It's just that some things you can't buy local, and our economy is driven by people buying shit they really don't need or definitely cannot afford

2018-12-20 17:59:34 UTC  

honestly though debt is a major hindrance to the economy IMO but I get that's how we generate more wealth and it sucks

2018-12-20 18:01:54 UTC  

I don't think it's an especially good or desirable system either, outside of the top down perspective. But that's what happens when you get centralized market tending

2018-12-20 21:01:45 UTC  

not necessarily, but it is a likelihood in any event

2018-12-24 07:26:29 UTC  

@Herkules97 pstb over here

2018-12-24 07:26:37 UTC  

What is pstb

2018-12-24 07:27:13 UTC  

an anomanapia indicating the sound of someone trying to get your attention.

2018-12-24 07:28:06 UTC  

As you can see we have trolls oh-plenty.

2018-12-24 07:28:12 UTC  

oh, you mean the pst

2018-12-24 07:28:23 UTC  

Idk, he's fun to talk to

2018-12-24 07:28:27 UTC  

But that is normal on the net so we try to just ignore them

2018-12-24 07:28:32 UTC  

Is that what trolls are? They seem fun

2018-12-24 07:29:42 UTC  

Trolls are the cyberspaces version of drama stars, they want to be the center of attention, just leave them alone and they will go away after a while.

2018-12-24 07:30:26 UTC  

But if we're not trying to come to a conclusion, why not join in? It's all for fun

2018-12-24 07:33:15 UTC  

Most of the folks here are hovering around the middle, but we have some far Authoritarian, Socialist, Libertarian, and Capitalists types in here too and we have trolls. Since this place is fairly open and non-judgemental, the Trolls come here to hang out.

2018-12-24 07:34:18 UTC  

Mhm, I have no idea what the political leanings actually mean. I just watch Tim's videos and wanted to know what they were, not knowing what they mean exactly, but they are on different sides

2018-12-24 07:34:45 UTC  

If this poll existed I would read up on what the sides mean to understand it better

2018-12-24 07:35:09 UTC  

It is a self guided exam that lets you know

2018-12-24 07:35:31 UTC  

Because mainstream is right now just repbulican= racist and democrats= gods from what I hear and that's not really right

2018-12-24 07:36:27 UTC  

for some bench marks

2018-12-24 07:36:41 UTC  

Plus even knowing the sides, that doesn't tell the whole story. It's useless curiosity

2018-12-24 07:37:02 UTC  

Like knowing what people eat for breakfast, it's not really going to go anywhere

2018-12-24 07:37:43 UTC  

I realize that, but it helps you get a sort of base line bearing.

2018-12-24 07:38:07 UTC  

and as someone mentioned, it would help people making hitpieces I guess

2018-12-24 07:38:26 UTC  

Take the good with the bad

2018-12-24 07:38:58 UTC  

In reality it should be 3d to account for "I did this" vs "This happened to me"

2018-12-24 07:41:14 UTC  

A lot of modern Republicans are very close to the center, what we are seeing is the "Left" and the "Liberal Progressives" as they call themselves moving further and further to the left and higher and higher into the Authoritarian spectrum. "Intersectionality" at this point is easily confused with the dogma exposed in Mien Komf.

2018-12-24 13:18:07 UTC  

@Khanclansith I find myself agreeing with many of his comments about sloppy questions, it is why I don't think my compass is exactly right, I usually come down in the "Right Libertarian" a bit too far right than I think I am because i am answering some questions "The closest of two things I don't really agree with"

2018-12-24 15:03:15 UTC  

To be honest, I just don't entirely understand the 'right' spectrum of economic policies. Corporations have shown time and again they are willing to conspire and twist the system in spite of the desires of the public market.

2018-12-24 15:08:11 UTC  

left and right are both economically resource focused, the right is from the perspective of the individual and what he can earn, the left is from the collective and what they deserve.

2018-12-24 15:17:55 UTC  

I think you'd find that very few people actually argue for unregulated markets.
But that also doesn't mean your first reaction to everything should be regulation.

2018-12-24 15:28:43 UTC  

i think theres far to many people arguing for unregulated markets. often either people on the right who are brainwashed into following the free market at any cost or people on the left who use threats to corporations in order to strong arm ideology in a global market dominated world

2018-12-24 15:57:09 UTC  

Free markets is the best regulatory policy.

2018-12-24 15:57:41 UTC  

Especially a free market in government, or at least in money.

2018-12-24 16:18:02 UTC  

free markets arnt the best regulatory policy, we can see clearly that many of the problems we are having right now are due to the free market. in a free market the idea is that people can vote with their wallet, however if the country itself cannot unite against any common threat, meaning that any choice that corporations make that disadvantages one group in society is proportionally supported by another group in society who are against those that the corporation are disadvantaging, voting with your wallet doesn't work, because democracy has also failed at the same time.

one would think that corporations would want to sell as much of their product as possible and thus would treat everyone equally however this fails to address several issues that equate to a different result when they are factored in

1: people are not all the same: some people within an economic environment are going to be more aggressive by default than others because of natural levels of ambition that are associated with ideological positions, people who think thing A are more prone to also think thing B, but people who think things C are less likely to think either. this is why you see the left in the west able to push corporations to discriminate against an unprotected group of people who they disagree with ideologically who also wont stoop to the same tactics.

2: different people are attracted to thinks disproportionately: the left got to the internet first, and while the right has been surging in recent years, the left had the first stronghold, this means its quite possible the left have more people using the product than the right do, thus corporations have more incentive to favor the left with the choice making for the product than they do the right who not only are probably less numerous but are also being driven from the product at the same time meaning even less exist now or the future

2018-12-24 16:18:10 UTC  

3: monopoly: an opposite to point 2 is that some products only exist because of one big corporation and are difficult to find and use. thus the corporation can mistreat its consumers as much as it wants without any threat of its consumers voting with their wallets, because they actually cant, and in a true free market there's no way to regulate a monopoly nor is there any incentive for the free market to not form a monopoly most often from the pioneers of a new industry.

2018-12-24 16:20:40 UTC  

a corporation will act as a government when there is no government to act as a government, everything bad about corporations is when a corporation acts like a government, everything bad about a government is when it trys to act like a corporation. people you buy your food to and people you pay taxes to should never be the same people regardless of how you managed to get to that point.

2018-12-24 16:21:19 UTC  

and if you think taxes wont exist without government, then what is rent?

2018-12-24 16:51:40 UTC  

Rent is not theft. Social contracts are invalid. There is no problem of monopoly in a free market.