Message from @Beemann

Discord ID: 525372287810142219

2018-12-20 17:36:31 UTC  

Okay, so your goal is what, to make google an official institution instead of moving to alternatives?

2018-12-20 17:36:57 UTC  

Like the option exists now to cut google out pretty much entirely

2018-12-20 17:39:36 UTC  

my goal is this: either increase the competitive nature of the market, or if we're going to continue to treat google as "the face of the internet," we need to actually treat it like a liable institution instead of as a privatized one. I'm willing to go either way, but where it's at right now it enjoys the benefits of being the biggest name that everyone knows (and people tend to be lazy and not care that there are alternatives) while still being a private company that doesn't have to be held as accountable for what it's doing as a public institution would

2018-12-20 17:40:18 UTC  

How do you increase the competitive nature or a market already primarily driven by users choosing to utilize a particular service?

2018-12-20 17:41:14 UTC  
2018-12-20 17:41:50 UTC  

I admit I don't know this one, and I'll have to get back to you on that, it just worries me

2018-12-20 17:42:30 UTC  

That's fine. I would say - look for alternative platforms. Wean yourself off the major ones if necessary, and see if you can drag a few friends over

2018-12-20 17:43:41 UTC  

that's the best solution. it's only problematic in that I'm literally fighting the market forces here

2018-12-20 17:43:44 UTC  

Riot.IM might be a good one to check out if you, like me, expect Discord to implode in a few years. as well
I personally think social medial platforms just shithouse in general but there's options for that too

2018-12-20 17:44:10 UTC  

No, you're using market forces. Sell people on the idea of using a less invasive alternative

2018-12-20 17:44:22 UTC  

People are leaving FB for a reason

2018-12-20 17:44:36 UTC  

that's true, FB is finally slowing down

2018-12-20 17:44:44 UTC  

but amazon and google... yikes

2018-12-20 17:45:16 UTC  

amazon literally buys out anyone who would be competitors by buying their product and reselling it, which is scummy

2018-12-20 17:46:26 UTC  

I guess it's the capitalist paradox: competition is good for everyone except companies

2018-12-20 17:51:55 UTC  

You can still order from many stores directly, including groceries at this point. You can also just buy locally

2018-12-20 17:56:17 UTC  

Something a lot of lefties have been promoting for years

2018-12-20 17:56:42 UTC  

which is rather ironic

2018-12-20 17:58:29 UTC  

I dunno about that. They've got some rather specific economic ideas that such a plan works well with. It's just that some things you can't buy local, and our economy is driven by people buying shit they really don't need or definitely cannot afford

2018-12-20 17:59:34 UTC  

honestly though debt is a major hindrance to the economy IMO but I get that's how we generate more wealth and it sucks

2018-12-20 18:01:54 UTC  

I don't think it's an especially good or desirable system either, outside of the top down perspective. But that's what happens when you get centralized market tending

2018-12-20 21:01:45 UTC  

not necessarily, but it is a likelihood in any event

2018-12-24 07:26:29 UTC  

@Herkules97 pstb over here

2018-12-24 07:26:37 UTC  

What is pstb

2018-12-24 07:27:13 UTC  

an anomanapia indicating the sound of someone trying to get your attention.

2018-12-24 07:28:06 UTC  

As you can see we have trolls oh-plenty.

2018-12-24 07:28:12 UTC  

oh, you mean the pst

2018-12-24 07:28:23 UTC  

Idk, he's fun to talk to

2018-12-24 07:28:27 UTC  

But that is normal on the net so we try to just ignore them

2018-12-24 07:28:32 UTC  

Is that what trolls are? They seem fun

2018-12-24 07:29:42 UTC  

Trolls are the cyberspaces version of drama stars, they want to be the center of attention, just leave them alone and they will go away after a while.

2018-12-24 07:30:26 UTC  

But if we're not trying to come to a conclusion, why not join in? It's all for fun

2018-12-24 07:33:15 UTC  

Most of the folks here are hovering around the middle, but we have some far Authoritarian, Socialist, Libertarian, and Capitalists types in here too and we have trolls. Since this place is fairly open and non-judgemental, the Trolls come here to hang out.

2018-12-24 07:34:18 UTC  

Mhm, I have no idea what the political leanings actually mean. I just watch Tim's videos and wanted to know what they were, not knowing what they mean exactly, but they are on different sides

2018-12-24 07:34:45 UTC  

If this poll existed I would read up on what the sides mean to understand it better

2018-12-24 07:35:09 UTC  

It is a self guided exam that lets you know

2018-12-24 07:35:31 UTC  

Because mainstream is right now just repbulican= racist and democrats= gods from what I hear and that's not really right

2018-12-24 07:36:27 UTC  

for some bench marks

2018-12-24 07:36:41 UTC  

Plus even knowing the sides, that doesn't tell the whole story. It's useless curiosity