Message from @Arch-Fiend

Discord ID: 526979820249284608

2018-12-25 02:56:24 UTC  

```In the first place, they do not, like him, make themselves individually known; or, consequently, take upon themselves personally the responsibility of their acts.  On the contrary, they secretly (by secret ballot) designate some one of their number to commit the robbery in their behalf, while they keep themselves practically concealed.

-Lysander Spooner, No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority.```

2018-12-25 03:11:54 UTC  

Representative government is only our collective will as an electorate. The Founding Fathers did not say "taxation is evil" they said "taxation without representation is evil"

2018-12-25 03:14:15 UTC  

I will pay over $20,000 in federal income tax this year and I do so joyously as the act of paying taxes is the act of a free citizen. It is the slave who does not pay taxes.

2018-12-25 03:14:51 UTC  

I vote and I pay taxes, both are my agency as a citizen made manifest.

2018-12-25 03:38:50 UTC  

A free citizen. One so free they still need to pay taxes or risk jail even when they no longer live in the country.

2018-12-25 03:40:01 UTC  

If they no longer wish the support of thier government they can renounce thier citizenship.

2018-12-25 03:45:46 UTC  

The price of freedom is threat of jail just because of the circumstances of your birth.

2018-12-25 03:49:40 UTC  

"the Price of Freedom is Eternal Vigilence" wasn't it that?

2018-12-25 03:49:52 UTC  

and there was a video Game I loved called "the Price of Freedom"...

2018-12-25 03:50:22 UTC  

though many here might be too young to know it 😛

2018-12-25 03:50:29 UTC  

and don't have the right input devices to play it

2018-12-25 03:51:30 UTC  

It was a 1996 release on PC-CD-ROM.

2018-12-25 03:51:43 UTC  

freaking 7 Discs

2018-12-25 03:58:01 UTC  

taxes arnt the price of freedom, taxes are the price of sovereignty

2018-12-25 03:59:42 UTC  

freedom isint a concept that any living thing actually has, what we as humans can manage is a very narrow definition of freedom that we also disagree over the best interpretation of and implantation of.

2018-12-25 04:08:10 UTC  

The point is, you avoid taxes you go to jail. But you can only avoid taxes if you permanently leave the country. Yet to do that, another country had to accept you. You are offered no choice. Your parents decide. That is not freedom.

2018-12-25 04:14:12 UTC  

thats actually a disingenuous argument, because it implies something by not giving the full context of what causes the effect it argues against. you do go to jail if you avoid paying taxes, however you can avoid having to pay taxes and remain a member of a state. i've never paid income tax for example, the reason ive never paid income tax is that ive never actually had income. now various things in our society that you opt into have associated taxes such as property and income, these taxes exist for one reason and one reason only, national defense.

i would say though that what the united states uses taxes for and how it treats people who owe taxes to the united states has overreached its reasonable and constitutional boundaries.

2018-12-25 04:15:55 UTC  

we could have an argument where a preferable response to someone not paying taxes would be excommunication though if you like.

2018-12-25 04:27:12 UTC  

If government is an insurance agency protecting us from aggression against our person or property, then for an insurance agency to use force against competing agencies is a contradiction of it's purpose of a protection against aggression.

2018-12-25 04:27:39 UTC  

taxes arnt an argument of freedom or economics or democracy, taxes are a matter of state maintenance, to maintain the government you choose to maintain rather than having another government maintained by other people who do choose to pay taxes (forced or otherwise) and not having any government of your own to defend yourself from that other government.

until you see a world that has no need for governments, and trust me we are far far from that, if its even possible because humans tend to collectivize in order to combine our efforts to a common goal even if we have no need to do so in order to survive; you will never rid humanity of taxes.

also the scenario where you do eliminate taxes wont be a capitalism anymore, because a capitalism requires a hierarchy that can demand a majority to pay a minority for leadership, and the only scenario you have a majority that does not need leadership in order to survive is one which somehow a single individual can both defend itself from the majority and also the majority no longer gains any benefits from cooperation compared to doing things for themselves. which is a post scarcity anarcho communism.

2018-12-25 04:29:39 UTC  

frankly im not sure a species of animals we currently define as humans can exist within communities without taxes

2018-12-25 04:30:47 UTC  

taxes are so integral to how we manage communities in competition with other communities and competition is a such an natural instinct among humans

2018-12-25 04:32:29 UTC  

people dont really want to get rid of taxes, no matter how many of them say they do, only humans who feel no threat see no reason to have them, however humans who feel no threat arnt the kind of humans i would like to live amongs in society.\

2018-12-25 04:34:05 UTC  

```"You're all a bunch of socialists!"
-Ludwig von Mises.```

2018-12-25 04:36:18 UTC  

the only way to avoid taxes and generally function without relying on the state is to be self sufficient, yet that state makes such activities like hunting illegal without having the required permits, and only during certain times of the year. And in order to farm you need land, which usually means you were given something the state counts as income at some point and taxed unless you were very very lucky with the life you were born into. For most people avoiding taxes is not valid option that doesn't still post a risk of death or jail. And the state cannot be relied upon to statify your basic needs.

2018-12-25 04:37:08 UTC  

also a government isint an insurance agency protecting you from aggression against your person or property, it is when you only imagine yourself in a world without government, however in a world where government is established for as long as humanity has existed in some form or another, government is that natural tendency of humans who associate themselves to some people but not all people. in that scenario what government insures you against is the eternal out group and insures the propagation of whatever in group you have and the rules that have existed for that in group for as long as it remains sovereign

2018-12-25 04:40:03 UTC  

the state taxes what are basic needs within its society to insure that anyone who benefits from its protection is guaranteed to be earning it. thats simply the most sensible method of taxation.

2018-12-25 04:41:10 UTC  

no state is free to those who choose not to believe they are part of it yet choose to still depend on it

2018-12-25 04:42:10 UTC  

And then goes out of it's way to make competiting with them for supplying those needs needlessly expensive. There by keeping their justification for taxing.

2018-12-25 04:43:12 UTC  

i would state that if you can manage to have the protection of a state without paying any taxes your stealing from the state and everyone around you

2018-12-25 04:44:26 UTC  

you would be an incredibly privilaged person in that community for the community to choose you of all of them not to have to provide anything to have the same rights and benefits they all share by mutual cooperation with eachother

2018-12-25 04:45:43 UTC  

yet i assume thats not really whats desired, whats truely desired is absolute freedom, which you can only get without a state, and thus you also can only get in part of the world no community claims to own, true wilderness

2018-12-25 04:46:00 UTC  

So you force me to use the provided road, make it near illegal for me to build my own, then say I'm stealing when I don't want to pay taxes for something you are forcing me to use?

2018-12-25 04:47:27 UTC  

ive already stated i beleive the united states over reaches, i think you should be able to do far more than you can do in the united states with what you pay taxes for

2018-12-25 04:48:03 UTC  

however you could never build a road without paying for taxes, for instance you cant build a road without owning the land the road is going on

2018-12-25 04:48:32 UTC  

Sure you can. That just causes a bunch of other problems.

2018-12-25 04:49:04 UTC  

sure you can overreach yourself onto other people into the community

2018-12-25 04:49:41 UTC  

but i dont think grenade would agree with that either

2018-12-25 04:53:11 UTC  

im arguing from a hypothetical perspective of a principled state, not a perspective of the united states of american. in my opinion i don't believe someone should be able to do ANYTHING productive in the united states without being taxed (within measurable reason) however on the same hand i believe the taxes should be less and the amount of things you should be allowed to do when you are paying taxes should be massively increased

2018-12-25 04:57:19 UTC  

people born into a state are a problem because they didn't choose to live there, and they don't have the option to leave by default usually, unless there happens to be unclaimed land near by.

2018-12-25 04:59:40 UTC  

because they are born into an environment not of their own choosing and then after 18 years have to choose without any incentive by their progenitors (who usually would prefer them to remain in the environment they are born into unless they themselves fled it) to choose to stay within that environment or go to a different environment?