Message from @Vannevariable

Discord ID: 541349698565439488

2019-02-01 17:57:44 UTC  

but we've enshrined huge government entities like teh FBI, CIA, and the rest of the alphabet as the real powers.

2019-02-01 17:57:52 UTC  

politicians change.

2019-02-01 18:15:38 UTC  

So should they. <_<

2019-02-01 18:51:17 UTC  

agencies don't

2019-02-01 18:51:38 UTC  

The deepstate is real

2019-02-01 18:51:43 UTC  

we have a bureaucratic aristocracy, yeah

2019-02-01 18:51:51 UTC  

why do you think the FBI is hounding trump

2019-02-01 18:52:01 UTC  

"obstruction of justice" prevents him from firing their asses

2019-02-01 18:56:09 UTC  

I do not recognize their authority

2019-02-01 19:38:44 UTC  

I do because I'm an American citizen.

2019-02-01 19:40:08 UTC  

Those two things aren't mutually exclusive

2019-02-01 23:22:32 UTC  

Patriot act was written before 9/11

2019-02-02 00:22:57 UTC  

Patriot Act was a wishlist of shit the LE / Intel community wanted but knew they would get flayed alive for asking for. When The 11 September attacks happened they just used the moment to pass it

2019-02-02 04:59:20 UTC  


2019-02-02 07:11:24 UTC  

Never let a good tragedy go to waste

2019-02-02 16:07:33 UTC  

Ruth Bader Ginsburg is dead or incapacitated, change my mind.

2019-02-02 19:43:36 UTC  

She can remain on the court unless she is dead can't she?

2019-02-02 19:54:23 UTC  

Fox News already leaked her death

2019-02-02 20:10:10 UTC  

let's get that confirmed or denied

2019-02-02 20:10:25 UTC  

fox alone isn't enough confirmation, but still enough to check

2019-02-02 20:13:06 UTC  

Lets look at the probability.

2019-02-02 20:13:19 UTC  

what was the last you heard about RBG?
And when did you hear the last of RBG?

2019-02-02 20:13:37 UTC  

Last I heard was a lung removal operation, wich is said to be a higher risk one.

2019-02-02 20:13:50 UTC  

And that was months ago.

2019-02-02 20:14:11 UTC  

So the conclusion can only be that she's either dead or on her way to be dead.

2019-02-02 20:14:36 UTC  

If that wasn't the case, we'd hear about something of her in da News.

2019-02-02 20:15:27 UTC  


2019-02-02 20:15:34 UTC  

so let's get her checked up

2019-02-02 20:15:54 UTC  

Health and Safety Check

2019-02-02 20:37:58 UTC  

$10 that she has been dead and has just controlled by a ventriloquist.

2019-02-03 04:32:29 UTC  

@halfthink Not sure where the hell I would fall into the spectrum of left or right, but I basically argue that a wall will do it's job of making it harder for people to cross the border. Im indifferent but if I had to pick would support a wall. I just hate how people think a wall will do nothing. If you mount a camera or some detection unit, it will literally buy time for an investigation team to get to the area. People say just go under it. I saw , once you find a tunnel, you collapse it or fill it up with cement. Pretty sure closing up a tunnel is faster and easier than digging a new one. You keep doing this until people get the clue that it becomes too much work to do. You can make a wall tall enough for it to become dangerous to go over. So it people climbed over it they are likely injured or tired. You don't need a continuous wall, you can make it break out into the middle of nowhere. So if people want to go around it you can let the natural barriers do the work for you. This basically makes it hard enough that only young men would be able to cross consistently.

2019-02-03 04:32:44 UTC  

Then people argue about cost of maintenance . Since a wall is something simple , you wouldn't even need much to maintain it. I simply see the wall more like a permanent fixture with a fixed cost that will pay itself over time. Better than a variable cost of buying high tech shit and more manpower. Which would basically make the wall a metered wall where you can count how many people crossed. I do think the wall would need this surveillance but nowhere to the degree needed if there was no wall. You see someone trying to cross. You send people to that area to investigate. Since the wall slowed them down enough, you have a higher likelihood of catching them. People catch on, and alot more people would give up attempting to cross. This frees up resources and could be allocated to ICE or something to then go after the people in the country. If people start abusing visas more, you start giving out less visas, if you can't track these people.

2019-02-03 17:16:34 UTC  

these are all good points I THINK most of us are aware of. I agree myself.

2019-02-03 19:35:37 UTC  

I have an interesting hypothetical situation for you lads

2019-02-03 19:37:15 UTC  

So. I'm part of a grand strategy sci-fi roleplaying game, and I run a nation who uphold the value of liberty in the law; blatant violations of the principle of liberty are met with martial law, but the government is socially libertarian, e.g. drug use is legal as long as it only affects the self; this is done to pacify the highly criminal population, as the country is descended from a prison colony

2019-02-03 19:38:05 UTC  

An intergalactic megacorporation broke broadcasting violations by showing unedited, uncensored footage of dead soldiers with no warning and no permission from either the government or the families of the deceased

2019-02-03 19:39:02 UTC  

Now, my government sent a cease and desist to the newsgroup, asking them to retract the story and apologise. This was met with an accusation of suppression of the free media

2019-02-03 19:39:38 UTC  

However, the news organisation broke multiple broadcasting laws, and slandered law enforcement when they tried to enforce the law

2019-02-03 19:40:10 UTC  

The current course of action is to attempt to arrest the individuals behind filming and airing the footage, as well as whoever wrote the libellous letter

2019-02-03 19:40:25 UTC  

Here's where the dilemma comes in