Message from @Blackhawk342

Discord ID: 544007397086068746

2019-02-10 03:42:03 UTC  

Even if that *something* is finding who your allies are.

2019-02-10 03:45:35 UTC  

And before people think I'm trying to escalate the "civil war" I'd argue the faster we can retaliate to where these tactics become too painful, the faster the civil war will de-escalate.

2019-02-10 03:46:11 UTC  

The longer we sit, the more creative the left is going to get at punishing whomever is it's enemy or fails to shift left fast enough.

2019-02-10 03:50:10 UTC  

Also, while you might imagine "sellers" having the right, it need not be symmetric.

2019-02-10 03:51:31 UTC  


2019-02-10 03:52:03 UTC  

expecting rights to be symmetric at this point is a right wing opinion

2019-02-10 03:54:58 UTC  

1) Not helping.
2) Well, then you'd best start fighting. Because then the far left does not intend to play fair and won't stop until it has *everything it could ever dream of*

2019-02-10 03:55:37 UTC  

How about this. Next time people are here griping about the latest dirty play by the left and I'm not around, can you argue my point about the need to organize and do something? That would be the least anyone here could do.

2019-02-10 03:59:52 UTC  

Also, when discussing things, there's more to do than just play dirty tricks. We need a new ACLU for example, or to find a way to push the ACLU back towards free speech absolutism.

2019-02-10 04:00:39 UTC  

And then when someone *makes* said ACLU, we need ways to contribute funds. Both openly (for those in more free-speech absolutist environments) and secretly (for those deep in "enemy territory")

2019-02-10 04:01:02 UTC  

And then passing around organizations that do good things is also good.

2019-02-10 04:01:53 UTC  

Finally, libertarians need to actually live up to volunteerism and support their organizations at a level like the left. I walk around and see lots of SPLC stickers on every car. I rarely see anything non-left, even when I'm in very Republican parts of Upstate.

2019-02-10 04:02:52 UTC  

Everything helps a bit, but mostly, we need ways to defend people in these institutions who simply want to keep things implemented fairly or keeping the institutions neutral.

2019-02-10 04:03:27 UTC  

Don't just "keep your head down" find ways to network with the people who think as you do, atleast in part.

2019-02-10 04:04:45 UTC  

Also, can we drop the pointless purity spirals about any time "government" gets mentioned, it's automatically bad, even before someone has stated what they want. I'd swear you can't even argue for a way to take decision power out of bureaucrat's hands if you say the word "government"

2019-02-10 04:06:49 UTC  

Yes, this is a generally right or left libertarian space. But reflexive jerks and refusal to consider *any* solution so we can circle jerk about how terrible the government is supposed to be is just like the far left going increasingly off the rails to try and "protect the marginalized."

But because we're "better" we won't even consider that a possibility and just go further and further until everyone *has* to be some kind of ancom or ancap. It's stupid.

2019-02-10 04:09:40 UTC  

@Blackhawk342 @Grenade123 @Trancezustand any obejections to me copying this conversation onto minds and possibly linking it elsewhere? If so, should I anonymize anyone. It would go:

I'd also probably link the conversation onto a related couple discords.

2019-02-10 04:10:01 UTC  

go for it

2019-02-10 04:10:35 UTC  

UN, ISO, WTO, SCO, NATO, Trade blocs and other intergovernmental agreements; International central banking financial institutions like the BIS and the FSB and their roles in global economic policies. 4GW 4th gen warfare and the pros and cons of tech warfare and the current proxy wars. SLOC sea lines of communication and containerization seaport trade. Multipolar world debates, his opinions on meetings like Davos and the G20. Intelligence organization groups like 5 eyes and what should intelligence agencies role be in todays information age. Multinational corporations and their regulation, Global black markets, Internet regulation, World Nuclear policies, Private Military Companies, Global resource management systems, UN security Council reform. International mining contentions and globalization in general. Washington vs Beijing consensus, that kinda shit. Just his overall current state of the world and his opinions on the GFS.

2019-02-10 04:10:43 UTC  

yea just add that lol

2019-02-10 04:11:10 UTC  

Dont bother anonymizing me, I take the space marine approach to camouflage

2019-02-10 04:12:02 UTC  

No one here is trying to be an ancap, they're just looking for a middle path where they can fight the culture war without turning into their enemy

2019-02-10 04:16:35 UTC  

Agreed, but if you refuse to ever consider government anything, you'll eventually end up as either ancap or ancom for logical consistency. And neither of those work in practice. This is one of our strengths, as long as there's ideological diversity free speech and psychological safety, someone within the group should be (hopefully) able to raise alarms before things go out of hand. Becoming the hedgemonic, authoritarian far-left should never be the goal, though their tactics clearly work and have worked so some adoption of their tools and techniques is necessary.

I'll post whenver @Grenade123 gets back to me. Also, if anyone wants to join the group, it was intended to serve as a "memory" of important or valuable conversations on this discord.

2019-02-10 04:19:03 UTC  

Actually, as I mentioned, Trancezustand, things will get very interesting if The Proud Boys become dependent on the Chinese or Russian financial system. And Russia and China would be fools not to consider it. The contradictions involved would be...interesting. But if there's any rule of realpolitic, it's that contradictions can survive so long as there is shared interest between parties.

2019-02-10 04:20:48 UTC  

The Russia collusion conspiracy might become real. Not because it was real to begin with (i.e. Trump colluded), but because it becomes a literal survival necessity for some Trump supporters.

2019-02-10 04:21:29 UTC  

And if the US tried to blacklist the Chinese or Russian financial systems in entirety...that would get bloody.

2019-02-10 04:28:20 UTC  

#kickvic or #istandwithvic personally #istandwithvic because its probably all overblown and misunderstood and the comments man

2019-02-10 04:32:06 UTC  

i like the show me the evidence thomas sowell

2019-02-10 04:32:58 UTC  

vic reffering to the broly voice actor right?

2019-02-10 04:35:06 UTC  

anime is going to be gamergate 2.0 for real

2019-02-10 04:35:43 UTC  

and anime "journos" might take over the industry like they did the gaming world

2019-02-10 04:37:42 UTC  

Already are

2019-02-10 04:38:09 UTC  

Worse then gamer gate

2019-02-10 04:38:22 UTC  

then its worse than i feared already.

2019-02-10 04:39:03 UTC  

cause if gamergate wasnt a failure, gaming journos wouldn't be telling corporates to spread that agenda

2019-02-10 04:39:04 UTC  

That video explains it

2019-02-10 04:39:35 UTC  

So here's the question: What lessons have been learned from GamerGate and ComicsGate?

2019-02-10 04:39:44 UTC  

We have no power

2019-02-10 04:40:01 UTC  

No, it means you've applied the power you have wrong.