Message from @dirtnap

Discord ID: 400081030612254720

2018-01-09 00:05:46 UTC  

He's kind of a figure stuck between two areas of internet journalism

2018-01-09 00:06:04 UTC  

Nothing of value until you give him something to debate?

2018-01-09 00:06:08 UTC  

The article types and the youtube types

2018-01-09 00:06:18 UTC  

I never read his writings so

2018-01-09 00:06:57 UTC  

Thing is, I also avoid the news sites actively as well, like Fox, Brietbart and well, Inforwars, cause I also found some headlines rather silly.

2018-01-09 00:07:19 UTC  

Rephrase, because English isn't my first language:

2018-01-09 00:08:19 UTC  

I do not read most sites regardless of side. The right wing ones are just as capable of having silly headlines.

2018-01-09 00:08:39 UTC  

He's able to provide a bit of argumentative backing to his moral positions, rather than just straight up presenting the moral arguments without backing at all. That lets him pretend that his arguments aren't just, well, moral arguments, because at first glance they aren't.

2018-01-09 00:08:43 UTC  

Just happens so that for every Fox News, theres a dozen CNN tier sites.

2018-01-09 00:10:07 UTC  

Still, rather talk about the original topic.

2018-01-09 00:10:37 UTC  

A subset of the Don's supporters were skeptical at first, since they felt that Trump represented the elites.

2018-01-09 00:11:09 UTC  

Dont know if these people felt the same about HRC as well.

2018-01-09 00:14:30 UTC  

I think most people's thought process on that was "Even if Donald represents the elite, HRC definitely doesn't represent the people."

2018-01-09 00:14:40 UTC  

Basically my opinion on those two

2018-01-09 00:18:07 UTC  

I mean, I get that part, Trump is basically the elite, but his family had to start from the bottom as well. I cant think of anyone else who could take millions and regain that amount several thousand times over.

2018-01-09 00:18:36 UTC  


2018-01-09 00:18:38 UTC  

Someone put together a list of "alt right" accounts... Tim Poole is on it

2018-01-09 00:18:45 UTC  

Is there just a channel for chatting or is this basically it

2018-01-09 00:18:55 UTC  

I am sure tim already is aware of that

2018-01-09 00:19:10 UTC  

I think it's interesting. He's a part of the elite but the elite hates him. I think this is because all the elite threw a ton of money into Hillary's campaign (which everyone thought was a shoe in) and she lost so they got no returns

2018-01-09 00:19:25 UTC  

Both the Alt Right and the Far Left misclassify Tim as supporting the opposite extreme, so it's not very surprising he made that list.

2018-01-09 00:20:09 UTC  

I like how the alt left more quickly categorizes journalists than the alt right

2018-01-09 00:20:29 UTC  

But if Tim Pool is an alt right, I am literally hitler.

2018-01-09 00:20:54 UTC  

I just call them the ctrl Left

2018-01-09 00:21:02 UTC  

If you don't have the same opinion as an extremest you must be the opposite. Religeous dogma 101

2018-01-09 00:21:35 UTC  

Maybe its not that Trump was far right, but cause they were really far left.

2018-01-09 00:21:51 UTC  

Or they did not see themselves as really far to one side.

2018-01-09 00:21:53 UTC  

Honestly I don't even know what far right means these days

2018-01-09 00:21:58 UTC  


2018-01-09 00:22:28 UTC  

Yeah the left/right divide has shown itself as good for splitting up bodies of people and nothing really else

2018-01-09 00:22:30 UTC  

There used to be meaning to it, but now it seems all encompassing for anything you disagree with

2018-01-09 00:22:35 UTC  

i think its funny that I even just defended antifa in my latest video and they call me alt right

2018-01-09 00:22:45 UTC  

i give them dsoooooo much more leeway than most

2018-01-09 00:22:58 UTC  

alt right scum

2018-01-09 00:22:59 UTC  

You think they would change their mind even if they saw the vid?

2018-01-09 00:22:59 UTC  


2018-01-09 00:23:01 UTC  

Once a hitler always a hitler. tim. Might as well start growing out that toothbrush moustache rn

2018-01-09 00:23:03 UTC  


2018-01-09 00:23:05 UTC  

theres no point

2018-01-09 00:23:13 UTC  

too bad, its always nice to have a dream