Message from @Arch-Fiend

Discord ID: 425287760367058951

2018-03-19 13:25:40 UTC  

enjoy your ban

2018-03-19 13:25:49 UTC  


2018-03-19 13:25:51 UTC  

thats not how economics works

2018-03-19 13:29:55 UTC  

Except Nordic counties have a higher economic freedom than the us. So how does one have a more socialist society than the US yet have less red tape on the private sector?

2018-03-19 13:30:24 UTC  

socialism isint regulation, its a different form of ownership

2018-03-19 13:31:49 UTC  

So all companies are government owned in Nordic counties?

2018-03-19 13:32:05 UTC  

socialism is the government enforcing communism

2018-03-19 13:32:33 UTC  

socialism is a spectrom in the truist since of the term

2018-03-19 13:33:26 UTC  

its application maybe

socialism is just the ideal of the state replacing the private sector to provide the needs of the people

2018-03-19 13:33:46 UTC  

in a loose sense

2018-03-19 13:35:27 UTC  

socialism isint an ideal of state

2018-03-19 13:36:15 UTC  

its the opposite of an ideal of state, its a system, COMMUNISM is an ideal of the state

2018-03-19 13:36:52 UTC  

i never said ideal of state

I said its the ideal of: "the state replacing the private sector to provide the needs of the people"

2018-03-19 13:37:19 UTC  

these words get thrown around so much that they don't have meaning any more

2018-03-19 13:38:33 UTC  

its not replacing the private sector to provide the needs of the people, its some degree of blending of the private sector and the public sector and the degree of blending is subjective

2018-03-19 13:39:21 UTC  

when words are thrown around by retarded activists ON BOTH SIDES just to make their ideas or counter ideas seem more attractive to you simply get a dictonary

2018-03-19 13:40:04 UTC  

the principles im discribing here can be found in the first paragraph on a wikipedia article

2018-03-19 13:40:35 UTC  

and i said CAN not "use this source only"

2018-03-19 13:41:01 UTC  

it is replacing

A government company has no use if its private sector version is cheaper
If its more expensive to run it in private sector, you replace it with government

the only difference in the "spectrum" is on what you apply it on

And since government tends to be inneffective, its generally cheaper to run private industry

2018-03-19 13:41:07 UTC  

inb4 "you said wikipedia so i dont have to think anymore"

2018-03-19 13:41:43 UTC  

governments arnt ineffective, look at nazi germany 😛

2018-03-19 13:41:55 UTC  

did they succeed in killing ALL jews? 😛

2018-03-19 13:42:48 UTC  

depends on what you mean by ineffective

2018-03-19 13:43:00 UTC  

killing jews was an after thought for germany, theres a reason they did most of it all within the last 3 years of the war while the country itself lasted about 18 years before the end of the war

2018-03-19 13:43:18 UTC  

ineffective as in: Costs more money to run, and doesn't innovate as much

2018-03-19 13:44:04 UTC  
2018-03-19 13:44:17 UTC  

you mean the one so heavy it got stuck in the mud?

2018-03-19 13:44:21 UTC  

if thats not innovation i dont know waht is

2018-03-19 13:45:01 UTC  

i wouldn't call failed products "innovation"

2018-03-19 13:45:16 UTC  

innovation doesn't include failed products

thats experimentation

2018-03-19 13:45:18 UTC  

well it wasent failed as much as "didint get made"

2018-03-19 13:45:49 UTC  

right, because the King Tiger had its own problems because once you get to a certain size of tank, its weight becomes its worst enemy

2018-03-19 13:46:18 UTC  

Innovation can be defined simply as a "new idea, device or method"

2018-03-19 13:46:21 UTC  

that said, the russians have always been pretty innovative. and get things done with half the tech level

2018-03-19 13:47:15 UTC  

yes, thats the wikipedia 'buzzword' version of it

Just because you can slap a buzzword on something doesn't matter

2018-03-19 13:47:51 UTC  

I've just innovated the toilet! lets have it catapult the poop out a window

2018-03-19 13:49:25 UTC  

"innovation is often also viewed as the application of better solutions that meet new requirements, unarticulated needs, or existing market needs."

2018-03-19 13:49:49 UTC  

"is often"