Message from @Giant Energy Penis

Discord ID: 441672206452391936

2018-05-03 18:41:48 UTC  

if you arent in the centre, it means you are closing your mind off to other ideas

2018-05-03 18:42:46 UTC  

I think I get what Falko's saying. I consider myself centrist, but that doesn't mean I'm neutral on every issue out there. You can understand where someone is coming from without agreeing with them.

2018-05-03 18:42:53 UTC  

total center?

2018-05-03 18:42:55 UTC  


2018-05-03 18:43:21 UTC  

or just center as left and right is concerned?

2018-05-03 18:43:22 UTC  

not really... it just means that there are more positions on which you agree with "the left"... not even the "extreme left", just "the left"

2018-05-03 18:43:59 UTC  

You cant be perfect centre. We're all inclined in some way biologically and psychologically

2018-05-03 18:44:01 UTC  

I'm starting to entertain the notion that maybe true neutral isn't really something someone *needs* to strive for and it's more of an emphasis on actually being able to listen and understand other people's opinions. ..I say this as someone that's usually center/center on most days.

2018-05-03 18:44:11 UTC  

Drifts based on mood, you know how it is.

2018-05-03 18:44:27 UTC  

Im just saying, it gives you an indication of your own bias .. and something to watch out for ... and maybe open your mind to opposing ideas on the compass

2018-05-03 18:44:45 UTC  

sure, i can agree with that

2018-05-03 18:45:07 UTC  


2018-05-03 18:45:17 UTC  

Though having solid facts would help a ton.

2018-05-03 18:45:23 UTC  

Same thing, in a broader sense when it comes to personality imo

2018-05-03 18:45:28 UTC  

I kinda see it as a big target... and youre kinda aiming for the bullseye... but you still get lots of points for getting near the centre 😃

2018-05-03 18:45:33 UTC  

For example, I still have a problem differentiating socialism and communism because there doesn't seem to be a solid definition anymore.

2018-05-03 18:46:01 UTC  

Soviet russia was communist. Venuzuela is socialist. I'm not seeing much of a difference in how they're functioning or acting right now.

2018-05-03 18:46:14 UTC  

Makes it really hard to accept 'socialist' ideas.

2018-05-03 18:46:47 UTC  

The left dont like borders, so their ideologies kinda blend together cuz of that lol

2018-05-03 18:47:20 UTC  

I saw a video on this recently.. someone explaining that communism has actually "never been tried" ... that old chestnut... but they were basically saying that all these countries were actually just socialist

2018-05-03 18:47:39 UTC  

Which, in all honesty, pushes me even further away from the idea of socialism.

2018-05-03 18:47:40 UTC  

it is not important if one likes borders or not, they are necessary.

2018-05-03 18:47:50 UTC  

enlightened alt centrists unite

2018-05-03 18:48:10 UTC  

Wakanda forever!

2018-05-03 18:48:21 UTC  

`pls no`

2018-05-03 18:48:34 UTC  

when the left says "kill all kittens", and the right says "no dont kill any kittens", the obvious correct answer is to kill half of the kittens!

2018-05-03 18:48:43 UTC  

Hear hear.

2018-05-03 18:48:51 UTC  

gotta balance the universe somehow

2018-05-03 18:49:19 UTC  

"true" communism is kinda impossible as it require everyone to think the same thing without descent, socialism is meant to be a transition to that but its all a pipe dream

2018-05-03 18:49:23 UTC  

a regular centrist would compare both possitions and pic the one that suits him more, but the enlightened alt centrists do everything half

2018-05-03 18:49:27 UTC  

everyone who says that "real communism/socialismm has not been tried" is an self absorbed idiot. seriously... do they REALLY think that somehow THEY know better than any leader that tried it?

2018-05-03 18:50:12 UTC  

From what I've heard, the only time "true communism" works is when it's a very small, tight knit community wherein everyone *trusts* one another.

2018-05-03 18:50:32 UTC  

Moment the trust is gone and there's uncertainty things go out the window. This is ignoring human nature as well but, yeah.

2018-05-03 18:50:32 UTC  

I do find interesting how social values can shift through "the left" and "the right" .. like religious conservativism used to be "the right", but now its on the left.. and free speech was on "the left" but now its on "the right"

2018-05-03 18:50:35 UTC  

you can make anything work with a small group of people

2018-05-03 18:51:17 UTC  

Honestly? No. I've yet to see a community where it really goes that deep and nobody has to worry about trust issues. At least, if we're talking more than a handful of people at best.

2018-05-03 18:51:20 UTC  

@Giant Energy Penis very true. It require no outside interference as well. Which is why Marx said it needed to be a world wide revolution all at once for it to be successful

2018-05-03 18:51:49 UTC  

@wacka I've also been considering that the old standards of "left vs right" really are just that. Old and antiquated.

2018-05-03 18:51:54 UTC  

Might need a new system to properly define things.

2018-05-03 18:51:57 UTC  

Marx also said that he is not a Marxist

2018-05-03 18:52:08 UTC  

Penis, people have been saying that for years now