Message from @Dr.Cosby

Discord ID: 613128838091898920

2019-08-18 09:29:50 UTC  

obama nation

2019-08-18 20:35:20 UTC  

In other news, fire is hot

2019-08-19 08:57:14 UTC  

Men and women we have been subjugated as citizens, our leaders have abandoned us and our gods forsaken us. For we have commited sin! And what might I mean by sin? ANIME, anime has crept in to our everyday lives without us even noticing it. Our children watch it, it's on the sign posts, the toy stores, the television, the internet. Anime is attacking our lives. But why should anime be banned? If it is only cartoons? Well, anime is no mere cartoon. Simply just the way the Japs animate it, is witchcraft. We still don't know what does it exactly, but anyone who does watch anime is subject to brain cancer, tumors, aids, STDs, ebola, HIV, prostate cancer and even death. That's right anime KILLS. Ban anime before it's too late.

2019-08-19 14:44:40 UTC  

Proletriats of the world, we've been abused and oppressed for too long!
While the rich factory owner and politicians sit in their fancy office sipping expensive wines, we workers suffer in the dark mine of their endless industrial complex for 12 hours a day for what?
2 loaf of bread?
1/4 of a pound of Potatoes?
No longer shall we endure such greed to cast a shadow over a life and future
Proletriats of the world, rise up!

2019-08-19 14:49:05 UTC  

***INTERNATIONALE in Vietnamese intensifies***

2019-08-19 15:26:09 UTC  

2019-08-19 15:26:17 UTC  

Stfu bot

2019-08-19 17:22:46 UTC

2019-08-19 18:31:12 UTC  


2019-08-19 21:17:24 UTC  


2019-08-19 21:17:42 UTC  

It just gets dumber every single day

2019-08-19 21:18:35 UTC  

If you still support Trump, I don't think there are many reasonable explanations beyond some kind of a disease or brain eating fungus

2019-08-19 21:38:45 UTC  

trump is epic

2019-08-19 21:54:58 UTC  


2019-08-19 21:55:03 UTC  

Who signs a will

2019-08-19 21:55:05 UTC  

With a d

2019-08-19 21:55:06 UTC  

I guess Epstein knew Hillary was coming to strangle him, so he made a will right before

2019-08-19 21:55:08 UTC  


2019-08-19 21:55:14 UTC  


2019-08-19 23:28:52 UTC  

Clinton shillbot, ignore it

2019-08-20 03:06:50 UTC  

Ignore him specifically if you want, but that doesn't explain the story

2019-08-20 08:35:13 UTC  


2019-08-20 08:35:13 UTC  

What is your earliest memory?

2019-08-20 08:36:16 UTC  

-df commie

2019-08-20 08:36:17 UTC  

**Commie**: [Derogatory] name for a [Communist].

Related words : [Pinko]
*"In the [1950's], [McCarthy] wanted to [destroy] those that he called 'Commies'"*
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2019-08-20 08:36:22 UTC  

-df socialist

2019-08-20 08:36:23 UTC  

**socialist**: 1. (Noun) A person who embrace some or all of the ideas of [Marx].
Common political agendas include:
Redistribution of wealth (from rich to poor), social security, free education & healthcare, strengthening of labour [unions].
Socialists usually have less orthodox oppinions than communists, though a person can be both. A socialist will usually distance himself from communist [dictators] like Stalin, and instead claim loyalty to the original ideas of Marx and [Lenin].
Unlike a communist, a socialist need not to be an atheist.

2. (Verb) Attributed to a country said to have a socialist system. This is often confused with communism, which according to Marx is a system where true equality exist, and the state have been made unneccesary. Most socialist agree that [no country] have had a truely communist regime.
*1. "He is a socialist, not a communist."
"He doesn't support [dictators] like [Stalin]."

2. The socialist [party favour] better healthcare over tax cuts.*
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2019-08-20 08:36:30 UTC  

-df marxist

2019-08-20 08:36:30 UTC  

**marxist**: Similar to a wife as they both want you to work [your ass] off to pay their [bills] while telling [you how] you are oppressing them.
*You see that bum on welfare with the [Che] shirt, yeah he is a real [Marxist]. His [revolution] is against earning his own way.*
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2019-08-20 08:37:06 UTC  

-df corporatism

2019-08-20 08:37:06 UTC  

**Corporatism**: Commonly mistaken in the late [20th] and early 21st Century as [Capitalist] Democracy, Corporatism is a "reversed fascist" political structure where Corporations [impose] policy onto Government.
*Corporatism has divested Governments of the ability to control [policy], [economy], and ultimately the [fate] of the nation.*
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2019-08-20 08:52:12 UTC  

thats not what true corporatism is

2019-08-20 08:52:16 UTC  

thats a corporatocracy

2019-08-20 08:52:20 UTC  

big difference....

2019-08-20 08:59:21 UTC  

yea that dictionary is not exactly accurate <:LolForReal:587587704171134977>

2019-08-20 09:11:03 UTC  

its fully sucks ballz that corporatism is conflated with corporatocracy

2019-08-20 09:11:06 UTC  

because corporatism is based