Message from @Sentient23
Discord ID: 632500392143355905
"just because the consequence of an action may be bad, doesn't mean that the action itself is bad"
Give me an example of a good action with a really bad consequence
Or a bad action with a really good consequence
Martin luther king's speech
Good action, which resulted with him getting killed
I'd say it was a pretty bad action for him
Try again?
What? Not the getting killed part
The good action - him giving a speech about what he believes
Consequence of that action - People being enraged and killing him due to his stances
Lol the consequences that stem from an action are what makes the action "good" or "bad"
Whatever that means, anyways
No I dont agree
Actions are independent of their consequences. The essence of an action is independeent from the essence of a consequence which prevails due to that action
There are many examples of this
Martin luther king, Galileo, Jesus etc
You can say that the intent behind an action was "good" or "bad"
Bad things happen to good people.
But the goodness or badness of the action itself depends on the outcome
No it has nothing to do with intent. It has everything to do with other people reacting badly to good actions just because they disagree with those actions
Now you're complicating it with how people are reacting as well lol
No, that was literally the point of this conversation
I agree, I think it's a position to think about, because it is the reality for some countries currently. I think the MRAs and Stormcel types ignore the geopolitics though
The White Sharia meme is a good one, but they leave out much
Entire country here wouldn't go along with it, California for example. So it would be impetus for secession as well, which might be a good thing overall
Good thing for who?
I personally, would be for China, Russia, North Korea, and the US to form some form of a mutual benefit allegiance, where they ensure their safety regardless of their economic/political disagreements, since they have the same mutual enemy
Secession might be good for peace overall, to prevent the kind of sectarian violence we see in other places
the root of much of that is the forced political union
I don't think secessions would be good for anyone (as much as I'd love to see garbage states like Alabama go away)
They wouldn't be able to survive lol
Alabama probably won't learn their lesson any other way
Idk if they'd learn anything, tbh
Because we have a fiscal union, they can be as backwards as they want, californians fit the bill
Just blame everything on the rest
Ironically, they blame the high tax blue states for everything, but taxes in those states are high partially to pay for alabama
alabama isn't even the biggest net-tax winner either
California pays by far more than any other state
gross, by percentage i think Conn is the biggest loser
And yeah many of those southern farmer states are actually a drain