Message from @Atkins

Discord ID: 452869060800020500

2018-06-03 14:14:40 UTC  

my original point was that big tech firms have an inordinate amount of control over media, and that they are biased ideologically because their employees are all from one or two extremely liberal cities. the argument i was trying to make was that the cost of living in these cities might force the companies to disperse geographically, thereby alleviating some of the ideological bias.

2018-06-03 14:15:28 UTC  

teleconferencing technology is just something that enables that. i'm not advocating that everyone everywhere should only teleconference.

2018-06-03 14:19:54 UTC  

as an example, reddit. reddit has 230 employees, and their office is in san francisco. now there's a certain number of those employees that have to be there physically because there is hardware they have to work on. but there's a lot of those employees that really have no need to cart their meat into a physical office. the labor they do can be just as easily done from anywhere else, and it would be a cost savings for everyone involved if they worked remotely.

2018-06-03 14:59:46 UTC  

chicken is racist

2018-06-03 15:05:37 UTC  

some people arent doing as well... and some of those people not doing well are not white... therefore racism... its so clear to me now

2018-06-03 15:14:15 UTC  

Typical democrats. Enslaving their voters while whispering in their ear that they're winning. So devious.

2018-06-03 15:16:20 UTC  

Speaking of inflated pricing and mortgages, I think we're due another recession. Been almost ten years since the last crash.

2018-06-03 15:16:44 UTC  

nooooo I just bought πŸ˜›

2018-06-03 15:17:01 UTC  

so did my friend, in Las Vegas of all places. rip.

2018-06-03 15:17:12 UTC  

anyway the cycle goes wage inflation first, then boom, then recession

2018-06-03 15:17:47 UTC  

we're certainly seeing that here in Seattle.

2018-06-03 15:17:49 UTC  

so i think we're in the wage inflation cycle... you need confidence before a recession happens... otherwise they are too prepared for it

2018-06-03 15:18:36 UTC  

if everyone thinks there is going to be a recession.. then companies prepare for it.. and then it doesnt happen

2018-06-03 15:18:49 UTC  

which is why so many lose out in a recession

2018-06-03 15:19:41 UTC  

Well they prepare for it by cutting jobs, which has its own impact.

2018-06-03 15:20:52 UTC  

Theres always money in the banana stand

2018-06-03 15:25:54 UTC  
2018-06-03 15:51:05 UTC  

noplatform for all those people wanting to debate.. ***squints*** ...genocide?

2018-06-03 16:19:23 UTC  

but... what if both sides are genocidal maniacs, that just don't agree who they want to get rid of?

2018-06-03 16:19:57 UTC  

How does this guy make a living?

2018-06-03 17:24:12 UTC  

Perhaps the Popeyes review guy is guilty of appropriating Korean culture by doing a mukbang. πŸ™ƒ

2018-06-03 21:05:43 UTC  

huffington post doxes the shit out of a person

2018-06-03 21:06:00 UTC  

Vee just did a good video on that

2018-06-03 21:17:00 UTC  

do these people not realise if they spout this stuff all over media, other countries will not take them seriously in negotiations.... are they trying to tank america?

2018-06-03 21:17:39 UTC  

I mean one tweet is nothing... but if they get a narrative going.. for long enough...

2018-06-03 23:04:45 UTC  

On a different note, the Tim cast would be ranked quite high in Indians cast system ;)

2018-06-03 23:18:40 UTC  

is this monetized/restricted?

2018-06-03 23:28:51 UTC  

No ads but plays fine

2018-06-03 23:29:48 UTC  

imagine nearly 14m views and no monetisation 😦

2018-06-03 23:31:57 UTC  

I just tried a few times just now... might have been monetized before.

2018-06-03 23:55:40 UTC  

I'm getting ads what you guys on about

2018-06-03 23:57:36 UTC  

nice.. I was wondering if it got ads... since its about "making guns"

2018-06-04 04:51:25 UTC  

I just got a survey on it

2018-06-04 07:44:02 UTC  

Definitely ads on that video, got 2 in a row

2018-06-04 13:27:07 UTC  


2018-06-04 13:27:20 UTC  

with the ruling on twitter