Message from @LotheronPrime

Discord ID: 461328188405055518

2018-06-26 23:34:29 UTC  

I was thinking about him having to go to a book store and actually buying that book just for that

2018-06-27 00:06:07 UTC  

If this hypothetical civil war were a traditional military confrontation then yeah, the right would probably win. Even putting aside the people involved just the terrain held by each at the onset is enough to swing it in the right's favor. The lefties would be besieged in a few cities, cut off from food and water supplies.

2018-06-27 00:06:21 UTC  

BUT it's not going to be a traditional military confrontation.

2018-06-27 00:06:53 UTC  

It'll look more like cartel violence, at least at the beginning. Assassinations, bombings, arson, etc.

2018-06-27 00:07:24 UTC  

All with a coordinated media campaign.

2018-06-27 00:07:55 UTC  

It's not so easy to pick winners and losers under such conditions.

2018-06-27 00:08:35 UTC  

The right-wingers have a fuckload of guns and ammo but they won't have targets or the will to employ them.

2018-06-27 00:09:36 UTC  

I sometimes hang out on gun forums and they're just as delusional as the lefties.

2018-06-27 00:13:00 UTC  

@Timcast ive listened through all of @Starscream92 (ChefLeopard) video and it sounds very important to me. its basicly a story about fake news that never got any attention. its about a "journalist" who got into various bernie sanders support facebook groups during the election who collected information on the people inside it then once bernie lost the primarys this "journalist" went to various news outlets spreading a story that these people were russian bots. then when the people there tried to get the story corrected it never got contact with the news companys that ran the story and they have faced backlash both politically and personally for it

2018-06-27 00:13:26 UTC  

Sargon is right though, that is more or less what politics is about. Developing narratives to maintain support and getting away with lying

2018-06-27 00:14:06 UTC  

That's why I like Trump. He's not a politician.

2018-06-27 00:14:18 UTC  

Well one reason anyways.

2018-06-27 00:14:41 UTC  

Trump has his narrative and is using it to maintain public support

2018-06-27 00:15:16 UTC  

He doesn't try to hind behind fake words like most politicians though. He says what he thinks.

2018-06-27 00:16:25 UTC  

Most of the "lies" he has been caught in are partial truths, so anyone critiszing him is forced to acknowledge the underlying truth. If they dont point it out or at least nod in its direction then trumps supporters have a built in rebuttal.

2018-06-27 00:19:03 UTC  

Many people would agree with you, they've grown discontent with both sides of the staus quo. To them trump represents a break from the stale political dialogue and a chance to see actual govenrment action to solve issues.

2018-06-27 00:20:04 UTC  

@Arch-Fiend if you need anymore information about this, don't hesitate to contact me or @Canucklehead

2018-06-27 00:32:27 UTC  

If true. Ugh

2018-06-27 00:32:45 UTC  

These are the same pro net neutrality companies

2018-06-27 00:33:31 UTC  

Proves that they aren't in it for "the people"

2018-06-27 00:39:24 UTC  

It's almost as if two different things are not the same thing...

2018-06-27 00:39:49 UTC  

Almost, almost as if

2018-06-27 00:40:37 UTC  

Holding an opinion on one subject does not necessarily indicate your opinion on a different subject

2018-06-27 00:41:23 UTC  

Almost, almost, almost as if

2018-06-27 00:42:56 UTC  

Just because someone is pro-net neutrality, that does not mean they're automatically pro-privacy, or pro-consumer's rights in matters not related to said net neutrality.

2018-06-27 00:43:04 UTC  

Strange, isn't it?

2018-06-27 01:06:22 UTC  

Or. Perhaps. Regardless of the issue companies (rightly so) only have their own interests in mind and people need to. Stop thinking otherwise.

2018-06-27 01:49:27 UTC  

I was promised daily videos from Tim, I am dissapoint. 😄

2018-06-27 02:16:48 UTC  

The left is making it too easy

2018-06-27 02:20:56 UTC  

I wonder what the opposite video would be

2018-06-27 02:21:39 UTC  

Probably just a bunch of Trump.. I can't think of any other GOP leaders/personalities that have done anything that would be equivalent, although I could be mistaken

2018-06-27 03:16:58 UTC  

Oi , you got a loiscense for them words?

2018-06-27 03:42:26 UTC  

Whites don't want to lose their countires what a shock.

2018-06-27 03:42:58 UTC  


2018-06-27 03:43:01 UTC  

The title is "White Extinction Anxiety" from the New York Times.

2018-06-27 03:43:10 UTC  

why u read that trash

2018-06-27 03:43:46 UTC  

Because it shows that non-whites want us gone.

2018-06-27 03:43:46 UTC  

hold on let me pull up my email