Message from @wacka

Discord ID: 461663382366453770

2018-06-27 21:11:46 UTC  

and he's right

2018-06-27 21:12:00 UTC  

Tim says many people are against illegal immigration

2018-06-27 21:12:05 UTC  

I content it's the vast majority

2018-06-27 21:12:10 UTC  

60-70% or higher

2018-06-27 21:13:16 UTC  

To be frank, the article as a whole feels like burying your head in the sand, but it has some fun graphs

2018-06-27 21:37:19 UTC  

anyone ever read about the barbary pirates?

2018-06-27 21:38:45 UTC  

More about the Wokou, but it bled into reading about other pirates like the Barbary pirates on occasion

2018-06-27 21:39:42 UTC  

dont really hear about them much these days I guess

2018-06-27 21:39:54 UTC  

1.25million people they enslaved

2018-06-27 21:41:10 UTC  

Narrative doesn't match up. Of course we also ignore that Arab people are mostly considered white in the US until lately, too.

2018-06-27 22:03:24 UTC  

thats like hiring a peado to look into the child grooming gangs

2018-06-27 22:06:33 UTC  

interesting that they used galley slaves for rowing to catch more white slaves

2018-06-27 22:07:33 UTC  

when I imagine those galley ships theres a picture you get from movies of rows of black people, is there a movie about barbary pirates?

2018-06-27 22:08:19 UTC  

I guess that wouldnt be considered PC today? or would it? I mean if it was historically accurate? I dunno

2018-06-27 22:10:00 UTC  

Historically accurate as PC went out the window a couple years ago when it comes to race

2018-06-27 22:10:20 UTC  

"The most unlucky ended up stuck and forgotten out in the desert, in some sleepy town such as Suez, or in the Turkish sultan's galleys, where some slaves rowed for decades without ever setting foot on shore."

2018-06-27 22:10:52 UTC  
2018-06-27 22:12:14 UTC  

I bet you could crowd fund a film pretty quickly "the Barbey Pirates" .. get some diaries... follow a few british families just trying to cross from england to ireland... captured... etc etc

2018-06-27 22:12:42 UTC  

although the optics of a rows of white people in chains in a galley rowing probably wont sit well with a modern audience

2018-06-27 22:45:27 UTC  

apparently the figure of a pirate with an eye-patch may have come from this guy

2018-06-27 23:07:09 UTC  

pretty sure the eye patch was used so they could easily go under deck without having to wait for their eyes to adjust

2018-06-27 23:10:14 UTC  

thats what I heard too

2018-06-27 23:29:51 UTC  

The left can’t meme thing reminds me of fundamentalists Christians trying to make comics or rock music. Or be funny too. They put the message before the art, and what’s left is ham fisted trash.

You guys seen the Bible Man Adventures super hero show? This illustrates exactly what a mean. Sjw stuff is this level of lame.

2018-06-27 23:30:28 UTC  

I suppose it’s unintentionally pretty funny, but so is sjw cringe.

2018-06-27 23:31:21 UTC  

I dunno there's some pretty catchy Christian music

2018-06-27 23:39:21 UTC  

Of course. And beautiful art, poetry , ect, ect . I didn’t say Christians couldn’t be funny or artistic in their spiritual expressions. I’m saying the hardcore zealots can’t. Shit, some pastors can be pretty funny in their sermons sometimes.

2018-06-27 23:58:04 UTC  

their back and forth is quite long

2018-06-27 23:58:16 UTC  

also "If you don't like it you can always write to my editor. @RealAlexJones" is hilarious

2018-06-27 23:59:46 UTC  
2018-06-28 00:05:17 UTC  

"I live creatively"

2018-06-28 00:10:08 UTC  

"We are not going to stop until the administration ends the demoralizing of families by separating them but technically they ended it with an executive order but still we gotta keep going because that's what matters, it's awesome"

2018-06-28 00:12:28 UTC  

by the guardians new definition of alt right - the alt right is a lot bigger than I thought... and apparently they are mostly normal people who are libertarian and fiscally conservative... according to the guardian ...

2018-06-28 00:17:13 UTC  

its that big

2018-06-28 01:00:47 UTC  

nice channel wacka

2018-06-28 01:00:51 UTC  

also, why are you still up

2018-06-28 01:08:50 UTC  

Rotfl that video @wacka

2018-06-28 01:12:06 UTC  

The Guardian is one of the best recruitment tools for the Alt-Right.