Message from @Grenade123

Discord ID: 461890194761842728

2018-06-28 12:39:25 UTC  

murder is suddenly so much worse if its inspired by hate for the person based just off some group trait?

2018-06-28 12:41:29 UTC  

why does it matter the reason? murder is murder. You could hate the guy for something that is unique to him, why is that any different?

2018-06-28 12:43:30 UTC  

i mean, unless you are Aussie. Then its just used to justify self defense or to bring the charge down to a misdemeanor.

2018-06-28 13:21:51 UTC  
2018-06-28 13:21:54 UTC  
2018-06-28 13:22:23 UTC  

Dave Rubin had on former ACLU director

2018-06-28 13:39:52 UTC  

@GingaBomber Terrorism is usually commited to strike fear. The people who engage in it aren't really interested in what the targets are, just how many and how well they were affected.

2018-06-28 13:41:48 UTC  

That isn’t true. A lot of Islamic terrorism is launched with specific targets in mind. Rival Muslim factions typically.

2018-06-28 13:42:49 UTC  

Sometimes it’s Christians.

2018-06-28 13:43:25 UTC  

It's not a lot, all that really matters is that it's not people of their own kind

2018-06-28 13:43:52 UTC  

ISIS manuals are pretty clear about that

2018-06-28 13:43:56 UTC  

You know, all these diversity quotas and stuff, they are sexist against women as much as they are against men. Take James Damore, he suggested that women just have, on average, a different set of priorities or interests (which was also suggested by in this report about diversity and inclusion, ironically). However, just suggesting this is seen as sexist. This means that, in order to not be sexist, companies must willingly ignore the priorities or desires of most women in their pursuit of diversity, simply because they are women, and have a different priority set then men. Rather than do as James Damore tried to suggest, which was make the positions more enticing to women's interest. So, in order to not be sexist, they must ignore women for being women and instead only appeal to those women who have similar interests to men on average, which is sexist.

2018-06-28 13:45:00 UTC  

After Pulse ISIS made it clear that they wanted white straight Christians targeted.

2018-06-28 13:45:01 UTC  

on the terrorism note: if enough people are killed, a hate crime will most likely be upped to a terrorism charge unless they cannot find a political motivation for it.

2018-06-28 13:45:33 UTC  

Terrorism needs a cause, however

2018-06-28 13:45:35 UTC  

which is kind of hard to do since you can almost classify hate crimes as politically motivated by default.

2018-06-28 13:45:53 UTC  

particularly given the identity politics age

2018-06-28 13:46:08 UTC  

I can go hang a black man, but if i'm doing it just because I don't like black people, it's not terrorism.

2018-06-28 13:46:19 UTC  

a black man, 1

2018-06-28 13:46:27 UTC  

what happens when its 20 at once

2018-06-28 13:46:43 UTC  

doesn't that make you basically a white-nationalist?

2018-06-28 13:46:51 UTC  

Well, again, political motivation required

2018-06-28 13:47:16 UTC  

If you hang a black man because you hate blacks, and you intend to send a message that blacks are not welcome in your town, that’s a hate crime AND terrorism.

2018-06-28 13:47:18 UTC  

like i said, in our identity politics age, attack someone based on their identity IS a political motivation

2018-06-28 13:47:46 UTC  

I really don't see the point of "hate crimes" to be honest

2018-06-28 13:47:52 UTC  

neither do i

2018-06-28 13:47:55 UTC  

murder is murder

2018-06-28 13:48:11 UTC  

assault is assault

2018-06-28 13:48:15 UTC  

Hate crimes =Thought crimes

2018-06-28 13:48:23 UTC  

It is dumb.

2018-06-28 13:48:43 UTC  

Hate crime! it's crime, but with ***EXTRA EEEEVIL***

2018-06-28 13:48:56 UTC  

It seems pretty subjective the way they apply it. It isn’t fair.

2018-06-28 13:48:59 UTC  

why does it matter if i hate a specific individual for being black or just being an annoying asshole?

2018-06-28 13:49:30 UTC  

the why doesn't change the outcome.

2018-06-28 13:50:20 UTC  

It’s really just a way to make the crimes white straight males commit seem worse than the crimes of others. It’s just anti white in my opinion.

2018-06-28 13:51:16 UTC  

didn't those black kids get charged with a hate crime when they beat a white disabled guy?

2018-06-28 13:51:37 UTC  

Remember those kids that tortured that white retarded boy? They were constantly using racial slurs, and taking about white people. But that wasn’t considered a hate crime. Funny huh.

2018-06-28 13:51:45 UTC  


2018-06-28 13:51:50 UTC  

you mean the thing i just posted?

2018-06-28 13:52:03 UTC  

Lol @Grenade123 I didn’t see it I was typing