Message from @RyeNorth

Discord ID: 477922737818435586

2018-08-11 19:27:07 UTC  

I mean... It may have been. He might've been able to land it.

2018-08-11 19:27:49 UTC  

Good luck getting anyone to trust you flying their planes after behaving that way though

2018-08-11 19:27:55 UTC  

Oh, yeah, I know.

2018-08-11 19:28:29 UTC  

His games he was able to do loops and barrel rolls

2018-08-11 19:28:40 UTC  

He actually did a loop.

2018-08-11 19:28:46 UTC  

Told the tower he was going to do a barrel roll

2018-08-11 19:28:58 UTC  

only did a looptheloop before crashing

2018-08-11 19:29:18 UTC  

someone played too much Starfox as kid

2018-08-11 19:30:05 UTC  

A barrel roll, provided there aren't any sensors preventing it in the system, is likely possible in a plane, with enough speed and altitude.

2018-08-11 19:30:24 UTC  

He pulled off the loop the loop

2018-08-11 19:30:33 UTC  

Engines almost stalled though

2018-08-11 19:30:37 UTC  

That very well may have been sheer force of will.

2018-08-11 19:30:45 UTC  

It wouldn't be the engine that stalls.

2018-08-11 19:30:57 UTC  

Article said that the angle coming out of it

2018-08-11 19:31:16 UTC  

the reporter likely doesn't know what 'angle of attack' means.

2018-08-11 19:31:16 UTC  

Facing nearly verticle

2018-08-11 19:32:00 UTC  

An airplane stalling is not the same as an engine stalling

2018-08-11 19:32:05 UTC  

although one can lead to another.

2018-08-11 19:32:53 UTC  

If your engines go out with wings intact, your best bet is to take a lower-than-horizontal angle of attack, so as to preserve your speed.

2018-08-11 19:33:28 UTC  

Bleh, I'm forgetting some of my pilot's knowledge, since I don't use it in my line of work

2018-08-11 19:34:20 UTC  

*Resorts to the PHAK*

2018-08-11 19:34:36 UTC  

Want to make sure I get the term right

2018-08-11 19:36:22 UTC  

Essentially, 'stall speed' is the point at which a plane cannot generate lift.

2018-08-11 19:37:01 UTC  

Specifically, it refers to the speed of the air flowing under the wings, and not the speed of the plane.

2018-08-11 19:37:26 UTC  

For this reason, planes actually take off and land into the wind, because they're able to achieve lift or make landings at lower speeds.

2018-08-11 19:38:31 UTC  

a 20 mile per hour direct headwind means you can cut 20mph off your stall speed. A 20 mph tail wind adds that to your stall speed

2018-08-11 19:39:29 UTC  

I'm not sure if he necessarily meant that he played flight sims specifically, or if he was just talking about flying in games like GTA

2018-08-11 19:40:11 UTC  

(given that he was able to actually take off, it's likely he DID play a lot of flight sims...)

2018-08-11 19:41:37 UTC  

I'm also not sure how true to the Pilot Handbook the thing was, but I'm pretty damn sure he didn't have calculations against load, likely didn't have plane specific calculations on hand either.

2018-08-11 19:53:38 UTC  

Great, now I'm reading the Pilot's Handbook again.

2018-08-11 20:57:29 UTC  

uuuuhhmmmm ^

2018-08-11 21:00:46 UTC  


2018-08-11 21:54:02 UTC  

summerize it in a sentance

2018-08-11 21:54:08 UTC  

They white

2018-08-11 21:54:21 UTC  

which is okay

2018-08-11 21:54:24 UTC  

to be

2018-08-11 21:54:32 UTC  


2018-08-11 21:54:37 UTC  


2018-08-11 21:54:46 UTC