Message from @Stormbreaker

Discord ID: 466002821297340426

2018-07-09 17:31:08 UTC

2018-07-09 17:31:28 UTC

2018-07-09 17:31:45 UTC  

And atheists still uses this as an example <:laugh:448312947073351681>

2018-07-09 17:32:05 UTC  

You can date up this to 8000 years

2018-07-09 17:32:37 UTC  

Even a gorillion year old earth doesn't necessarily contradict the Bible

2018-07-09 17:33:01 UTC  

Oil is supposedly gorillion year old dinosaurs...but there is oil on Titan

2018-07-09 17:33:18 UTC  

Oil can be made in like a week.

2018-07-09 17:34:00 UTC  

Naturally I think the ratio of organic matter to fossil fuel is like 3-1. Can be made 2-1 with some different additives.

2018-07-09 17:34:16 UTC  

BUT on different areas there have been different amount of carbon 14, and that carbon 14 appears different in different conditions.

2018-07-09 17:34:59 UTC  

Nazies made oil themselves for their tanks & planes.

2018-07-09 17:43:30 UTC  

If you subscribe to the 7 days are actually 7 sets of time. Similar to, I think Daniel, that uses the 7 days is really 7 periods of years.

2018-07-09 17:44:01 UTC  

Not familiar enough with the Greek translation of creation to know if that’s even remotely applicable.

2018-07-09 18:10:28 UTC  

Hebrew can be used like that yes

2018-07-09 18:11:11 UTC  

But the Hebrew word in the OT is never used to mean anything but 24 hours, even though the word technically can be used that way in the language

2018-07-09 18:46:42 UTC  

I think it’s the term “week” that is translated as 7 time periods for Daniel. My bad.

2018-07-09 22:00:18 UTC

2018-07-09 22:00:35 UTC  

Modern Atheism is a part of the left.

2018-07-09 22:05:04 UTC  

Also, we have found multiple skeletons of Neanderthal throughout Germany (at least six different remains). More importantly, genetic studies ha e also found some Neanderthal DNA is also within modern human DNA, which suggests interbreeding between the two groups.

2018-07-09 22:08:33 UTC  

Also, for Peking man, the fossils were discovered in China and were studied until 1941 when they disappeared. That also coincided with the Second World War, which had also led to the destruction of or disappearance of numerous ancient artifacts throughout Europe and Asia.

2018-07-09 22:08:50 UTC  

Richard Dawkins

2018-07-09 22:09:17 UTC  

Nah, he a neck beard Atheist.

2018-07-09 23:09:25 UTC  

Synthetic oil is made from Coal, which is another fossil fuel made from plant matter that is, roughly speaking, between 100 million to 300 million years old.

2018-07-09 23:59:18 UTC  

you can change coal into oil by using hydrogen to liquidize it, and you can turn oil into coal through a reverse process. technically, if you worked hard enough, you could turn crude oil into diamonds if you wanted to

2018-07-10 00:03:55 UTC  

Yeah, but that's the trick. It requires a lot of energy and high pressures to do so, which, geologically speaking, would take an extrmely long time to do due to how long it takes for the geology of a region to change.

2018-07-10 00:06:56 UTC  

It can take less than a week. With catalysts you can get it down to 2 or 3 days.

2018-07-10 00:08:33 UTC  

Also, we have the fortune to have nature providing us the already condensed material to use to make synthetic oil.

2018-07-10 00:08:35 UTC  

This is Biblically supported by the global flood. Uprooted tons of dirt/mud that piled on top of all the dead stuff.

2018-07-10 00:09:05 UTC  

Nature had to work with literally plant matter in order to produce coal.

2018-07-10 00:10:04 UTC  

Problem with that is that you need the equivalent of miles of sediment and stone to be shifted into place.

2018-07-10 00:10:24 UTC  

With the global flood, that happened.

2018-07-10 00:10:48 UTC  

It didn’t just rain a lot. The earth was literally separated.

2018-07-10 00:11:08 UTC  

Water exploded out from the ground.

2018-07-10 00:12:00 UTC  

But that would only shift the sediment in those areas, not the equivalent of mile-high mountain ranges.

2018-07-10 00:12:15 UTC  

Across the entire globe.

2018-07-10 00:12:32 UTC  

The religious theory I've heard is that there was an extremely thick layer of moisture/water in the atmosphere that was almost like another ozone layer that was brought down and flooded everything.

2018-07-10 00:13:22 UTC  

That one isn’t really supported by science. It technically could work, but isn’t supported as a possibility.

2018-07-10 00:13:53 UTC  

The plate tectonics thing likely was caused by the flood.

2018-07-10 00:14:34 UTC  

As in Pangea was real. Then the flood happened and shifted everything.

2018-07-10 00:16:07 UTC  

It wasn’t an easy thing where just rain fell and then just went like a smooth river out of the ground. We’re talking a cataclysmic event that shook the foundations of the planet.

2018-07-10 00:17:36 UTC  

It was so catastrophic that nearly every society has that story seared into their cultural memory.