
Discord ID: 138315425892139009

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That looks fantastic

I wish you dont have pitbull <:smuglaugh:448311843086401536>

They have watched bee movie too many times

They are nothing to compare <:smuglaugh:448311843086401536>

Micro- or macroevolution? :-)

What Darwin did in galapagos islands he found out what people have known for thousands of years: Breeding & breeds

Fun fact Darwin was christian. TAKE THAT ATHEISTS!!

Neanderthals are humans, they had actually bigger brains and stronger muscles than we did. After that there have happened only de-evolving, for example all allergies we have got.

Neanderthals are nothing compared to ape thats for sure.

What we have found: We have found apes, humans and neanderthals. But over all neanderthals were stronger & bigger than us <:thinking:445724717450526731>

And atheists still uses this as an example <:laugh:448312947073351681>

You can date up this to 8000 years

BUT on different areas there have been different amount of carbon 14, and that carbon 14 appears different in different conditions.

Nazies made oil themselves for their tanks & planes.

I drew some fanart of Will Witt โœ <:smuglaugh:448311843086401536>

Thanks! ๐Ÿ’œ

Libtard rules arts, pfffft~ NOW ITS OUR TURN

Which conservative I should draw next? <:happy:445725194254811157>

Spoilers, the word is *pedotranny*

Lefties can't even criticize her as otherwise they'd be transphobes :-*

Hitler was an atheist, just read mein kampf & his race ideology

Hitlee hated christians, jews & muslims. But he couldn't do anything for christians as that was majority back in the days

Bible is one book why we ended slavery

Nazism is basically facism with race included

If that makes it simplier to understand

Hitler compared blacks & jews to monkeys who have stopped evolving & we have to wipe them out to keep evolution going

Hitler was clear atheist and highly influenced with darwinism

Also Mao & Stalin were atheists

If you give power to any human, you'll end up with explosion

Lets compare medieval popes to Hitler, Mao or Stalin
- All are highly influenced by their ideology
- All of them caused deaths of a millions

Tru, but like all were fanatics of their ideologies & caused unnecessary deaths.

Even one unnecessary death is bad, but who justifies which one is unnecessary?

We need more heroes to protect Europe!!

But libtards are so brainwashed that we can't do anything by voting.

In Finland you are all way racists if you comment anything about immigration.

Big true, at least in finland.
We have basically like 8 political parties & 6 of them are far left

There are different people, some people find religions rational, some people want to get friends from the community & somepeople love the feeling of being loved by something higher.

Well rn pseudosciences are getting more and more fans

In early 1800ac people were all rational & pseudo science had no room, but at the end of the 1800 century occultism & spiritism got suddenly very popular.

@joeyfogasto get back to rationalism, you have to make people question their believes. Then they'll see if their believes can hold water.

You just have to teach your listeners to not believe everything they hear, and question their own believes. That's the way to make change back.

Yeah, ita very hard to prove how old the world is... <:tinfoil:448314181217812500>

It depends on muslim, atheist & any ideology. Too fanatic people irritate everyone

The real believer lives their religion & ideologies. But doesn't force anyone else to feel & live his way.

Coz if you live through your ideologies, people start to naturally get interested on your thoughs & ideas.

Well there are many buddhists... Some of them are quite violent belivers as well.

Like in Pakistan buddhist are burning down mosques & churches and beating up nonbuddhists.

"Truly peaceful religion"

If you don't practice forced darwinism, then I'd say thats one of the most justified & natural ideology. But then, soon someone will come suicide bomb us...
Right now we are trying to do just the opposite.

As I have seen it, you have been quite fanatic with your no-religion ideology ๐Ÿค”
But I can agree, earth aint flat & earth is older than 6000years etc

But that seemed a bit forceful

If you can't proove something to yourself, you shouldn't be prooving to others.

I bet everyone have their own reasons to believe or not to believe, I wont comment on that~ But atheism have turned to be a bit like religion. ~~atheist mega church.~~

If people truely believes on their religions, then let them be so, I dont think that to be anything too harmful, for example I were scared of death as a child but I got over it with religion.

Now I have grown up, & I have learned a bit more, so "I dont need same kind of saviour" in any same way, but I can understand the concept

By indentity politics everyone should vote dems <:happy:445725194254811157>

If you say out loud that they are stupid, you'll get instantly attacked <:smugpepe:445634631950139403>

But ye ye, I do agree with you

You wont get your point made with straight attack. Just make them question themselves, otherwise they wont change their minds.

Thats true, but witg religions you can separate black and white with authority.

Then you are better than 95% of the christians. Coz in studies only 5% have actually read whole of the bible

You dont need, but you wont have to highest authority.

Nearly all atheists have bibles. They read them to mock christians, and I think thats a bit rude, but if you use the book to study & understand the otherside, then I am fully supporting you.

Well if you want to wipe out all religions, vote for commies, they have tried that many times ๐Ÿค”

People will be always creating new religions

You can't really stop that

Its part of our psychology.

Lets say you take 50children from all of the nations, and then abandon them to random island for 20years.
When you come back they have invented their own religion

Even if the religion doesnt teach that the gods have created the world, even then the young children will say that earth was created by god(s).

We wont ever fully understand the world, all of the versatility & complexity can be proof of designer for some people.

People have always been searching for meaning & explonation for the world. For some people best answer is God, because with God and religion you can have fundamental meaning behind everything.

God was reason why people started to investigate the world

(At least in christianity)

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