Message from @DrYuriMom

Discord ID: 505483146523967499

2018-10-26 20:42:51 UTC  

The quiet ones would rather NOT have press

2018-10-26 20:43:00 UTC  

Interesting. I wouldn't consider christian identity movement as mainstream as Antifa was in relative terms, but ... that may be more a personal perspective on it. I'm willing to give that fault that yes, they are as mainstream as Antifa is.

Although before I further any statements, I'm going to need more information on them.

Were they really as mainstream to the right as Antifa was to the left?
And if they were, were they as violent and riotous as Antifa has been?

if they meet those two requirements, then you've genuinely got a group to match my challenge and I fully salute your dilligence.

2018-10-26 20:43:28 UTC  

We have all been ridiculed for existence. Chill ...

2018-10-26 20:43:30 UTC  

What do you mean, you have a right to exist as you see fit?

2018-10-26 20:44:18 UTC  

I think the majority of the judges on European Court on Human Rights are woke.
Styx reports they jail folks for islamophobia, <>
But they forced Norway, a non EU country, to return Anders Bering Breivik’s playstation and restore his internet access in jail.

2018-10-26 20:44:48 UTC  

Im fine with people disliking me for merely existing

2018-10-26 20:44:54 UTC  

Its their right to do so

2018-10-26 20:45:02 UTC  

I'd rather people not deny my right to marry, though

2018-10-26 20:45:25 UTC  

By all means, go ahead and marry

2018-10-26 20:45:28 UTC  

Rejecting the existence of my family stung

2018-10-26 20:46:10 UTC  

People can not like me. I'm fine with that.

2018-10-26 20:46:26 UTC  

But let me live my life, please. Let my kids grow up, please.

2018-10-26 20:47:23 UTC  

Tom, Christian Identity has never had much support outside the fringe. But then again, violence on the left is rejected by the center as well.

2018-10-26 20:47:56 UTC  

But Christian Identity did give us the second worse terrorist attack on US soil after 9/11.

2018-10-26 20:48:24 UTC  

@DrYuriMom Yeah, looks like from the information I've quickly gathered on that group, they fit the bill in some ways. Although it looks like they've never been as mainstream accepted as Antifa, and they are a group that modern times has quickly left behind, generally references to them occuring starting as early as the 1920s and 30s, but largely being dropped off the map entirely by the 90s. Which makes them more akin to a long standing hate group that never gained mainstream traction, and rather was a fringe hate group.

2018-10-26 20:48:50 UTC  

I would agree with that assessment

2018-10-26 20:49:04 UTC  

Good good. As I said, I am doing research on the fly here.

2018-10-26 20:49:17 UTC  

We still have people like the Westboro Baptist Church

2018-10-26 20:49:20 UTC  

So if I say anything wrong, please do correct me.

2018-10-26 20:49:33 UTC  

But while a lot of people want to pummel them, only their words are violent

2018-10-26 20:49:38 UTC  

No, but seriously, I've heard the "right to exist" thing several times now, and I honestly don't know what that line means. My brain wants to say that means they want you to die, but I know that's not what they're saying.

2018-10-26 20:49:55 UTC  

Yeah, that's really what Westboro comes down to. They're absolutely NOT mainstream. Most people hate them.

2018-10-26 20:50:04 UTC  

Vast majority.

2018-10-26 20:50:06 UTC  

I've been told it would be better for the country if me and everyone like me were to die

2018-10-26 20:50:10 UTC  

The whole fault I had was Antifa was very clearly supported by the mainstream for a time.

2018-10-26 20:50:19 UTC  

Even the people who say they have a right to their demonstrations hate them.

2018-10-26 20:50:20 UTC  

I've pointed out GLBT suicide rates and been told, "That's good"

2018-10-26 20:50:34 UTC  

70%ish profess to be Christian, so one should look at these numbers on a per capita basis or you will get a skewed view.

2018-10-26 20:51:11 UTC  

ANTIFA are rich white kids who want to fight NAZIs so they became the New SA and call everyone NAZIs to they can attack them.

2018-10-26 20:51:18 UTC  

Until a few years ago gay and lesbian peeps couldn't marry or that marriage wasn't recognised federally

2018-10-26 20:51:22 UTC  

Okay, so saying "it would be better if gay people weren't gay" isn't denying your right to exist, but "It would be better if gay people were dead" is. That makes more sense.

2018-10-26 20:52:00 UTC  

@DrYuriMom Interesting reading up on some of this, a lot of this happened while I was very young, and I don't think it quite fits in compared to modern politics.

I believe I'm going to still hold the stance that this group was in no way supported by the mainstream the way Antifa was though.

Would you oppose that statement?

2018-10-26 20:52:01 UTC  

I have no problem with people saying it would be better if gay people weren't gay

2018-10-26 20:53:17 UTC  

I won't disagree, although I still maintain violence has never had mainstream acceptance. We have some dimwit Dems intimating violence is okay, but then we have the President saying it to. It gets messy.

2018-10-26 20:53:40 UTC  

Cat it is easy for you to say "I have no problem with people saying it would be better if gay people weren't gay". The reality today is, that if you say this you stand a good chance to be fired.

2018-10-26 20:53:51 UTC  

Honestly, my life would have been much more convenient if I hadn't had my wires crossed

2018-10-26 20:54:24 UTC  

Where I separate from the left is that I am not homonormative

2018-10-26 20:54:27 UTC  

The problem now a days is people are calling everyone a NAZI so really a lot of people don't give a F anymore.

2018-10-26 20:54:41 UTC  

And there again is where I fault you at @DrYuriMom , if you look at all the news reports surrounding early antifa riots, the mainstream news was very clearly on their side, and acting as a rallying cry in favor of most of their actions, always faulting that it was some "Hate Speech Activist" that they were protesting.

2018-10-26 20:54:52 UTC  

I fully acknowledge that male on female attraction, and vice versa, is normal and best for the species