Message from @TraderPropShop

Discord ID: 505491651100278785

2018-10-26 21:16:03 UTC  

Well the former doesn't help after a point and that point was set too low. And the latter was killed by the administration which resulted in higher premiums.

2018-10-26 21:16:33 UTC  

What about those of us who don;t like either one, Tom?

2018-10-26 21:16:55 UTC  

@DrYuriMom Find a way to break the two party system, and I'll join you in the middle.

2018-10-26 21:17:09 UTC  

But until you do: Trump is the superior choice.

2018-10-26 21:17:24 UTC  

“ Utah man charged for sending toxic letters to Trump, other admin officials “ by Eli Watkins on CNN

The following people in the Trump administration were sent Ricin poison in a terrorist attack.

Trump , James Mattis, John Richardson, Chris Wray, Gina Haspel and Heather Wilson.

Even though this was clearly politically motivated, notice how CNN and other media didn’t blame any democrats. They barley covered it at all. Funny huh.

2018-10-26 21:17:27 UTC  

Sadly, I can't. 225 years of history has proven that the US Republic will always gravitate to twin poles.

2018-10-26 21:17:29 UTC  

Based on actual events that have occured, not just whiny speculation

2018-10-26 21:17:33 UTC  

Life is making the best of choices available to you, even if none of them are perfect for you.

2018-10-26 21:17:48 UTC  

Public health care only works with 1) manged care [yes death panels, which is not a bad thing] 2) Gov. control salaries of workers [gov take over] and 3) torte reform. This is how it works in the EU [i live in France]. ACA was doomed as it costs to much and did nothing to control costs. If you want to have gov. healthcare you need to go all in or forget it ...

2018-10-26 21:18:25 UTC  

@Exiled Sentinel , but you found this on CNN so it is being reported.

2018-10-26 21:18:57 UTC  

Yes, it's the nature of...well, decision making in general, but democracy in particular. The faction that garners the most support wins, and you maximize your base by offering different things from the opposing side.

2018-10-26 21:19:27 UTC  

Trump has yet to be shown doing any of the horrible things the left was claiming he'd do.
The left has actually ruined many lives and careers.

... I think that tells you which side you should be on. And any sane person should be on.

Don't like it? Make a 3rd party, or at make the dems pull their head out of their fucking asses and become a viable opponent to the republicans, so that you CAN vote against Trump.

2018-10-26 21:20:22 UTC  

Okay, I can talk health care all day. It's my job, after all. 😃 Here's a question, everyone. If someone gets sick, I mean really sick, and has no money. Should they be allowed to die without care?

2018-10-26 21:21:16 UTC  

I have had government Health care thank you. I now walk with a cane. So I am opposed to impossing that on the whole country.

2018-10-26 21:22:05 UTC  

@JustTom , maybe.

2018-10-26 21:22:34 UTC  

*shrugs* I'm not against the dems, and I'm not for Trump. I just see the reality that the lefties right now are so crazy, there's no choice but to vote against them.

2018-10-26 21:22:53 UTC  

I'm actually not a supporter of the government as a provider of healthcare except in regards to the military and native peoples. Well, and public health.

2018-10-26 21:23:04 UTC  

@DrYuriMom I didn’t say it wasn’t being reported on. It’s how it’s being reported.

2018-10-26 21:23:12 UTC  

I think non-profits and the private sector do quite well.

2018-10-26 21:23:17 UTC  

The big things that the Left is screaming bloody murder about Trump doing are legacy policies that Obama left on his desk when he left.

2018-10-26 21:23:21 UTC  

Cat, if you mean should other people be forced to pay for your care ... possibly. It depends how you arrived at this point.

2018-10-26 21:23:23 UTC  

I also think it should be managed by states and not the federal gov't.

2018-10-26 21:23:29 UTC  

10th Amendment

2018-10-26 21:23:51 UTC  

That said, there is a lot to be said about financing being handled at the federal level

2018-10-26 21:24:16 UTC  

Providing some level playing field so that states are not in a race to the bottom

2018-10-26 21:24:39 UTC  

As for healthcare.
Yes 😄 (okay no that's somewhat shitposting)
Having dealt with some levels of healthcare myself, I can say rather clearly that our modern system is broken beyond all words, and trying to force in a government healthcare system the way congress wants to won't work, at all.

IMO the best way to fix it is to create a bare minimum healthcare that everyone reasonably gets for free. Specifically giving certain barebones basic treatments, the kind that prevent minor problems from becoming major problems. That level of treatment should be absolutely encouraged on a universal level, and more people should be encouraged into the healthcare sector on that level to provide it to everyone on the government's dime, purely because in the long term, that would massively reduce the end-costs of treating so many people, especially when you see the absurd costs that are racked up doing late-stage treatment to conditions that could've been treated or prevented if gotten to early.

2018-10-26 21:24:51 UTC  

The media is pretending it didn’t even happen in the context of the bomber. Especially CNN. CNN , and other media are linking this to Trump in every way they can. It’s undeniable. They didn’t do that with the Ricin attacks.

Why do you think that is ? @DrYuriMom

2018-10-26 21:26:09 UTC  

That’s my point. They are acting like these fake bombs are making the sky fall. But a guy sends poison to Trump and others and all we get is the cold facts.

2018-10-26 21:26:09 UTC  

@Exiled Sentinel , because they don't like Trump? Is that what you want me to say. Okay, I'll bite.

2018-10-26 21:26:49 UTC  

I've been saying from the first statement that I see this lone actor the same way I view the Scalise shooter. As a lone actor driven by rhetoric to act.

2018-10-26 21:27:29 UTC  

We should talk about both in the same breath and hold both Dems and Republicans accountable for adding some civility to the discourse

2018-10-26 21:27:52 UTC  

But it has to start with the President of the United States who needs to start acting his Office

2018-10-26 21:27:55 UTC  


2018-10-26 21:27:57 UTC  

Only one side is saying we can’t be civil.

2018-10-26 21:27:59 UTC  

Now, extended treatments, costly treatments, additional coverages, the kind of thing that the current healthcare system, privatized, covers, can remain privatized. Though that too deserves a MASSIVE overhaul. In particular, I think every doctor needs to be rated and the public should know what they're getting when they go to any given doctor. If such a system was advanced, you would very quickly have the best of the best doctors start getting appropriately well compensated, while less capable doctors are shuffled into the realm of cheap treatment for the masses that have little to no coverage.

2018-10-26 21:28:13 UTC  

No, the President is saying it too

2018-10-26 21:28:26 UTC  

Fake News

2018-10-26 21:28:30 UTC  

Prove it

2018-10-26 21:28:40 UTC  

Oh, for heaven's sake. I've listen to his rallys.

2018-10-26 21:28:49 UTC  

Show me Trump saying we can’t be civil

2018-10-26 21:29:00 UTC  

He says he'll pay legal fees