Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 460699492300226561

2018-06-25 06:48:00 UTC  

china, you mean 支那, literally occupied [by Japan] China?

2018-06-25 06:48:50 UTC  

Japan occupied Taiwan at the same time that the islands were ceded. In the same treaty

2018-06-25 06:49:01 UTC  

that is absolutely incorrect

2018-06-25 06:49:41 UTC  

Japan never ceded Senkaku, I dare you to try and find that record

2018-06-25 06:49:42 UTC  

It's absolutely correct. 1895 Treaty of Shimonoseki at the end of the Sino Japanese War

2018-06-25 06:50:48 UTC  


2018-06-25 06:50:49 UTC  

find for me where it mentions 尖閣諸島

2018-06-25 06:51:03 UTC  

That treaty gave Taiwan and Diaoyu to Japan. All territory except the four main islands and associated minor islands were given back at the 1945 Treaty of SF

2018-06-25 06:51:17 UTC  

If it was chinas pretty sure they would have been in control of it and not the US

2018-06-25 06:51:27 UTC  

dude there were litearlly 3 marjor wars over that shit after that

2018-06-25 06:51:36 UTC  

So if the Diaoyu Islands are not covered by San Francisco then neither is Taiwan

2018-06-25 06:52:29 UTC  

You're talking out your ass. The only "justification" China has over Senkaku is that they all the sudden wanted it after oil was found there in the 1970's.

2018-06-25 06:52:39 UTC  

It's Japanese territory, end of story.

2018-06-25 06:52:48 UTC  

US administered a lot of Asian territory after the war for many years

2018-06-25 06:53:18 UTC  

Islands given to Japan in 1895. All islands except those specified in the treaty given back in 1945. End of story.

2018-06-25 06:53:36 UTC  

ok smartass then who owns 竹島?

2018-06-25 06:53:51 UTC  

if you're going to give one you have to give up both

2018-06-25 06:54:28 UTC  

how about 北方領土?

2018-06-25 06:55:01 UTC  

Korea owns Liancourt

2018-06-25 06:55:12 UTC  

Pick a language to argue in. I can use Mandarin if you'd like

2018-06-25 06:55:18 UTC  

But pick one or the other

2018-06-25 06:55:58 UTC  

no, I'm done arguing, you just hate Japan and are willing to completely ignore historical record and the current international recognition of soverignty because you hate Japan.

2018-06-25 06:56:32 UTC  

The Kuril Islands are not Japanese. Just who they belong to, I don't know, it depends on if you're going to recognize the Soviet and succeeding Russian claim or not

2018-06-25 06:56:51 UTC  

Because Japan gave up all conquered territory in 1945 including Liancourt, Diaoyu, Kuril, etc

2018-06-25 06:57:07 UTC  

It's not about hate or not

2018-06-25 06:57:24 UTC  

But in 71 they got it back?

2018-06-25 06:57:35 UTC  

Then in 72 china claimed it

2018-06-25 06:58:17 UTC  

@Deleted User litearlly the rest of the world other than China and Korea disagree with you.

2018-06-25 06:58:18 UTC  

Plus it has been bough and sold by the Japanese in the last hundred years

2018-06-25 06:58:39 UTC  

@Ehzek there were Japanese fisheries on the island since way back

2018-06-25 06:58:43 UTC  

You think just because they are communist it makes it okay to take their territory. When in fact because your complete lack of knowledge on the subject, you fail to understand that a borderline NS government ruled China from 1911 to 1948 and they were the ones who those islands were taken from, and/or their predecessor state of the Qing Empire

2018-06-25 06:58:52 UTC  

China or Taiwan havent had a true claim in over a century

2018-06-25 06:59:27 UTC  

Im with Japan on this one

2018-06-25 06:59:37 UTC  

We gave it to them

2018-06-25 06:59:40 UTC  

@Deleted User you've swallowed too much propaganda. I'm not going to argue with you anymore because you've been brainwashed. The rest of the world recognizes they belong to Japan. End of story.

2018-06-25 06:59:59 UTC  

China had 30 years to get it back and said nothing

2018-06-25 07:00:16 UTC  

All maps by Japan and China prior to 1895 acknowledge Chinese sovereignty

2018-06-25 07:00:23 UTC  


2018-06-25 07:00:28 UTC  

1895 clearly surrendered the islands to Japan

2018-06-25 07:00:28 UTC  

Then when they found a use they threw a tantrum based on 600 year old records

2018-06-25 07:00:31 UTC  

chinese maps recognize it as Japanes territory