Message from @Undead Mockingbird

Discord ID: 507880788986036244

2018-11-02 11:23:28 UTC  

So, the proper question to ask is: who has that interest?

2018-11-02 11:23:44 UTC  

And this is what still fuels even rational women to align to the left. Why women vote blue in such a disproportionate manner.

2018-11-02 11:24:51 UTC  

Whoever has that interest, derives that benefit, should support women. That is what should be figured out to make it fair. If it is a general, intangible benefit, it might be hard to figure it out, but if we can figure out how much productivity our children provide in our society, then it is only fair for society to foot the bill for that.

2018-11-02 11:25:27 UTC  

If you plan to retire, you have an interest in either women having kids or ample immigration

2018-11-02 11:25:51 UTC  

Yes, and that is why families figured out these kinds of questions.

2018-11-02 11:26:03 UTC  

Who pays social security? You're not getting what you put into it. There's no lockbox. You are paid by the FICA taxes of current workers.

2018-11-02 11:26:38 UTC  

The ones who derived the benefit, absent of the welfare state and national debt, were families. You care for your child and your child later on cared for you. So you make the investment in your children.

2018-11-02 11:27:19 UTC  

Now, because we are all tied together through the welfare state, social security, etc. the burden is shifted from families to society at large, to the state, so that flow of value is much, much harder to figure out, in aggregate.

2018-11-02 11:28:09 UTC  

That is also how I see the destruction of families tied together with the state budding its nose into everything.

2018-11-02 11:29:11 UTC  

Now, the interest in children is not just for the family, but society at large, so society at large has to figure out a way to compensate women (or, more generally, parents) for the value they provide: children.

2018-11-02 11:30:39 UTC  

We're back to agreeing

2018-11-02 11:33:01 UTC  


2018-11-02 11:33:08 UTC  

your name is silly

2018-11-02 11:33:19 UTC  


2018-11-02 11:33:43 UTC  


2018-11-02 11:34:21 UTC  

Silly? Which one? 10th Amendment Cat?

2018-11-02 11:34:30 UTC  


2018-11-02 11:34:39 UTC  

so we can disagree on something

2018-11-02 11:34:45 UTC  


2018-11-02 11:35:42 UTC  

If children were for the benefit of the family still, it would be up to each family to decide on having children.

2018-11-02 11:36:56 UTC  

But now, children are more like wards of the state, future tax payers, so the calculus of potential parents is reduced to the joy the gain from having kids vs. the extra money they could earn. If the center of American life was the family again, it would be a value in itself to have children, so there would be little conundrum. But kids aren't really an investment anymore. You have your 401(k), so children are not a value in of itself, for the parents, but more of a luxury, with their value to carry on society a coincidental effect. And that is why we have to ponder how to get corporations to balance women in the work force and their ability to have kids, which should have never been the concern of corporations, but families.

2018-11-02 11:48:40 UTC  

You know that slippery slope arguments the right used to have? Sometimes I wonder if they weren't all fallacies. Like "death of the family" fear mongering.

2018-11-02 11:49:16 UTC  

We've removed things we don't like but haven't found a good replacement for the issues that lead to the thing we don't like.

2018-11-02 11:49:32 UTC  

This is an issue most people have, period.

2018-11-02 11:51:14 UTC  

We want the "do not cross" lines remove but fail to put up a sign that says "warning, edge of cliff unsable" and now people keep falling off and others go "see, we told you with would happen" while the other side is claiming they just want to block the only way to x"

2018-11-02 11:52:48 UTC  

This is also what happens when you don't listen to valid arugments from your opponents and either address them or acknowledge this is a risk and if that risk is good.

2018-11-02 11:54:21 UTC  

If the right had listened more to Friedman, we wouldn't be here.

2018-11-02 11:54:30 UTC  

But, I guess there was Reagan.

2018-11-02 11:54:37 UTC  

He wasn't a complete disaster.

2018-11-02 11:55:14 UTC  

All others just hastened the decline.

2018-11-02 14:58:15 UTC  

They must not have a very good grasp of how the constitution works.

2018-11-02 14:59:48 UTC  

Consti- wait no you can't do that!

2018-11-02 16:01:08 UTC  

My guess after the Suing is that Trump might send another 10-20k Soldiers to the Border

2018-11-02 16:38:41 UTC  

It gets even better, the parent company of the one filing and funding the lawsuit have another subsidiary company

```Libre by Nexus helps post bond for people being held in immigration detention centers while they wait for their cases to be heard in backlogged courts. In exchange for their freedom, immigrants sign contracts promising to pay Libre $420 per month while wearing the company’s GPS ankle devices.```

And *they* are being investigated by at least 3 states for exploitation of these immigrants

2018-11-02 17:25:24 UTC  

not sure why it doesn't show the video, but it's a new project veritas
*"Nobody needs to know" Beto Campaign Appears to Illegally Spend Funds on Supplies for Caravan Aliens*
*• "I just hope nobody that's the wrong person finds out about this."
• "It's f***ing happening." O'Rourke Campaign Staff Uses Pre-Paid Cards for Honduran Alien Supplies
• "Don’t ever repeat this…" Campaign Staffers Explain How to Hide Campaign Expenditures for Aliens
• "If you get caught in some sort of violation that's like a $50,000 fine," "For me I can just ignore the rules and I'm like f**k it."
• Transporting Aliens to "airports… bus stations," "None of this is like sh*t there is a rulebook for"
• Staffer Says She Sent Texts to Director; Told Campaign Manager Jody Casey, Who Says "Don't Worry"*

2018-11-02 17:30:33 UTC  

That's styx Take on the Video @H. George Wells posted

2018-11-02 17:32:34 UTC  

Thank you sir

2018-11-02 17:34:56 UTC  

no Problemo