Message from @DrYuriMom

Discord ID: 508111050915184641

2018-11-03 00:33:40 UTC  

Damn right!

2018-11-03 00:33:56 UTC  

(both of you)

2018-11-03 01:48:47 UTC  

4 poor pipl lik me

2018-11-03 01:53:21 UTC  

There's no way this is the real article. This is the most poorly written slapdash piece of shit I've seen out of any publication in a long time

2018-11-03 02:29:38 UTC  

Have you ever heard tim bash/flame Mainstream outlet for grammar/wording, @Beemann ? 😉

2018-11-03 02:43:42 UTC  

Nothing is stopping the individuals from donating directly. If they don't turn around and donate directly to St Jude then that is their decision. The "terrible" person is the donator who is unwilling to give except through a controversial site.

2018-11-03 02:46:50 UTC  

And there's no onus on the link in the chain that decided to break?

2018-11-03 02:49:22 UTC  

yes im sure donators are the terrible people, that makes a hell of a lot of sense, why didint i think of it.

2018-11-03 02:49:47 UTC  

All the WSJ did was report. It would be St Jude's who would have decided they didn;t want to be associated with killStream

2018-11-03 02:49:53 UTC  

and insentivized donating is a pretty common occurence

2018-11-03 02:49:53 UTC  

That is their right

2018-11-03 02:50:13 UTC  

@Stefan Payne it honestly looks like a botched copy-paste job

2018-11-03 02:50:33 UTC  

Just as it is the right of each individual to decide whether they will follow up by donating via an alternate mechanism

2018-11-03 02:50:38 UTC  

were not talking about rights

2018-11-03 02:51:12 UTC  

were talking about ideology getting between children and charity

2018-11-03 02:51:32 UTC  

Sure, they have the right, but what is right isn't always laudable or socially acceptable.

2018-11-03 02:51:38 UTC  

I'm seeing blame on the WSJ, maybe Google, St Jude's, and nebulous "other players" but no mention that the people who are seeing their money returned can then do whatever they decide to do with it

2018-11-03 02:51:53 UTC  

```@Stefan Payne it honestly looks like a botched copy-paste job```
So like a standard Low Effort Mainstream Media Article 😉

2018-11-03 02:51:54 UTC  

No one is "stealing" anything

2018-11-03 02:51:57 UTC  

You can run around the streets yelling at everyone and calling them faggots, but that's not really okay.

2018-11-03 02:52:10 UTC  

who the fuck said there was stealing here?

2018-11-03 02:52:34 UTC  

This person

2018-11-03 02:52:45 UTC  

is that the person i shared a video about?

2018-11-03 02:52:58 UTC  

I'm just referring to the event and giving my take on it

2018-11-03 02:53:08 UTC  

I never said anything about you

2018-11-03 02:53:27 UTC  

You did refute a claim that, to my knowledge, no one in the discussion brought up.

2018-11-03 02:53:30 UTC  

It's a bit jarring.

2018-11-03 02:53:43 UTC  

Fair enough

2018-11-03 02:54:14 UTC  

In any case as a leader for a non-profit I can sympathize with the dilemma St Jude's faced here.

2018-11-03 02:54:32 UTC  

indeed, its almost like you needed something to argue about when your other arguements wernt effective so you brought someone else who wasent in the room who said something you could argue about that was related to the topic so you could maintain your postition

2018-11-03 02:55:30 UTC  

"were talking about ideology getting between children and charity" is what you said. I am responding to say that this is not the case since the money is being returned and the donors can still give directly.

2018-11-03 02:56:35 UTC  

WSJ may be responcible for pressuring various people into actions, they have done so in the past along with the entire mainstream media. adpocolypse. theres no proof that they were responcible or did that but i think those who do blame WSJ arnt unfounded in their reasoning

2018-11-03 02:56:43 UTC  

It can, that's true. But there was an action taken that, had it not been done, would have allowed the money to already be where it was going.

2018-11-03 02:57:11 UTC  

It did add a complication but it is the media's role to report.

2018-11-03 02:57:40 UTC  

as for ideology getting between children and charity, this event delayed the donations by time, that is technicly getting in the way. additionally it put hoops to jump through that naturally in terms of hundreds of people will cause a loss in donation

2018-11-03 02:57:46 UTC  

I't not exactly sure what the WSJ was trying to accomplish here. I can think of other things that seem more appropriate for the "illuminating light".

2018-11-03 02:58:02 UTC  

it IS putting idology between children and charity by making it more difficult

2018-11-03 02:58:29 UTC  

The the organization at fault would be St Jude's themselves and not the WSJ.