Message from @Trumped!
Discord ID: 458450957991280640
that may have been a reason, but the anti-gay law is also a step in trying to fix the downspiral of russia's population
I hated how the media ran with that
The law doesn't even send you to jail. It's a fine. The fine is for trying to recruit minors into homosexuality. That's all.
Some good Paramilitarism can fix this
As Putin said, "I should remind you that unlike 1/3 of the world's countries, it is not a crime in Russia to be gay"
it should be
I remember there's a clip where some fags literally holding hand and walk under the fucking Basil Church of Moscow to test everyone "reaction" (which is already clear enough)
The commnet section was pure hypocisy "muh respect lgbt" while they can't even keep their dick away from the church
It's funny when ex-CCCP old man blame the West for bringing in the degenarate which was almost never happenned in his time lol
Is abc bannon full interview out yet
Cannot find
Bannon mauled the interview
Instead of it being a Communist revolt, we will lead a Revolt of the Free
Let me know if you need instructions on how to make something out of household objects and some things from your local hardware store
My formal submission of a report of this fake hate crime campaign on GoFundMe
"The premise of this campaign is to cover damages to a vehicle caused by a hateful (i.e, racist, individual). However, it is exceedingly apparent that his is not the case.
The organizer of the campaign launched it within hours of the purported vandalization, showing clear premeditation and intent to extort crowdfunding platforms such as GoFundMe.
If an automobile is covered under nearly all basic-level insurance policies, the victim may submit a report of vehicle damages, which vandalism falls under the category of. However, the organizers of this campaign have either chosen not to do so willfully, or worse, have done so and are also seeking (extorting) additional monetary gain through GoFundMe.
The damages as shown in the campaign images have absolutely no possibility of warranting a $10,000 donations goal. This is patently absurd.
It is clearly evident with the provided description of the events in question that the organizer is appealing to emotion and empathy rather than describing any relevant reason why insurance would not cover this for them, provided that this is even a legitimate vandalism at hand.
It is my sincerest recommendation that whomever reviews this report takes a realistic, and objective, look into what is going on here, and to take appropriate action against the campaign's organizer.
While such a senseless crime is a tragic burden to be put on anyone, it is my chiefest of beliefs that this particular crime is fraudulent, and furthermore was staged and acted out by the organizer himself, therefore this campaign itself is illegitimate."
I would be amazed if a nice ass truck like that didnt have full coverage
Exactly. That's a really high-end truck to have minimal (or NO) insurance on.
And the campaign description has absolutely no reference to their insurance or anything
its all a play on empathy
not even any more than a paragraph either
its pathetic
Y'all member the red paint NIGGA?
I member
Not to mention all the hate crime in question is exactly the kind of stereotypical things to expect from a "racist"
they didn't even put any creativity into it
It's a really weird world we live in
Honestly I would probably vandalize that truck
Though Id do it right. Break the window and throw cans of frozen shaving cream in there. Maybe set it on fire
Please don't say that
we have to be better than (((them)))
I really dont think any self respecting person would leav racist stuff on a car
They know it would just start a go fund me