
Discord ID: 369707013359271946

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there's nothing about asian politics here lol

Every single country have some hot shit
especially the SEA ones

hmm r8 my collecton


2018-06-10 17:20:00 UTC [Outer Heaven #join-list]  

He probably won't last for 3 months

And you thought The Maze was the most fucked up shithole out of Africa

fucking love this


This article is a huge "we live in a society" but to say the least the author got something right

If the royals actually care about their country those ginger would have staged a military coup years ago

Isn't this legally child grooming? why tf does children need bo be oversexualized in both appearance and attitude like that?

Those "drag kid" are 100% sexually abused i swear

Fucking hell, those LBGTBBQ are started to infecting my country

I remember there's a clip where some fags literally holding hand and walk under the fucking Basil Church of Moscow to test everyone "reaction" (which is already clear enough)
The commnet section was pure hypocisy "muh respect lgbt" while they can't even keep their dick away from the church

It's funny when ex-CCCP old man blame the West for bringing in the degenarate which was almost never happenned in his time lol

Because it fucking is lmao

The Jew at Disney will sue the shit out of them

is he fucking crazy? i'm have little doubt that he'll actually pull off this shit


shh that pedophobe

and anyone still got a link to that pedophile TED talk?

That "rod of god" image is from GI Joe lmao

A Doom movie without doomguy
imagine my shock


oh yeah, apparently they gave her a katana too

this movie will go straight to the DVD bargain bin lol

idk because they never play doom before?

Look at the earlier screenshot of the cast i already saw something that doesn't right
Guess i wasn't joking about the doomguy being replaced by a girl

They took the "Cars without cars" meme too far lmao

Quick rundown
>New Doom movie 2019
>Doom 3 theme, again
>No Dwayne Johnson this time, doomguy replaced by a girl
>High chance that this movie will go straight to the bargain bin

They are damage control it
saying that "Doomslayer still in the movie"

Lmao the salt in that tweet's comment section

Probably don't know that Doom 3 is the reimagination of doom 1 so it's supposed to be doomguy or doom marine lol

Doom 3 is very different from the rest

and nuDOOM is an reboot

>No dwayne johnson or vin diesel as doomguy
i schleep

NuDoom was more like an arena shooter

the exploring and combat aspect was usually seperated from each other instead of blending together like in old doom

lmao vietnamese meme page admin

i knew it

come to brazil


Chinese is brutal as fuck, cure gay with the Mike Pence therapy

China literally treats the homo with two alligator clips attached to their dicks lmao, and it has going on for 2-30 years
even if the gay don't go away they'll be too sacred to even think about it

Damn that balloon was pure kek


so this is the counter-protest one
looks great
anyone got some live footage

Lmao the queen bows to Trump

it basically said that "give back the rainbow to the children you faggots"

based Bulgaria

the irony

>my little pony

so in general, Dem got a stalemate situation in the House, and Rep still got control of Senate and Supreme Court
They have a minor victory but we are mostly in control right?

The fact that they only got 28 seats over us is actually pretty low

considering how they always preached about how "hated" Trump is

implying that those privileged cunt ever cared about anything than themself

it'll be a second Reagan

the dem will bite their own dicks when Trump clear the house

I just read some Soviet conspiracist book and they are fucking crazy

there's a paragraph mentioned about England had a plan to sterlizing the German people after WW2 and using mixed race to destroy their genetic

Stalin was fucking disgusted and threaten to launch another invasion lol

Here's the author's page, can't find an online version of the book through

oh look they predicted the "open border" too


even the Soviet know that the Jew are behind this

/pol/ was right all the time

Shit, they are *really* doubling down for this one


The goverments sold themself to corporations

Almost every white liberals have savior complex

tfw Chinese has Muslim concentration camp


we goin on patrol

So i made a video about the IRS purge

i haven't seen so many roasties lost their shit since the MakeApp apocalypse

Holy fuck how can the frog living like this for 15 years
cutthroat was an understatement for this kind of taxes


lmao they did it again

they also cure gay by literally shock their dick too

Chinese supressing religions is a comom thing that happen for years

13% of the population

lmao the whole comment section was captured by the based Chechen

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