Message from @acarson
Discord ID: 460837621485142016
Chris-Chan. The tragedy of the internet that you simply can't look away from
I dont think this is the first time
SJW Robot in Solo A Star Wars Movie.
What a fuckin' joke
The only star wars movie's that count are new hope empire strikes back and return of the jedi
that's about it
good thing i didnt see it
i thought the sjw robot in Solo was genius. It created all the problems for the characters on the mining planet and the only useful thing it had was it's nav data
if anything the droid character itself was a joke making fun of TLJ. A proper example to make an SJW character imo
haven't seen any of the modern star war films, glad now that i didnt
@Fivespark This is the only scene in the new star wars films that everyone can love
All exceptthge very end. I get so tired of everyone throwing out the word hope like they do.
I gurantee everyone in this chat is either fat or pointdexter lookin
Me on the other hand is the biggest and baddest here when it comes to real life.
Nigga please
I have a bigass red beard
Nah you ain't a R E A L
Drop pics and your BMI and then we'll see if your as bad as you say you are. I'm the baddest here and that's on Foe Nem.
or atleast have amature movie
Go read the novels. The Episode III novel film adapted would have been rated R, but Lucas diled it way down so kids could watch.
@Trumped! BMI 23
@Deleted User beat me by 1.1 but what's your height B
6, 3
You need to hit the 6 mark SOON!
shit... how the fuck i grow height...
Idk 6'3 makes tanks uncomfortable
And you would have to slouch in humvees
how tall were romans when they conquered the world? <:thinking:445724717450526731>
Like 5'5 ish maybe smaller
yeah. bunch of short dudes beat the ass of all of europe. even the "tall" germans and britons
I know this feeling all to well
Get live didn't show up on my facebook at all. I didn't realise it was live until I checked here. Zuccerburg....
Youtube is experiencing mass non-notifications too
nothing new
5'5" is the minimum height for the Roman Army