
Discord ID: 231421947135655936

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What is your opinion on what is going on in South Africa?

May i add that what is happening in South Africa, has alot of marxism into it.

What China is doing in SA is what europeans did 300 years ago, they are trying to colonize Africa and use the blacks to procure vast amounts of recources such as diamonds

Japanese girls moaning



ppl need to stop calling others racist, it is seriously killing that word

but forreal how do u be racist forliking the color black?

Idk about now but earlier 5 mins ago

I was purposely keep kicking them "oh im sorry i keep bumping into you "While kicking their ribs repeatedly

maybe drop a few heavy stuff "Accidentally" on them

Hogg is a creeper trying to gain points with the ladies for being "Virtuous"

if tommy robinson dies
tenth crusade

better start shipping guns to England to arm the crusaders

or give schematics to englanders on how to make one out of a drill press

im pissed off at "science" these days

People are dumb enough to believe anything that is "Science" That doesn't use the scientificmethod or even a fucking controller

"1 dog and 1 monkey do the same thing so itmust be true"

im like "Bro, you can't use 1 monkeey as a controller for 1 dog, you need ten, twenty dogs doing the same thing to eliminate a variable , and you need atleast one controller for this hypothesis

Just cause one dog and one monkey do the same fucking thing doesn't mean that every fucking thing else does it too.

Alex Jones owns the Based Challenger from Charlottesville

im joking, but he does have a hellcat challenger

for killing non-binary polyamorous transqueers

I don't hate LGBT, but sometimes, stuff like that shit..makes me wanna just go all 1488 on them

ok so
Gen x
85% support LGBT
Gen Z
41 fucking percent

does this mean that all of gen z is literally hitler??

We can't just fight, otherwise we will lose the public eye, we should wait and see, if Tommy Robinson dies then we should act and fight

Anders Behring Breivik killed 69 communists

then he got a 21 year sentence in prison for killing COMMUNISTS

93 cutlural marxists

BTFO muzzies

I think Elon musk is getting redpilled

Of the gas chambers?


Never attack the chosen people

Squeal like a hogg boy!

It is still fun to Meme him

Report it to Facebook

His face makes me wanna punch him too

Creepy Joe at it again

I'll still be at work, sad day

Based duterte is based

Heroes don't always wear capes

That is silly

Ask them how their day is

If they are of college age ask them if they go to college

If so ask what they majoring in

Always work

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