Message from @Rumguzzler
Discord ID: 460983963540914177
Drop pics and your BMI and then we'll see if your as bad as you say you are. I'm the baddest here and that's on Foe Nem.
star wars should be more mature
or atleast have amature movie
Go read the novels. The Episode III novel film adapted would have been rated R, but Lucas diled it way down so kids could watch.
@Trumped! BMI 23
@Deleted User beat me by 1.1 but what's your height B
6, 3
You need to hit the 6 mark SOON!
shit... how the fuck i grow height...
Idk 6'3 makes tanks uncomfortable
And you would have to slouch in humvees
how tall were romans when they conquered the world? <:thinking:445724717450526731>
Like 5'5 ish maybe smaller
yeah. bunch of short dudes beat the ass of all of europe. even the "tall" germans and britons
I know this feeling all to well
Get live didn't show up on my facebook at all. I didn't realise it was live until I checked here. Zuccerburg....
nothing new
5'5" is the minimum height for the Roman Army
Bullshit 6,3 makes tanks unconftorable
6,1 is the minimum height to man an M1 Abrahams
I am the biggest deal in REAL LIFE in this chat
You mean max
No, I mean M E
Max maybe
My dad was in the service in 76-80. He said there was like a 7 ft. Drop into tanks back then.
But it has something to do with the seats
In a humvee with a helmet on sitting normally my helmet will be pressed against the roof. Its probably similar for tanks. There is only so much room.
What was your mos, I think you told me but i forgot
Me? 11b
Never touched a Bradley IFV or M1 though
Only humvee and maxpro mraps
It just got extended to 22 weeks
I can't find the same article I was reading but a little bit of my soul died when I saw women in the pics
Who is in the Boston atea?
*area* not atea