Message from @Ehzek

Discord ID: 486655607969939457

2018-09-04 19:16:00 UTC  

I would love to see those damn Yankees try to take this monument down.

2018-09-04 19:29:16 UTC  

Not all Yankees hate the monuments m8

2018-09-04 19:34:49 UTC  

But all people who hate monuments are Yankees.

2018-09-04 20:46:39 UTC  

Yankees have no history. That's why their mad at everyone else's glorious history

2018-09-04 20:57:11 UTC  


2018-09-04 21:25:36 UTC  

Should I do an entire deconstruction of the arguments for removing the Confederate Monuments?

2018-09-04 21:44:57 UTC  


2018-09-04 21:46:20 UTC  

Nah there's southern trash who hate them too

2018-09-04 21:46:55 UTC  

You should do an entire deconstruction of the arguments for removing the Confederate Monuments

2018-09-04 21:49:27 UTC  

Except CS gas is different from all the other stuff masks are used against.

2018-09-04 21:51:23 UTC  

Well, let me go over the lowest hanging fruit out of them all first.

“The Confederacy was fighting for White Supremacy” is one of the most obvious arguments used against them. The problem with this argument is that, during the time, both sides would be what we would define as “white supremacists.” The north believed Blacks were just as inferior as southerners believed them to be. The North also was extremely discriminatory to East Asians (Chinese), Italians, and Irishmen due to being mainly WASPs and supporting white, Anglo-Saxon Protestant culture over other cultures. They were, by that category, also “white supremacists” by definition.

2018-09-04 21:51:27 UTC  

@TheKekscernist easy. John Graves Simcoe has statues in Canada.

2018-09-04 21:51:34 UTC  

What does gas have to do with this?

2018-09-04 21:51:57 UTC  

It's in the name of one of my favorite songs?

2018-09-04 21:52:06 UTC  

I mean

2018-09-04 21:52:12 UTC  

gas is basically the solution to most things now

2018-09-04 21:52:19 UTC  

it's replacing bullets

2018-09-04 21:54:38 UTC  

Rags is on a gas mask vs Beard stint

2018-09-04 21:55:18 UTC  

Another argument is the quite often the comparison of the Confederacy and Confederate veterans and Confederate Leaders to Nazis or any type of dictatorship. This is misleading because the South was not a dictatorship nor an ideological movement, but a regional, political movement that came about due to a fundamental disagreement with the Federal Government over how the institution of slavery should be handled. In other words, Confederates are not equivalent to Nazis. They are more closely related to something like the IRA or the Scottish Independence movement under William Wallace rather than an ideological movement like the Nazi regime or the Soviet Union.

2018-09-04 21:55:24 UTC  

He believes that the Army not allowing beards is a conspiracy when he has experience with people using masks and beards.

2018-09-04 21:55:38 UTC  

But there is more to it than cs gas

2018-09-04 21:55:42 UTC  

Also, no one cares about beards right now.

2018-09-04 21:55:51 UTC  

Rags does

2018-09-04 21:56:14 UTC  

And you posted the article that started it so apparently you care a little.

2018-09-04 21:56:47 UTC  

I posted the article that was made into a meme for people to read.

2018-09-04 21:57:20 UTC  

@Deleted User Hard pill to swallow:
Sometimes the big green weenie is right
No beards and gas masks

2018-09-04 21:59:27 UTC  

But, anyways, those are two arguments I hear quite often. There’s a good number of other arguments, which, when applied any level of scrutiny, simply fall apart.

2018-09-04 22:05:28 UTC  

Thing is though, a mask creating a better seal against bare skin is common sense.

2018-09-04 22:06:34 UTC  

It might be "good enough" with a beard but is that really something you would accept in a CBRNE environment?

2018-09-04 22:09:34 UTC  

Like what would create a better seal suction cup on glass or carpet?

2018-09-04 22:09:59 UTC  

Another argument I hear all the time from the groups who want the monuments removed is the old "you lost, get over it" and or the variation that goes "the statues are just participation trophies."

The problem with this general line of argument is that it can be applied to other conflicts and be just as valid. You can argue that we should remove the Vietnam War Memorial because the US lost and that it's just a "participation trophy." Similarly, you could argue the Scottish should remove statues of William Wallace because he lost and they should "get over it." Same thing with a statue of Boudica in England, same thing with monuments to German dead of the Great War, and the same argument can be applied to any and all monuments or memorials, meaning that all of them can be removed because they are honoring the "losing side."

2018-09-04 22:11:18 UTC  

US won Vietnam my dude

2018-09-04 22:11:29 UTC  

No, we didn't.

2018-09-04 22:11:37 UTC  

They surrendered

2018-09-04 22:11:43 UTC  

After we left

2018-09-04 22:11:53 UTC  

The dems refused to support the south

2018-09-04 22:12:00 UTC  

And it got taken

2018-09-04 22:12:25 UTC  

Basically Vietnam 2 happened and we never showed up

2018-09-04 22:12:34 UTC  

Or even lent support

2018-09-04 22:12:40 UTC  

It was fought to a truce. No one actually won the war until, of course, the North Vietnamese initiated their attack and crushed the South Vietnamese.

2018-09-04 22:12:52 UTC  

So, it was a defeat.