Message from @Sasu

Discord ID: 514316842425253898

2018-11-20 02:27:07 UTC  

I had a friend once explain to me just how difficult it is to follow all the rules about secure communications. For those not steeped in the intelligence community or military, it reportedly very difficult not to find ways around it. We see that even with Pres Trump and his unsecure phone. Not to necessarily say it isn't a big deal, but from what I was told the secure systems could do with an upgrade in usability.

2018-11-20 02:28:09 UTC  

I mean Colin Powell is a very smart man and not one to flout rules unless practically forced to.

2018-11-20 04:34:33 UTC  

something tells me this will be good for a laugh.

2018-11-20 04:36:17 UTC  

Maybe one laugh. Somewhere in there.

2018-11-20 04:38:01 UTC  

I mean a laugh at a far leftist trying to unironically discuss authoritiarisnsm

2018-11-20 04:47:28 UTC  

current year man himself

2018-11-20 04:49:57 UTC  

Hey, you're right. It is current year. Why isn't his job being done by a proud lesbian of color?

2018-11-20 05:17:11 UTC  

via WaPo:
(use archive next time)
Some aides were startled by the volume of Ivanka Trump’s personal emails — and taken aback by her response when questioned about the practice. She said she was not familiar with some details of the rules, according to people with knowledge of her reaction.
Ivanka Trump and her husband set up personal emails with the domain “” through a Microsoft system in December 2016, as they were preparing to move to Washington so Kushner could join the White House, according to people familiar with the arrangement.

The couple’s emails are prescreened by the Trump Organization for security problems such as viruses but are stored by Microsoft, the people said.

Trump used her personal account to discuss government policies and official business fewer than 100 times — often replying to other administration officials who contacted her through her private email, according to people familiar with the review.

2018-11-20 05:17:13 UTC  

Another category of less-substantive emails may have also violated the records law: hundreds of messages related to her official work schedule and travel details that she sent herself and personal assistants who cared for her children and house, they said.
Ivanka Trump first used her personal email to contact Cabinet officials in early 2017, before she joined the White House as an unpaid senior adviser, according to emails obtained by American Oversight and first reported by Newsweek.
Lowell’s review found fewer than 1,000 personal emails in which Trump shared her official schedule and travel plans with herself and her personal assistants, according to two people familiar with the review.

Separately, there were fewer than 100 emails in which Trump used her personal account to discuss official business with other administration officials.
WaPo is pretty left-leaning and pretty anti-Trump. If this is the best they could find...there's really not much here. Worth investigating? Sure. Looks bad? Definitely. But this looks pretty marginal so far. It's not like Clinton who had set things up, deleted stuff and possessed classified material.

2018-11-20 05:17:58 UTC  

Still probably illegal, but it's this is going to get blown out of proportion. There's going to be howling and screeching and no one is going to get punished.

2018-11-20 05:25:37 UTC  

Honestly, this is probably a preview of the next 2 years. Marginal wrongdoing being blown way out of proportion to make Trump look bad. Endless partisanship. I need more to drink.

2018-11-20 05:46:55 UTC  

less then 100 emails? and most are in reply to officials contacting her on it? why aren't they complaining about the people contacting her via personal email instead of official government one then?

2018-11-20 05:47:52 UTC  

i would guess the use of none-government emails is probably a deep rooted problem within the whitehouse because no one understand IT security.

2018-11-20 05:48:40 UTC  

I wonder if she even has a government email. xD

2018-11-20 05:48:47 UTC  

i would assume so?

2018-11-20 05:49:17 UTC  

even though i'm from the UK, all this recklessness around IT security really pisses me off.

2018-11-20 05:49:21 UTC  

She is in an unpaid position, usually you need to request to get something like that, or be in a position that allows for tax payer dollars to be used for it.

2018-11-20 05:49:56 UTC  

does she work with any classified stuff?

2018-11-20 05:50:16 UTC  

i would've thought they'd give her a government email just to reduce risk of security breaches

2018-11-20 05:51:22 UTC  

also if thats microsofts buisness email service, thats probably more secure then the whitehouse

2018-11-20 05:51:30 UTC  

I mean, it's not like she is the secretary of state and is sending emails with her personal account. xD

2018-11-20 05:51:53 UTC  

the thing that pissed off the most about that is her personal server had no security what so ever.

2018-11-20 05:52:12 UTC  

what is the service?

2018-11-20 05:52:28 UTC  

I mean if it is google, I doubt they'd take that accusation sitting down. xD

2018-11-20 05:52:40 UTC  


2018-11-20 05:53:03 UTC  

i was saying whitehouse security is probably shit and microsofts is more secure for buisness clients.

2018-11-20 05:53:25 UTC  

ah I found out the service

2018-11-20 05:53:32 UTC  

it is a microsoft system

2018-11-20 05:53:42 UTC  

for her personal email

2018-11-20 05:53:49 UTC  

yeah it said that in the article

2018-11-20 05:54:03 UTC  

i'm assuming its the buisness level services though

2018-11-20 05:54:15 UTC  

i'm not sure if they offer custom domains to regular consumers?

2018-11-20 05:54:16 UTC  

It'd have to be

2018-11-20 05:54:44 UTC  

otherwise there would be no encryption level services. Besides getting emails is pretty secure. Sending them on the otherhand is not.

2018-11-20 05:55:00 UTC  


2018-11-20 05:55:23 UTC  

i'd still trust microsofts services to actually be secure.

2018-11-20 05:55:32 UTC  

unless they've put backdoors in for the nsa :/

2018-11-20 05:56:41 UTC  

I don't think any company would put backdoors... if it ever leaked that they did, they would lose trust

2018-11-20 05:57:06 UTC  

eh true, nsa puts the backdoors in for you without you knowing

2018-11-20 06:25:03 UTC  

the more extremists get outed the better