Message from @Tohob

Discord ID: 517514972532834315

2018-11-29 00:11:59 UTC  

because "bag of deplorables" really won them the election

2018-11-29 00:12:31 UTC  

if you're gonna say social security has a dedicated, protected revenue stream, we need to move this conversation to fake news room.

2018-11-29 00:15:05 UTC  


2018-11-29 00:33:28 UTC  

I mean we only spent a trillion dollars on it.

2018-11-29 00:34:00 UTC  

Also Grenade - I keep saying, 2020 is gonna be 2016-2 The Revenge of the Deplorables.

2018-11-29 00:34:05 UTC  

they are already starting it.

2018-11-29 00:50:53 UTC  

@Grenade123, I am very aware of SS structure. I've been paying for previous generations with the expectation the generations after me will pay for me. That's the social contract. My retirement age has already been moved back two years to acknowledge the fact that there are more retirees per worker than there used to be. There are many ways that social security can be adjusted to keep it solvent and healthy without needing to raid the mythological "trust fund" which would just mean requiring the general fund to pay for it. If we just require FICA taxes to apply to all income and not have it capped, that would solve a lot. I currently am not paying FICA because of the cap. I haven't all month nor will I next month. That's wrong. I and everyone else should pay FICA no matter how much we make.

2018-11-29 00:51:19 UTC  

Changes like that will make sure SS is there for you.

2018-11-29 00:52:52 UTC  

i don't trust the government to give me any money. Even if i ended up needing welfare.

2018-11-29 00:55:18 UTC  

I trust my generation and the ones before mine to keep SS real. It's people 45 and older that feel a real investment in it and will keep it alive.

2018-11-29 00:56:20 UTC  

That said, I cashed out the private pension I participated in earlier in my career (for about 6 years) and which was closed because I certainly don't expect that to happen.

2018-11-29 00:56:34 UTC  

I'm trusting but not stupid :p

2018-11-29 01:35:42 UTC  
2018-11-29 01:37:55 UTC  

I wonder why that is?!
Hm, I have no idea...

2018-11-29 01:38:27 UTC  

maybe because of the bad 2015 decision to let in millions of black peoples into the EU and them beeing pretty awful people??

2018-11-29 01:38:44 UTC  

and raping or stabbing the native population....

2018-11-29 01:38:58 UTC  

that might have something to do with the "racism" against blacks...

2018-11-29 01:39:13 UTC  

no that would be dumb. it's obviously because whites are genetically predisposed to hating darkies

2018-11-29 01:39:44 UTC  

and i think it's time we started looking at some kind of solution to the white problem

2018-11-29 01:39:49 UTC  

a final solution, if you will

2018-11-29 01:52:15 UTC  

guys...this may surprise you but...european elites are racists

2018-11-29 01:58:05 UTC  


2018-11-29 03:21:14 UTC

According to this article: Linda Sarsour raised $240k after the synagogue shooting, and only $10k went towards Jewish cemetery repairs, and $155k went towards the Islamic Center of Pittsburgh.

2018-11-29 04:34:31 UTC  

such an anti-semite

2018-11-29 04:44:12 UTC  

They're blaming GM closures on Trump now

2018-11-29 04:44:36 UTC  

Even though they are closing down here in Canada too

2018-11-29 04:44:52 UTC  

And it's a Canadian publication

2018-11-29 04:45:39 UTC  

Trump is the left's scapegoat

2018-11-29 04:46:04 UTC  

Meanwhile, Trump is threatening some credits and subsidies GM received over the closures.

2018-11-29 04:46:40 UTC  

Trying to bully GM into opening other plants. If the UAW doesn't flip by 2020, they're nuts. This is exactly what the UAW would want in a politician.

2018-11-29 04:47:04 UTC  

The GM closures were in the works for a long time. While workers were getting laid off and production slowed, new factories were being built in Mexico. They should have seen this coming

2018-11-29 04:47:37 UTC  

Really, GM is moving out of the small car market. Ford did something similar. These are the small car plants.

2018-11-29 04:47:49 UTC  

The question is why they don't want to retool.

2018-11-29 04:48:17 UTC  

Except the plant here in Canada made the Chevy Silverado and it was still shut down

2018-11-29 04:48:34 UTC  

Supposedly, they're looking to "look to the next big thing" and will probably put the money into research. Which is not necessarily a bad idea. But I think there's alot of doubts.

2018-11-29 04:49:28 UTC  

To say Trump is somehow behind the closures is clueless. I wonder what is being said around the UAW. They have to be noticing.

2018-11-29 04:50:50 UTC  

They said the next best thing is electric and autonomous vehicles. The Chevy volt was already being built in the US and the existing factories could have been adjusted for autonomous vehicles.

2018-11-29 04:51:43 UTC  

Yeah, there's reasons to have doubts. As I said, it's probably research. So they'd be putting the money to the University of Michigan or something.