Message from @Bookworm

Discord ID: 520040923552415744

2018-12-05 23:59:54 UTC  

Socially: Left
Economically/fiscally: centrist-left.

2018-12-06 00:00:27 UTC  

See that doesn't actually tell me shit, which is why I asked for lack of tribal labels

2018-12-06 00:00:55 UTC  

But Soros, soros wants to force change. Which i guess is how he gets his Socialist label. Because he is too much of a Globalist to really be a nazi. But he won't sit back and let things evolve naturally. He is a dictator who claims to not "want" power, but its willing to amass it and use it. I see this as not much different than the communist party leaders who claim to be for true communism, with a stateless society and no ruling class so they can amass power and then never let it go. either because they never planned to, or because they never see things as being "right" yet.

2018-12-06 00:02:31 UTC  

Socially: It is what as I said. As for economics: I'm for markets, that have few but precise regulations to make them more efficient, and don't burden businesses and consumes.

2018-12-06 00:03:14 UTC  

So would you say that, given the current state of the US, that you would be for deregulation? Or do you mean a few precise regulations relative to what we have now?

2018-12-06 00:05:47 UTC  

In addition is probably better than relative

2018-12-06 00:06:25 UTC  

Essentially; there is a lot of regulations that are meaningless and need to be updated and/or removed completely. Problem is that the GOP and Trump are taking a scorched earth positions that sees all regulation period is bad (especially if it's bad for businesses) and hapharzardly cut them down without considering the effects of removing them. I want meaningless regulations to be gone, but keep ones that are still necessary.

2018-12-06 00:07:29 UTC  

To be fair, the illusion of necessity is often only dispelled when the seemingly necessary thing is actually removed. It's just not always clear when it's actually necessary or not before then

2018-12-06 00:08:05 UTC  

how do you determine necessity?

2018-12-06 00:08:24 UTC  

Did everything go to shit?

2018-12-06 00:09:05 UTC  

are environmental regulations needed? IF so, how do you feel about the EPA using numbers incorrectly, which puts undo burden on companies.

2018-12-06 00:11:27 UTC  

Then that obviously needs to stop and having to redo tests, but that isn't my call to make, since I am not an expert in science, envrionmental nor otherwise. Plus, considering Trump's handling of EPA, I don't think companies need to worry about those undo burdens.

2018-12-06 00:12:05 UTC  

Why must the federal government do these things, and not the state?

2018-12-06 00:12:37 UTC  

And I mean just the state.

2018-12-06 00:19:22 UTC  

That will just create a patchwork clusterfuck, plus, many of the biggest violators are national companies that operate in many different states. Individual states can’t effectively take on nationwide operations.

2018-12-06 00:23:14 UTC  

There already is, and was, a "patchwork clusterfuck", because that is the designed structure of the United States. Further, national orgs are already subjected to state laws

2018-12-06 00:43:42 UTC  

@Ace K so then you would be in favor of a world regulatory body?

2018-12-06 00:51:45 UTC  


2018-12-06 00:53:22 UTC  

If done properly (like having all of the world nations be part of the construction of this body, and have it address the unique needs of individual nations, which is nigh impossible), then sure. But as it is nigh impossible, I really don't think a world regulatory body would work as of now.

2018-12-06 00:56:58 UTC  

Bring Back Franco.

2018-12-06 00:57:13 UTC  

I don't care if he's still dead, he'd do a better job running the country, clearly.

2018-12-06 01:05:25 UTC  

What the fuck Spain.

2018-12-06 11:46:48 UTC  

This doesn't say quite what people might assume it says--no one argues women dominate in the health sciences and biology--but it's certainly not the standard narrative.

2018-12-06 12:24:39 UTC  

Health care is not usually included in STEM statistics. This is an odd take on it.

2018-12-06 12:25:10 UTC  

This reminds me of "lies, damn lies, and statistics"

2018-12-06 12:25:33 UTC  

Take nursing out of the equation and you get the classic numbers batted about showing women underrepresented

2018-12-06 12:28:58 UTC  

As someone working in health care, nursing is not allowed to practice to their potential. If the medical profession as a whole would stop trying to keep nursing down, I might be more inclined to rate nursing at the same level as engineering. There are some dirty secrets in health care and the outrageous power of the AMA is one of them. πŸ˜•

2018-12-06 16:06:26 UTC  

what if... army will join yellow vests πŸ˜‰

2018-12-06 16:07:10 UTC  

That would be awesome. Macron might be done.

2018-12-06 16:10:59 UTC  

France has no Posse Comitatus law.

2018-12-06 16:11:39 UTC  

Unlike in the US, active military can be used to address internal civil disturances.

2018-12-06 16:14:51 UTC  

im selling seats on the belgian border so people can watch from a safe distance as france gets fucked over even worse then we thought possible

2018-12-06 16:16:27 UTC  

Good thing they don't have an EU army yet. Otherwise they'd be using foreign troops less likely to be sympathetic to the protesters.

2018-12-06 16:18:58 UTC  


2018-12-06 16:19:37 UTC  

'These aren't German troops occupying Paris. They're EU peace keepers'

2018-12-06 16:21:38 UTC  

fucking hell

2018-12-06 16:21:49 UTC  

the foreign troops thing is really bad

2018-12-06 16:22:06 UTC  

It's scary.