Message from @Thornberry
Discord ID: 450382764856836098
By then it won't matter - with a pussy in the white house by the time they're ready again, they'll be able to write their own ticket. Won't matter if sanctions are threatened. They'll just appease Kim.
It's our job to make sure a pussy doesn't get into the white house.
That's how Obama got in
Expose their corruption
My friend living in LA was told off by a black guy on a bus for being white, and now I'm red pilling him
(Palpatine grin)
@Thornberry LA is a libtard shithole! Get him to move outta there once hes redpilled
He got yelled at for saying he liked the colors on a jersey (gold and Black) and a black guy said he just likes black cause he's racist
@Thornberry more reasons to abandon that shithole
ppl need to stop calling others racist, it is seriously killing that word
Liking only ir own kind is racist
but forreal how do u be racist forliking the color black?
Thats their mentality
I laughed cause this guy is a liberal cuck and he finally learned a lesson
He called me a racist and I'm part of the kkk
Then this happens
@Thornberry nows the time to redpill! Quickly while its fresh
Oh I am Any italians want to fill me in on this?
He wanted to appoint a eurosceptic to the economy position and the commie president rejected him
Well fuck
Sounds like Italians may become more based
This just came in from the group and Italian media: "proposed prime minister, from League and Five Stars Movement, Giuseppe Conte, resigns because the president of our republic didn't accept an eurosceptic as minister of economy."
What's that ^
a timeline to pay attention to
Gotcha, Also R.I.P. Harambe, Two years, Never forgetti
Also Pewdiepie's latest video is great, Covered his feud with Vice and Elon Musk
Link? Im at work @Mf1399
Honestly, we should be taking this part of Star Wars over. Disney won't touch Clones Wars stuff, and even this RepCom image is imposing AF
Reports coming in that Tommy Robinson was attacked are untrue, According to his official facebook page
I can taste the salty liberal tears