Message from @Stefan Payne

Discord ID: 533807029299576843

2019-01-12 23:34:42 UTC  

I'm not familiar with permits, unless you mean concealed carry.

2019-01-12 23:34:49 UTC  

Or background checks

2019-01-12 23:34:58 UTC  

Neither of which are core to the right to bear arms

2019-01-12 23:35:23 UTC  

The gun laws of California[3][4] are some of the most restrictive in the United States. A 5-year Firearm Safety Certificate, obtained by paying a $25 fee, submission of applicant data to the state, and passing a written test proctored by a DOJ Certified Instructor, is required for the sale, delivery, loan, or transfer of any firearm.

2019-01-12 23:35:29 UTC  

should i tell you something?

2019-01-12 23:35:29 UTC  

Citizens can only be denied through due process. For example, they committed a felony.

2019-01-12 23:36:09 UTC  

it's WAY easier to get a rifle in austria, than a firearm in california
in austria you need to be 18. and not have a weapons ban issued by the police (criminals get those)

2019-01-12 23:36:23 UTC  

go into store, select rifle, wait 3 days, and it's done

2019-01-12 23:37:20 UTC  

In shorts, american should hold tight onto all their rights. As some point in the future there will be elected politicians trying to curtail and limit them

2019-01-12 23:37:32 UTC  

All rights. Full stop

2019-01-12 23:39:02 UTC  

well, every gun right the left takes from you, you will NEVER get back!

2019-01-12 23:39:59 UTC  

Even giving sovereignty away to an unelected international body. Eg the president of EU

2019-01-13 00:16:56 UTC  

poor tim pool

2019-01-13 00:17:52 UTC  

apparently a good portion of tim's audience is saying that the video he did on the FundMe campaign for the border wall might be fake news

2019-01-13 00:18:21 UTC  

his latest video on the GoFundMe

2019-01-13 00:36:19 UTC  

I mean the guy running the go fund wall campign was shady and the money currently has been returned to those who gave it

2019-01-13 00:36:30 UTC  

the gofund me for it has been shutdown as far as im aware

2019-01-13 00:37:12 UTC  

I think it was a scam done by some guy, but that doesnt change any of the intent behind the donations

2019-01-13 00:37:32 UTC  
2019-01-13 00:38:33 UTC  

IMO most of those Fundraisers are scams

2019-01-13 00:40:49 UTC  

some ppl who claim to be actual donors for it said that there was an option of it to be diverted into a trust fund or something

2019-01-13 00:40:56 UTC  

this should be interesting

2019-01-13 00:41:26 UTC  

some ppl think it could be funnel into private sector instead of the govt to get the walls built

2019-01-13 00:41:37 UTC  

very interesting development

2019-01-13 04:50:16 UTC  

Soon enough, somebody is going to molest him

2019-01-13 05:21:07 UTC  

I guarantee you that happens to him regularly already.

2019-01-13 05:36:43 UTC  

First your browser, then your phone, now your tv. Are we just gonna accept privacy is just not a thing anymore?

2019-01-13 06:02:24 UTC  

underpants will track blood flow to genitals

2019-01-13 06:02:50 UTC  

and coordinate with your smart devices and eye tracking cameras to determine the causes

2019-01-13 15:15:30 UTC  

My tech is listening to me at all times, despite me removing all permissions, and targets ads to me based off what I say.

2019-01-13 15:15:33 UTC  

Privacy is dead.

2019-01-13 18:56:39 UTC  

look who wrote that book