Message from @0x90909090

Discord ID: 480007128485199873

2018-08-17 10:23:18 UTC  

@Timcast I've been a fan for a long time, please consider looking into that cyclist story again, because the version shared is really inaccurate.
The video's comments are a huge circle jerk of self-righteous hatred for dead people who aren't even cold yet, based on opinions they never shared or even demonstrably held.

2018-08-17 11:07:11 UTC  

We gotta take news ourselves

2018-08-17 11:07:33 UTC  

They're still dumb as shit for biking through these countries, though

2018-08-17 11:34:04 UTC  

Snopes seems to suggest that this "evil" story comes from the on 15th of August.
However, they fail to mention that The New York Times wrote a similar quote about evil on the 7th of August:

2018-08-17 11:36:10 UTC  

The author of the NYT article also (co)authored this article:

2018-08-17 12:33:09 UTC  

""badness exists… by and large, humans are kind. Self-interested sometimes, myopic sometimes, but kind. Generous and wonderful and kind. No greater revelation has come from our journey than this.""

2018-08-17 12:33:41 UTC  

so I think pluralist skewed it in that they claimed people being good is what they learned

2018-08-17 12:33:45 UTC  

not that they wanted to prove it

2018-08-17 12:46:38 UTC  

Here’s a TYT video where they pretend the Pirate radio station that was finned and shut down is a part of Alex Jones’s operation. This radio station played other things besides Infowars, and Alex had no part in it. Fake News.

2018-08-17 12:54:52 UTC  

why would TYT make Jones seem bigger than he is?

2018-08-17 12:54:56 UTC  

i really don't get this

2018-08-17 13:07:20 UTC  

They want to make their victory seem greater by making their foe seem stronger. And the message is also that 'our reach isn't limited to the internet'.

2018-08-17 13:21:34 UTC  

which ironically increases the people listening to jones because they go "wow, he has that much reach? wtf he saying?"

2018-08-17 13:21:50 UTC  

they are going to ban tyt soon too

2018-08-17 13:21:59 UTC  

theres a reason they are on youtube

2018-08-17 13:22:03 UTC  

they dont want them in the msm

2018-08-17 13:25:11 UTC  

i hope they ban tyt

2018-08-17 13:25:13 UTC  

i hope

2018-08-17 13:25:30 UTC  

just so we can laugh and say "i told you so", then get them fighting for our cause

2018-08-17 13:36:57 UTC  

bit late to the convo, but most voting machines are made by the manufacturers of ATM's and ATM's are filled with security holes its just that the machines are often in very public places, they're not secure they're just relying on other factors to prevent loss of money, any company willing to lose money mostly relying on banks to keep it hush hush because their reputation would be damaged also.... if they do that with money on the line, do you really think they care about vote tampering...

2018-08-17 13:41:01 UTC  

does tyt ever mention being demonitized? I assume they do just like all news channels but if they don't then they're clearly on a special list that will make them less likely to be banned

2018-08-17 13:50:46 UTC  

an atm is pretty much a normal windows pc in most cases

2018-08-17 13:50:58 UTC  

with a touchscreen and a card reader

2018-08-17 13:51:03 UTC  

conected to a intranet (a private Wide Area Network / WAN) that spans over the county, city or state

2018-08-17 13:51:06 UTC  

in best practices

2018-08-17 13:51:14 UTC  

but novadays you cans ee atms conected to the internet

2018-08-17 13:51:37 UTC  

i wouldnt be surprised if thats the case too with the voting machines

2018-08-17 14:09:16 UTC  

its worse than a normal windows pc, its usually windows xp

2018-08-17 14:09:19 UTC  


2018-08-17 14:09:36 UTC  

which means it gets no security updates and all the holes are known

2018-08-17 20:52:53 UTC  

@okbork tim responded

2018-08-18 05:01:59 UTC  

Hey, I'm a Gamergate dude/normie to this Discord. @Timcast talked about GG in a recent video for a fake news article that claimed "no one on the GG reddit got more than 300 upvotes". Tim repsonded with the fact that there was a post that had nearly 500 points and that plagiarism wasn't the biggest deal to that community.

2018-08-18 05:02:04 UTC  

The thing is though that it was actually a decently bigger deal than that on the sub. For some reason Tim organised by new instead of relevance or top when searching for “IGN”. If he organized by relevence, he would have noticed that it's the 2nd result that comes up (across all time) with over 900 upvotes, 149 comments and multiple followups that hit similar numbers. Same thing happens if you search by top of this month. On the day it was put out it had hit the top of the sub in less than an hour. I understand that Tim was defending GG, I'm not trying to reeee at him or anything. But since he filtered by new for a situation that was resolved almost 2 weeks ago, he made it seem like it had signifigcantly less impact for people in the movement than it actually did.

Anyways Sorry if I've been a bother, I know he's got bigger stories to talk about and all that, just wanted to get that out there.

2018-08-18 05:07:56 UTC  

me no Gamergate

2018-08-18 05:10:22 UTC  

Also it's worth noting that IGN actually handled this case well. They fired him as they should have. GG was more about systemic issues than any one person being corrupt. It's inevitable that something like this will happen from time to time. It's when the game journos and their publishers all circle the wagon around cases like this that GG really cares. If the websites would respond this way to all breaches of ethics then GG wouldn't exist.

2018-08-18 05:10:54 UTC  

Yeah pretty much.

2018-08-18 05:11:49 UTC  

To be honest, if gg went after him harder the sites will be crying harrassment

2018-08-18 05:12:26 UTC  

But hes been fired, articles deted, what else are they expecting gg to do?

2018-08-18 05:12:48 UTC  

Drive him out of the video game industry... Oh wait he already was

2018-08-18 05:13:19 UTC  

Sucks for him, last 2 editors in his position went on to work for nintendo.