Message from @oprahsminge
Discord ID: 501758030287732747
"I didn't realize it was offensive to claim you are native american"
.... the left doesn't know that its racist to claim to be native american while clearly being white
seriously, this seems like the bs from the goddamn 60s
"i can't be racist, i'm 1/200th black"
"All of us are descended from Mitochondrial Eve so all of us can say the n word"
It the 1 Drop Blood rule that was too racist/extreme for the Nazis
That chart seems to have errors
Hmm I was sure there was an existing document of the thing with a similar formt.
Still with warren's "heritage" i could stand next to a cherokee who was just shot in the head splattering me with cherokee blood and it would make me more cherokee than warren
its a painting you child
'member when Kimmel was funny? not many people are that old
i do
I remember the man show
i remember watching that show
I member girls on trampolines
I remember the good days....they didn't last long
why jimmy
I unironically like that painting and I can't quite put my finger on why
you were supposed to destroy PC culture not become it!
anybody remember when late night shows would make fun of all the idiocy
instead of just defaulting to one side
Yes. Those days have been gone since the bush presidency tho
I mean, pretty much everyone loves YouTube
Still waiting for the Vox article about the Daily Stormer supporting the NYT <:TimThink:482277772497125378>
Nobody said shit about Obama's painting lol.
@oprahsminge meh, i'd say since around 2012, start of obamas second term
This just in mouths are a popular tool among alt-right peoples when recruiting
"Recruiting?" Lol, I got my card in the mail yesterday and my handbook for which words I must speak to be a member.
The article uses alt-right as a slur, with no definition of what it actually means. Says alt-right are racists whithout explaining why they are allegedly racists. Guys if you want to write an article against it, you have learn more about the alt-right movement.
its NPC news, all you need to do is repeat buzz words.
Yup. Article is written not for persuasion, but to reenforce those values.
Still I think Tim had a point when he said these articles are written mainly for clicks, its mostly clickbait, and it also brings in useful idiots who want their ideas validated.
I agree, that is their prime motivation in writing them.
And I think Ill trust his word on that