Message from @Undead Mockingbird

Discord ID: 508778650615676940

2018-11-04 12:54:05 UTC  

they should get at least half the amount of jail time for a convicted rapist

2018-11-04 13:40:53 UTC  

Now, if you falsely accuse someone of rape,

2018-11-04 13:41:51 UTC  

Have you not just raped them of their reputation, future job prospects, etc?

2018-11-04 13:44:12 UTC  

that's when you can pursue a civil suit. but as a society, we should discourage this kind of behaviour (false rape allegations) which is why i would be comfortable with extensive jail time if the allegation is proven to be false

2018-11-04 13:44:20 UTC  

if you lie to have a person put in prison and their life ruined because of it, you should get double their sentance IMO

2018-11-04 15:17:35 UTC  

You have to make sure the evidence that they lied and didn't just miss identify would have to be great

2018-11-04 15:19:05 UTC  

yeah, it would have to be proven fraudulent

2018-11-04 15:20:15 UTC  

like the Nikki Yovino case

2018-11-04 17:32:20 UTC  

Fake news

2018-11-04 21:07:57 UTC  

oh definitely, i'd require the same high standards of any criminal prosecution.

2018-11-04 21:09:22 UTC  

for some crimes i think the standard of evidence is a bit too low as well.

2018-11-04 22:56:33 UTC  

"Beyond a reasonable doubt has become a joke."

We have all those romanticized notions from Hollywood movies of old, but nobody can tell me that there wasn't reasonable doubt when they convicted Brian Banks.

2018-11-04 22:57:02 UTC  

Or when they put Cassandra Kennedy's father in prison for a decade. Reasonable doubt my ass.

2018-11-04 22:57:59 UTC  

In the UK it's even worse. Jemma Beale, a fat lesbian land whale and one of the most unconvincing liars you can imagine, had a success rate of 1 out of 4 men she accused being locked up - one for 7 years.

2018-11-04 22:59:04 UTC  

If you don't have "reasonable doubt" after a fat POS like that gets supposedly raped repeatedly in a few years, with no direct evidence, then people need to urgently wake up to reality.

2018-11-04 23:00:24 UTC  

If it takes FOUR rape allegations in a few years from a blubbering mass like that to arouse "reasonable doubt" then we are FUCKED.

2018-11-04 23:00:54 UTC  

I wouldn't even know how to rape her if I tried.

2018-11-04 23:02:04 UTC  

Being a victim is a golden ticket nowadays, especially for people who provide no other value.

2018-11-04 23:03:48 UTC  

Maybe if we stopped PAYING people for being victims, subhumans like that wouldn't be incentivized to make false allegations.

2018-11-04 23:04:42 UTC  

"But to Anuska’s horror, just weeks later Beale gleefully told her how she had completely made up the rape claims in order to get £11,000 in criminal compensation."

2018-11-04 23:05:37 UTC  

"Mahad Cassim, 37, spent almost four years in prison for a 2010 “attack”."

2018-11-04 23:06:15 UTC  

"Her mum Sam texted Beale over her boasts. But Beale called cops to claim she was being harassed — and Sam was warned not to contact her again."

2018-11-05 08:21:31 UTC  

Believe wamen <:NPC:500042527231967262> <:NPC:500042527231967262> <:NPC:500042527231967262>

2018-11-05 10:32:21 UTC  

Well, would be nice, if we would find a balance between the Situation in the West and Sharia...

2018-11-05 10:33:31 UTC  

throw them all back to desert. easy and effective.

2018-11-05 10:34:41 UTC  

and dont forget throw out jews too.

2018-11-05 14:57:15 UTC  

Tim Kaine’s campaign in Virginia just put out some deliberate misinformation, and I had to contacted the Dept of Elections with the following email: Good morning,

I Just got a YouTube ad that “advised” me to make a plan on how I’m going to vote on Wednesday...and ended the video with “remember, WHETHER you vote is PUBLIC vote, on November 6th”. This video is sponsored and linked to Ted Kaine. The really asinine thing about the ad was that after they mention the public information in a passive aggressive tone, it went into “so vote on November 6th” with an encouraging tone. This is deliberate misinformation at the very least, because voting is private information in all respects.
Below is webpage linked to the ad from YouTube:
Please review this and take appropriate action, I look forward to hearing your response.
Haven’t heard anything back yet, but it’s still early. Has anyone from VA seen misinformation from the Republicans too or is just the Democrats so far?

2018-11-05 15:06:58 UTC  

James Woods and Michael Knowles got banned from Twitter temporarily for similar.

2018-11-05 15:31:47 UTC  

it depends on your state whether the information is public or not. In my state, it is.

2018-11-05 16:08:16 UTC  


2018-11-06 19:18:03 UTC  

TYT calls scammer a hero and spreads fake news about the amount.

2018-11-06 19:18:37 UTC  

Tim goes way too light on TYT. They are 100% trash.

2018-11-06 19:53:19 UTC  

What doesn't change people into Nazis today.

2018-11-06 19:54:49 UTC  

everything except nazi's will make you a nazi

2018-11-06 21:07:26 UTC  

Articles covered by Tim today.

“ Woman pretends to be persecuted Trump supporter- and scams conservatives out of $150,000” by Sarah K. Burris on Raw Story

RS falsely reported that the amount raised was $150,000 when it was $97. Only a few people donated. The large amount was fake news to trump up clicks.

The picture with text is from buzzfeed

Raw Story link
Buzzfeed news link

2018-11-07 02:26:08 UTC  

Man, even Kotaku is calling haberdashery on a bike on this one...

2018-11-07 02:26:31 UTC  

*for the game nazi thing*

2018-11-08 13:34:23 UTC  

“ A lie: Watch slow motion video of CNN’s Jim Acosta prove White House staffer touched him four times” by Sarah K Burris on Raw Story

RS attempts to deceptive its readers into thinking Acosta didn’t push the intern away after she tried to retrieve the White Houses property. They hilariously call the places they claimed she touched him “ impact zones” and hope you don’t actually watch the video yourself. He clearly touched her. Links to the article, his twitter comment, and the video below.

2018-11-08 14:02:27 UTC  

"Acosta is a diligent reporter"
*acosta then is rude and talks over him*