Message from @paradigm

Discord ID: 523573060700471306

2018-12-15 12:56:37 UTC  

I do agree that it should be reported more broadly because the sheer knowledge such a thing exists would help it accrue support.

2018-12-15 13:16:42 UTC  

So, you believe that the media is harming black communities for choosing not to spread this story?

2018-12-15 13:18:33 UTC  


2018-12-15 13:19:14 UTC  

I think they are creating a predetermined outcome. By not making people aware of this, the council or whatever will starve for the oxygen that is support.

2018-12-15 13:19:41 UTC  

Hence, it will predictable fall into the dustbin that is government initiatives of this nature.

2018-12-15 16:02:56 UTC  

It is neither rational nor sane to rely on the press to distribute important information.

2018-12-15 16:03:35 UTC  

Our press broadcasts the narrative it wants to, truth and the needs of the American people be damned.

2018-12-15 17:34:59 UTC  

Democracy is just newspeak for communism.

2018-12-15 18:03:02 UTC  
2018-12-15 18:05:55 UTC

2018-12-15 18:06:41 UTC  

>Cites Rothbard

2018-12-15 18:06:53 UTC  

Ben Shapiro is a Nazi.

2018-12-15 18:11:49 UTC  

Who gives a shit about the opinion of 'lesbian feminist activist Jean Hardisty'?

2018-12-15 18:12:36 UTC  


2018-12-15 18:13:40 UTC  

End the fed.

2018-12-15 18:14:09 UTC  

and the ECB

2018-12-15 18:39:30 UTC  

```"[Women] are “economic land,” because they are equivalent to physical land in being original, nature-given factors of production. Yet will anyone deny title to a cow to the man that finds and domesticates her, putting her to use? For this is precisely what occurs in the case of land. Previously valueless “wild” land, like wild animals, is taken and transformed by a man into goods useful for man. The “mixing” of labor gives equivalent title in one case as in the other."

-Murray N. Rothbard, Man, Economy, and State, with Power and Market, 2. Direct Exchange, 12. Property: The Appropriation of Raw Land.```

2018-12-15 18:43:12 UTC  

Hippity hoppity, labour theory of property.

2018-12-15 18:48:40 UTC  

NRA Support for red flag laws (Extreme Risk Protection Orders):

Something I am not clear about with Extreme Risk Protection Orders (Red Flag Laws). How's depriving someone of their property without a trial and conviction first for due process? How exactly do judges "Temporarily" take someones guns before it "becomes a tragedy?" Does the police department send clowns with balloons and candy to their house graciously asking for them back, or a swat team in full gear with a search warrant giving them the force of law to rummage through your house?

2018-12-15 18:52:00 UTC  

no. they send normal officers with guns to shoot people. As what happened in cali.

2018-12-15 18:52:25 UTC  

don't send the cops unless you want someone killed

2018-12-15 18:54:47 UTC  

You know, Lindsay Graham Republican Senator is going to propose a bipartisan nationwide Red Flag Law bill next January?

2018-12-15 18:55:20 UTC  

They are going to get it passed, and Trump "Take the guns now and Due Process later" is going to sign it.

2018-12-15 18:55:42 UTC  

Makes it easy for us to SWAT our neighbors.

2018-12-15 18:56:20 UTC  

We'll just tell the police we believe someone who we don't like is dangerous and they will go through their house looking for guns.

2018-12-15 18:56:51 UTC  

People have already been killed:Maryland’s ‘Red Flag’ Law Turns Deadly: Officer Kills Man Who Refused To Turn In Gun

2018-12-15 18:57:18 UTC  

That sounds like Soviet Russia. I think that's where you're going with this.

2018-12-15 18:57:39 UTC  

I wasn't thinking of any other countries, just ours.

2018-12-15 18:57:43 UTC  

So you're going to swat antifas in your neighborhood, right?

2018-12-15 18:58:02 UTC  

I'm sure they will do it right back to you.

2018-12-15 18:58:23 UTC  

I think it's a stupid law and it violates 2nd and 5th amendments.

2018-12-15 18:58:48 UTC  

How are police allowed to go through your house without you doing anything wrong?

2018-12-15 18:59:44 UTC  

The constitution does not say "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, unless your neighbor doesn't like you and says you are dangerous"

2018-12-15 19:00:32 UTC  

They have not even suspected you of a crime, but somehow because of the law, they now can get a search warrant to go through your house.

2018-12-15 19:01:04 UTC  

That sucks.

2018-12-15 19:01:30 UTC  

in NJ they already tried to take someones gun because his kid at school was talking about what he would do if there was a school shooting. some snot nosed brat told his parents and his parents said "that kid is gonna shoot up the school, go take his guns!"

2018-12-15 19:02:25 UTC  

I don't have any kids, so do I now need to distance myself from all other people and censor my own speech so that someone doesn't find an excuse to have police come through my house?

2018-12-15 19:02:43 UTC  

This is tyranny.

2018-12-15 19:03:28 UTC  

these laws would only work if everyone could read minds. but if everyone could do that, you wouldn't need this law, just law abiding gun owners as they will be able to know instantly who is about to start shooting

2018-12-15 19:04:17 UTC  

We have already seen Obama target conservatives with the IRS, try to walk guns across the border with Operation Fast and Furious. You don't think they will find a way to weaponize this?

2018-12-15 19:05:27 UTC  

With all of the crybaby stateists currently in the millenial generation you can see where this country is headed.