Message from @Pendell

Discord ID: 547228781874642976

A few days ago he posted 4 articles and I read one of them, I told him to describe these articles, If one of his descriptions mamaged to sound simmilar to the one I read, I would concede he read the article

Easiest shit I could ask

2019-02-19 01:27:43 UTC  

Who is the cheese person speaking to, me or Dr. Internet over here

2019-02-19 01:27:45 UTC  

I love toying with NPCs who are part of government botnets

I'm Pancakes

2019-02-19 01:28:00 UTC  

I knew your script inside and out

2019-02-19 01:28:20 UTC  

I'm so sorry Dr. Internet I'm no match your galactic intelligence and omnipotence

2019-02-19 01:28:36 UTC  


2019-02-19 01:28:49 UTC  

Use Google and trust the experts fuck!

No, Because I also had the top part of the article copied to my clipboard and I posted it when I thought you left

2019-02-19 01:29:01 UTC  

Fuck Google, use duckduckgo

And then I deleted it when I saw the handy "_ is typing" feature

2019-02-19 01:29:36 UTC  

Use whatever the fuck you want just fact check

2019-02-19 01:29:43 UTC  

Okay lol

2019-02-19 01:30:06 UTC  

I do

And I have no reason to believe you read the shit you post anymore

2019-02-19 01:30:25 UTC  

Ok maybe there is some giant leftist conspiracy to end western values or whatever and everybody credible is lying

2019-02-19 01:30:48 UTC  

But you guy’s clearly haven’t demonstrated those basic investigative skills

2019-02-19 01:31:24 UTC  

So yeah, it’s not because of some bullshit leftist conspiracy. Everyone resents you because you are just fucking wrong

2019-02-19 01:31:36 UTC  

Could you even imagine the possibility

2019-02-19 01:31:48 UTC  

I didn't come into this channel to be an investigative journalist I came here to just dump some thoughts lmao, and you're acting like I went on TV and spread some giant speech full of lies

2019-02-19 01:32:07 UTC  

Take an aspirin and lie down dude

2019-02-19 01:32:12 UTC  

Yeah, thoughts which prove how mentally lazy you guys are

2019-02-19 01:32:47 UTC  

I'm sure your hot takes always have months of research and 20 cited articles behind them and you're always right all the time

2019-02-19 01:33:03 UTC  

I love free speech because the whole world and fuck, maney even YouTube can see how stupid you all really are

2019-02-19 01:33:14 UTC  

I know it's futile to compete with Dr. Internet the smartest man who ever lived

2019-02-19 01:33:18 UTC  

Alright, gunna play vidya

2019-02-19 01:33:35 UTC  

I love free speech because people can point out leftist retardation clear as day

2019-02-19 01:33:46 UTC  

I agree with you there.

2019-02-19 01:34:59 UTC  

Is he gone?
Why does that person exist

2019-02-19 01:36:05 UTC  

Sounds like an absolute narcissistic egomaniac who jacked off that entire time over how intellectually superior he is to everyone else

2019-02-19 02:12:05 UTC  


2019-02-19 02:12:31 UTC  

the whole point oof being conservative is to preserve

2019-02-19 02:12:50 UTC  

the point of being left is 2 change

2019-02-19 02:13:45 UTC  

its not a conspiracy, the point is 2 undermine each other. the right being what the west was and is

2019-02-19 02:18:57 UTC  

Everything changes. The right fails to preserve anything in the long run, even history. Change will continue at a pace indirectly related to the number of conservatives who wish to slow down change. Do what thou will shall eventually be the whole of the law.

2019-02-19 02:20:00 UTC  

Conservatism is also interested in keeping the rate of change at a gradual pace.

2019-02-19 02:20:37 UTC  

It's really the only thing the right is capable of doing as a school of thought

2019-02-19 02:20:47 UTC  

im just saying that it is the leftist goal to end western value

2019-02-19 02:20:58 UTC  

cause going 2 fast will make us lose sight of ourselves

2019-02-19 02:21:10 UTC  

and i disagree, there are smart people on both sides.