Message from @My Preferred Pronoun Is Sama

Discord ID: 547241109655519244

2019-02-19 01:31:24 UTC  

So yeah, it’s not because of some bullshit leftist conspiracy. Everyone resents you because you are just fucking wrong

2019-02-19 01:31:36 UTC  

Could you even imagine the possibility

2019-02-19 01:31:48 UTC  

I didn't come into this channel to be an investigative journalist I came here to just dump some thoughts lmao, and you're acting like I went on TV and spread some giant speech full of lies

2019-02-19 01:32:07 UTC  

Take an aspirin and lie down dude

2019-02-19 01:32:12 UTC  

Yeah, thoughts which prove how mentally lazy you guys are

2019-02-19 01:32:47 UTC  

I'm sure your hot takes always have months of research and 20 cited articles behind them and you're always right all the time

2019-02-19 01:33:03 UTC  

I love free speech because the whole world and fuck, maney even YouTube can see how stupid you all really are

2019-02-19 01:33:14 UTC  

I know it's futile to compete with Dr. Internet the smartest man who ever lived

2019-02-19 01:33:18 UTC  

Alright, gunna play vidya

2019-02-19 01:33:35 UTC  

I love free speech because people can point out leftist retardation clear as day

2019-02-19 01:33:46 UTC  

I agree with you there.

2019-02-19 01:34:59 UTC  

Is he gone?
Why does that person exist

2019-02-19 01:36:05 UTC  

Sounds like an absolute narcissistic egomaniac who jacked off that entire time over how intellectually superior he is to everyone else

2019-02-19 02:12:05 UTC  


2019-02-19 02:12:31 UTC  

the whole point oof being conservative is to preserve

2019-02-19 02:12:50 UTC  

the point of being left is 2 change

2019-02-19 02:13:45 UTC  

its not a conspiracy, the point is 2 undermine each other. the right being what the west was and is

2019-02-19 02:18:57 UTC  

Everything changes. The right fails to preserve anything in the long run, even history. Change will continue at a pace indirectly related to the number of conservatives who wish to slow down change. Do what thou will shall eventually be the whole of the law.

2019-02-19 02:20:00 UTC  

Conservatism is also interested in keeping the rate of change at a gradual pace.

2019-02-19 02:20:37 UTC  

It's really the only thing the right is capable of doing as a school of thought

2019-02-19 02:20:47 UTC  

im just saying that it is the leftist goal to end western value

2019-02-19 02:20:58 UTC  

cause going 2 fast will make us lose sight of ourselves

2019-02-19 02:21:10 UTC  

and i disagree, there are smart people on both sides.

2019-02-19 02:22:35 UTC  

if anything, hard left people lose sight of human nature and just go purely on logic. if humanity was hivemind like, then everything would work according to numbers

2019-02-19 02:23:43 UTC  

i don't think conservatism means 'change is always bad'. i think it means 'radical, revolutionary change is almost always bad'

2019-02-19 02:25:02 UTC  

we wanna be able to carry the same values over with the change is what it feels like

2019-02-19 02:26:30 UTC  

it's really, really difficult to build a functioning civilization, and really really easy to destroy one. so any proposed change should be studied very carefully based on the best possible data and reasoning before implementation, and the implementation should be incremental.

2019-02-19 02:27:52 UTC  

and since change is inevitable, staying completly still also isnt the answer with an ideology, some things cant be ignored forever

2019-02-19 02:28:50 UTC  

Still one of my favorite debates. “Nope, nope you can’t distract. Nope nope you need proof. Nope nope you can’t use word tricks.”

2019-02-19 02:29:23 UTC  

I lost muh argument so imma create a new one

2019-02-19 02:29:48 UTC  

Something something Islam South Africa

2019-02-19 02:29:59 UTC  

that sounds like sargon

2019-02-19 02:30:02 UTC  

Nope, explain how im a regressive

2019-02-19 02:30:13 UTC  

It’s in the title lol

2019-02-19 02:30:20 UTC  

well im late to this. and im not a fan of sargon

2019-02-19 02:30:46 UTC  

Neither am I and that’s why it’s hilarious

2019-02-19 02:30:58 UTC  

He gets his asshole pounded

2019-02-19 02:31:16 UTC  

well lets put the defintion of regressive, technically right and left are regressive to each other since they conflict

2019-02-19 02:31:21 UTC  

Gunna play more vidya

2019-02-19 02:31:32 UTC  

most of the time the term is used to define being degenerate to human society

2019-02-19 02:31:43 UTC  

o3o k