Message from @GingaBomber
Discord ID: 469007939051454474
But i want identity politics as a whole to go die in the most horrible fire
So maybe that's just me
Others have described it as an offshoot of the alt-right, in that it claims to reject identity politics
part of the page
So basically the right?
So, that make me a Libertarian-Lite.
" As with the alt-right, the alt-lite commonly shows broad support for Donald Trump, criticism of and/or opposition to political correctness, Islam, feminism, welfare and illegal immigration. "
nazis were lefties and white supremasists
A fair amount of people that could be called 'alt-right', could be described as strong nationalists, or 'white nationalists' though.
Calls it a movement, and still a variation of conservatism
And im not really a fan of nationalistic movements
at this point it is basically implied that alt right are those things
Let alone ethnically based ones
then fuck whites
alt-lite is called like the alt-right minus the identity politics
fuck blacks
fuck mexicans
only humans thats it
Yeah, which seems like a improvement
To paraphrase Jordan Peterson, the rights red line for extremism is when it vies for ethnic based policy and standards
everything happening reminds me of this
Any Libertarian-leaning folks here?
I guess I count, though I try and avoid those kinds of labels. It would be a measured libertarianism.
Wait, do I have your consent to hug? lol
@Nicklii YES! I've been saying this since 2013.
It's even started in the schools too under the guidance of the 'superiors'
Virtually? I guess.
Cool. Thanks!
Can I ask what this is all about?
@i3utm liberalist here
Well, I think I agree with Locke on most things
I ask for curiosity. Not for debate.
But I think I am also in agreement with universal healthcare
And social security nets
So I guess social Liberal?
But that would mean agreeing with gun control
Thanks, @Deleted User
That's why I said Liberalist
The Sargon faction of liberalism