Message from @Senny

Discord ID: 472815667108904960

2018-07-28 16:18:12 UTC  

I am saying there is high probability his news would be considered fake by Egyptian government

2018-07-28 16:20:00 UTC  

aah, European Free Speech rules ๐Ÿ˜‰ got it

2018-07-28 16:20:24 UTC  

Lebanese tourist Mona el-Mazbouh was this month sentenced to eight years in prison for โ€œdeliberately broadcasting false rumours which aim to undermine society and attack religions,โ€ after she posted an angry online video describing sexual harassment on her Egyptian holiday.

2018-07-28 16:21:01 UTC  

The ministry of truth everyone

2018-07-28 16:21:25 UTC  

Yeah it looks like it doesnt it ?

2018-07-28 16:21:36 UTC  

I trust the Ministry of Truth

2018-07-28 16:21:49 UTC  

The word "truth" is in the title

2018-07-28 16:21:57 UTC  

They can't lie!

2018-07-28 16:21:57 UTC  

And its all under the guise of fighting "fake news"

2018-07-28 16:22:13 UTC  

I expect turkey will do something similar

2018-07-28 16:22:27 UTC  

Unless they are already doing it

2018-07-28 16:22:31 UTC  

China too

2018-07-28 16:23:40 UTC  

Even Poland was nearing this state last time i checked tho they still have way to go

2018-07-28 16:50:25 UTC  

gotta control the narrative somehow ๐Ÿ˜‰ amirite?

2018-07-28 17:12:08 UTC  

Guys help me out here

2018-07-28 17:12:46 UTC  

How many significant acts of violence have been commited by white nationalists in the last two decades except charlottesville?

2018-07-28 17:13:27 UTC  

last two decades? like 5 or something

2018-07-28 17:14:44 UTC  

Anders Breivik in Snoreway

And probably like 3 others at best?

2018-07-28 17:18:05 UTC  

Depends what you mean by it.. most statistic that look for 'white nationalist' crime stats include prison gang fight and similar things.

2018-07-28 17:19:21 UTC  

What's your definition of significant act of violence and are you looking for anything or racially motivated one ?

2018-07-28 17:20:39 UTC  

Are we talking about the western world, 1st world or does Eastern Europe count as well ?

2018-07-28 17:20:51 UTC  


2018-07-28 17:21:02 UTC  

white nationalists

2018-07-28 17:21:28 UTC  

and she asks except SjarlotshVille

2018-07-28 17:21:33 UTC  

so something to taht degree

2018-07-28 17:21:55 UTC  

i'd say

Some real crime instigated by white nationalists in the west ๐Ÿ˜›

2018-07-28 17:22:18 UTC  

can't be a white nationalist in a non-white country

2018-07-28 17:22:21 UTC  

The question is so vague that's why I'm asking for clarification.

2018-07-28 17:22:58 UTC  

considering the amount of real white nationalist actions,

Just take any criteria i guess? ๐Ÿ˜›

2018-07-28 17:23:16 UTC  

that made the news and was real

2018-07-28 17:23:31 UTC  

not "An Asian white supremacist tasered a black gang leader"

2018-07-28 17:23:43 UTC  

Why not ?

2018-07-28 17:23:52 UTC  

You think those don't exist ? Or are they not valid ?

2018-07-28 17:24:25 UTC  

I think that at that point its not caused by white supremacist reasons

2018-07-28 17:25:19 UTC  

I mean, say we have a Pro-Palestinian black pedophile

Who is to be judged for pedophillia, at what point does his stance on palestine matter for his crime? ๐Ÿ˜‰

2018-07-28 17:28:08 UTC  

Maybe if he raped kids because they were jewish ? I can't even decypher what you going about..

2018-07-28 17:28:11 UTC  

Or like, me calling a mexican adult who can't say what 2 + 2 is, stupid

Thats not racially motivated either

2018-07-28 17:29:08 UTC  

However, if a guy with a swastica tattoo'ed on his forehead would shout "Death to Jews" and starts shooting up the place,

I'd say his political affiliation adds to his actions

2018-07-28 17:30:18 UTC  

How did we got from clarifying to me what exactly she means under the vague 'significant acts of violence' committed by white supremacist and whether it counts not racially motivated crimes as well into this ?

2018-07-28 17:31:36 UTC  

You are like trying to educate me what is considered racially motivated and what is not but how does it relate to what I asked ?

2018-07-28 17:31:39 UTC  


If a person just starts committing random acts of violence, that doesn't mean he's doing it under the banner of some cause

If a person proclaims he does, its another matter