Message from @GingaBomber

Discord ID: 474293787653308451

2018-08-01 19:05:38 UTC  

Shoo shill!

2018-08-01 19:07:16 UTC  

Yeah, really. And what kind of nonsense is that image anyway.

2018-08-01 19:07:38 UTC  

@Deleted User you're not even posing a conversation or contributing.

2018-08-01 19:09:04 UTC  

Atleast Aussie joined discussions he was respectable, this is just spamming shill quotes

2018-08-01 19:09:51 UTC  

I don't know who Aussie is. But yeah, obvious trolling at the least. Nutty conspiracies at the worst.

2018-08-01 19:10:10 UTC  

Even the image is just asking for trouble. Fuck off if you are not here to discuss anything.

2018-08-01 19:11:28 UTC  

AussieAryan was our resident nazi before the discord got JDP'd, he espoused white ethnistate ideals and anti jew rethoric

2018-08-01 19:11:54 UTC  


2018-08-01 19:12:04 UTC  


2018-08-01 19:12:10 UTC  

As obscene his ideas were, he still had some respect for discussing stuff.

2018-08-01 19:12:16 UTC  

The discord manager gut

2018-08-01 19:12:17 UTC  

He didnt start up shit deliberately.

2018-08-01 19:12:21 UTC  


2018-08-01 19:12:45 UTC  

Aha. I see banned.

2018-08-01 19:12:46 UTC  

All he did was provide an argument, people would discuss, and wed head off.

2018-08-01 19:12:50 UTC  

Yes, Aussie was respectable, just had a wrong way of looking at the world

2018-08-01 19:12:51 UTC  

He was banned?

2018-08-01 19:13:11 UTC  

Doubtful, He didnt come in and post anything illegal or bannable.

2018-08-01 19:13:24 UTC  

Unless opinions are illegal

2018-08-01 19:13:46 UTC  

For all his political faults and ideas, he was polite and willing to discuss

2018-08-01 19:14:10 UTC  

Mind you hes capable of becoming snarky and condescending quick if you stop respecting that.

2018-08-01 19:14:23 UTC  

Not a pushover.

2018-08-01 19:14:49 UTC  

I dont' think he was banned

2018-08-01 19:15:19 UTC  

just chose not to continue being here after JDM became fuhrer

2018-08-01 19:15:33 UTC  

But why?

2018-08-01 19:15:38 UTC  

who knows

2018-08-01 19:15:57 UTC  

I don't mind the changes

2018-08-01 19:16:00 UTC  

Like I know he dissapeared after JDM took charge.

2018-08-01 19:16:03 UTC  

I dont either.

2018-08-01 19:16:09 UTC  

But I find it kinda wierd.

2018-08-01 19:16:41 UTC  

Maybe realised his propaganda didnt work on us

2018-08-01 19:16:45 UTC  

Maybe he just realized no one here was becoming a NatSoc and decided to try elsewhere.

2018-08-01 19:16:47 UTC  


2018-08-01 19:17:09 UTC  

I think, and correct me if I'm wrong, most of us are center libertarians

2018-08-01 19:17:14 UTC  

either on the left/right side

2018-08-01 19:17:20 UTC  

I guess so. Thing is, not the first time somebody came around with their natsoc stuff.

2018-08-01 19:17:26 UTC  

Actually, idpol stuff

2018-08-01 19:17:34 UTC  

He had his own community

2018-08-01 19:17:46 UTC  

And one time a few of them came over. But left after

2018-08-01 19:17:55 UTC  

I’m center right and a tiny bit libertarian.

2018-08-01 19:18:11 UTC  

Im very libertarian and rightwing according to poli compass.