Message from @Ghostler
Discord ID: 477578696295972864
I can't figure out what the person is talking about since I don't know poop about youtube beside my subscription box
Yeah, idk either. Then again, I don't often bother with youtubes recommendations for anything besides some entertainment stuff. Because it's usually trash
I don't look at their recommendations at all
"Do you like cooking channels? Not really? Okay, we'll ask you tomorrow."
newest jack in the box ad was hilarious
The cat call claim by Ocasio-Cortez is the stupidest thing I've ever heard since the last thing Ocasio-Cortez has said.
Also I'm not sure many conservatives are scared of debating her more like the other way around
very much the other way around
well, scared is not probably accurate
they don't want to debate anyone that is not already far left of center, but more left or right than them
they view everyone else as not worthy of their time
>watching Luke's latest video
>Tim is on his phone in the background
he's omnipresent smh
is this what comedy is now? I dont get it...
you have some of the most famous leading ladies come in and for some reason dont get the roles, then a guy comes in a gets the role... I dont get it
I don't get it either
I stopped after a few minutes. I don't know if this is how Hollywood people think (although it wouldn't surprise me considering it's a cesspool) but I don't know anyone like that
This is funny.
Because we all know people like it and can relate.
We can't relate to garbage Hollywood people because most people are not garbage Hollywood people
I was hoping initially
that they'd start saying "Das rite"
Shakespeare is black!
das riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiite
what is the last hollywood produces comedy you enjoyed?
think back
i thought deadpool2 was ok funny, but not hillarious tier funny
other then that i have a hard time thinking of any
my apathy to hollywood movies is now at the level that I haven't watched anything in the past 3~ months
I saw Jurassic World 2 in theaters. The last movie I saw in theaters before that was The Force Awakens
I've basically stopped watching television
I haven’t watched a movie for probably 4 or 5 years at this point. Sitting down for hours solely to watch something is a big ask.
TV repeats itself so I can watch while I’m working and get the gist of a show
Much more friendly
Infinity war is good
Just saw Christopher Robin
Was good