Message from @Rabbi Shekels

Discord ID: 481987987916455946

2018-08-23 00:46:46 UTC  

there was a border meeting lately that was optimisitc

2018-08-23 00:46:51 UTC  

@Rabbi Shekels not in the nuclear sense... but the govt committing war crimes and indoctrinating the ppl into submission... essentially becoming a dictatorship of pure population control

2018-08-23 00:46:51 UTC  

like styx sed NK has rare earth minerals if we can get them out of war we americans will go in there and take that shit

2018-08-23 00:46:51 UTC  

You got this path, you are rewarded with this.

2018-08-23 00:47:00 UTC  

He did it, I guess. I think his new problem might be in Venezuela.

2018-08-23 00:47:00 UTC  

If you go down this path, China and United States will punish you.

2018-08-23 00:47:09 UTC  

Remember he got China to help with his endeavor.

2018-08-23 00:47:13 UTC  

@MCaesar maybe like cuba perhaps then ?

2018-08-23 00:47:14 UTC  


2018-08-23 00:47:16 UTC  


2018-08-23 00:47:23 UTC  

@Rabbi Shekels they need to use those to spur their economy, rather than us "taking" them

2018-08-23 00:47:26 UTC  

Venezuela is a shit show.

2018-08-23 00:47:28 UTC  


2018-08-23 00:47:46 UTC  

@LotheronPrime idk man china is our bitch now though

2018-08-23 00:47:48 UTC  

Love how back then, they praised Venezuela as being the symbol of a successful Socialist nation.

2018-08-23 00:47:56 UTC  

the problem with VZ is you had plenty of socialists cheering them on

2018-08-23 00:47:58 UTC  


2018-08-23 00:48:00 UTC  

look how cuk'd they are to trumps trade deals

2018-08-23 00:48:00 UTC  


2018-08-23 00:48:02 UTC  

Then when it goes to shits like we knew it would, they all stopped talking about it and denied they supported venezuela.

2018-08-23 00:48:11 UTC  

they try to flex on us but they got shit

2018-08-23 00:48:18 UTC  


2018-08-23 00:48:41 UTC  

It is kind of hard to take advantage of United States when the president is stubborn and has a backbone.

2018-08-23 00:48:48 UTC  

Trump has good intentions, he just has a loud mouth to go with it.

2018-08-23 00:48:54 UTC  

Agree ^

2018-08-23 00:48:58 UTC  

But it works

2018-08-23 00:49:05 UTC  

That loud mouth makes him look bad and tends to make it easier for the media to attack him.

2018-08-23 00:49:05 UTC  

cuz he has bite too

2018-08-23 00:49:10 UTC  

many can't get past the loud mouth

2018-08-23 00:49:18 UTC  

fuck the media they are losing credibility

2018-08-23 00:49:23 UTC  

I look at his actions, he is doing a pretty damn good job.

2018-08-23 00:49:32 UTC  

I ignore what comes out of his mouth and focus on his actions.

2018-08-23 00:49:36 UTC  

@Rabbi Shekels I know cuba wasn't the bastion of freedom, but I don't where they ranked as far as human rights violations and oppression... basically was trying to point out that if no action is taken to help VZ, it will become entrenched in it's regression, as NK has done

2018-08-23 00:49:36 UTC  

as do I

2018-08-23 00:49:48 UTC  

He has done more than any president in recent history, more than any president that I have seen while alive.

2018-08-23 00:50:01 UTC  

as long as his mouth dosent implicate him of anything

2018-08-23 00:50:04 UTC  

People like to compare him to teddy rosevelt.

2018-08-23 00:50:07 UTC  

@MCaesar again idk why you are comparing VZ to NK

2018-08-23 00:50:12 UTC  

NK has shit

2018-08-23 00:50:14 UTC  

but to continue doing a lot he will need a legislature that isn't majority democrats

2018-08-23 00:50:22 UTC  

VZ who the hell are they going to harm ?