Message from @LotheronPrime

Discord ID: 481987630498840576

2018-08-23 00:44:52 UTC

2018-08-23 00:44:58 UTC  

get that shit out of here

2018-08-23 00:45:06 UTC  

fuck off @King Canuck

2018-08-23 00:45:10 UTC  

no u

2018-08-23 00:45:13 UTC  

North Korea was propped up thanks to China.

2018-08-23 00:45:15 UTC  

no fu

2018-08-23 00:45:19 UTC  


2018-08-23 00:45:21 UTC  

North Korea wouldn't exist if China didn't interfer.

2018-08-23 00:45:21 UTC  

we r having a super cereal convo

2018-08-23 00:45:24 UTC  

@Rabbi Shekels I wasn't aware VZ had nuclear ambitions

2018-08-23 00:45:29 UTC  

Simple as that.

2018-08-23 00:45:40 UTC  

@MCaesar you said they could end up being a NK

2018-08-23 00:45:41 UTC  

South Korea wouldn't exist if we didn't interfer.

2018-08-23 00:45:43 UTC  

When you think about it, wouldn't Trump do this? It's not like Obama and his tolerance (non-activity) in Asia. Who's to say Trump isn't doing the same thing as he's doing in NK?

2018-08-23 00:45:48 UTC  

they cant unless they haz nukes

2018-08-23 00:46:05 UTC  

Trump surprised me how well he has handled North Korea.

2018-08-23 00:46:18 UTC  

Too bad it won't amount to anything probably

2018-08-23 00:46:20 UTC  

I thought he would struggle like other presidents... North Korea being stubborn as hell.

2018-08-23 00:46:31 UTC  

but I do hope for the best tehre

2018-08-23 00:46:45 UTC  

I think he is doing a reward vs. punishment thing.

2018-08-23 00:46:46 UTC  

there was a border meeting lately that was optimisitc

2018-08-23 00:46:51 UTC  

@Rabbi Shekels not in the nuclear sense... but the govt committing war crimes and indoctrinating the ppl into submission... essentially becoming a dictatorship of pure population control

2018-08-23 00:46:51 UTC  

like styx sed NK has rare earth minerals if we can get them out of war we americans will go in there and take that shit

2018-08-23 00:46:51 UTC  

You got this path, you are rewarded with this.

2018-08-23 00:47:00 UTC  

He did it, I guess. I think his new problem might be in Venezuela.

2018-08-23 00:47:00 UTC  

If you go down this path, China and United States will punish you.

2018-08-23 00:47:09 UTC  

Remember he got China to help with his endeavor.

2018-08-23 00:47:13 UTC  

@MCaesar maybe like cuba perhaps then ?

2018-08-23 00:47:14 UTC  


2018-08-23 00:47:16 UTC  


2018-08-23 00:47:23 UTC  

@Rabbi Shekels they need to use those to spur their economy, rather than us "taking" them

2018-08-23 00:47:26 UTC  

Venezuela is a shit show.

2018-08-23 00:47:28 UTC  


2018-08-23 00:47:46 UTC  

@LotheronPrime idk man china is our bitch now though

2018-08-23 00:47:48 UTC  

Love how back then, they praised Venezuela as being the symbol of a successful Socialist nation.

2018-08-23 00:47:56 UTC  

the problem with VZ is you had plenty of socialists cheering them on

2018-08-23 00:47:58 UTC  


2018-08-23 00:48:00 UTC  

look how cuk'd they are to trumps trade deals

2018-08-23 00:48:00 UTC  


2018-08-23 00:48:02 UTC  

Then when it goes to shits like we knew it would, they all stopped talking about it and denied they supported venezuela.

2018-08-23 00:48:11 UTC  

they try to flex on us but they got shit