Message from @zero_consequences
Discord ID: 485274635869487110
I feel so damn bad for Europe.
"I own my car, I also own my car in association with others"
there is yuge missing BUUUUT in there Grenade
"I own my car" will get you kicked out of communism.
Refining words, sometimes to the point of using different definitions in different places in the same sentence, is a normal part of post-modernism.
One does not simply get kicked out of communism.
you right
they get unpersoned and disappear
putin did nothing wrong
But you see comrade, all property is owned by the state, but the state is the collective of the proletariat. So while I may own my car, you also own my car.
"Article 30.
Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein."
James Veitch?
"Article 12.
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks."
man, the left just loves violating human rights
ARTICLE 127. Citizens of the U.S.S.R. are guaranteed inviolability of the person. No person may be placed under arrest except by decision of a court or with the sanction of a procurator.
ARTICLE 128. The inviolability of the homes of citizens and privacy of correspondence are protected by law.
See? No problem here comrade.
we've already seen Vee's response. It's rather Vee.
Anyone here know how to do calligraphy
And if so do u have any tips
Use a soft tip
Chisel is ok too
so the "queer people of color" group at my school isn't being represented by people of color
this is a special form of autism
I think the guy on the right might actually be not white.
It's kinda hard to tell. He's 'passable' as white.
fuck you I'm on a rocket.
Is the joke that they're not black, so they don't count as being 'of color'? Because I don't get it either
I see white people representing the group that's literally advertising itself as "of color"
Yeah, so how was my comment missing the point?
oh, it just seemed like you were trying to show that he wasn't white