Claudiu (aka CallOfVodka)

Discord ID: 217298588437446656

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Hello guys, I found this Discord on Reddit r/Mensrights. I saw and experienced enough hypocritical bullshit against men in order tgo make me support the MRM or MGTOW.

Btw, I'm 20 and from France

@apeironman it is indeed

@apeironman I've never heard of any case of picking a random person. It's generally assumed it's the concubine

*snaps fingers*

@apeironman generally it's the concubine. I didn't hear of any crazy other crazy stuff about this

Obviously, she cheated on that guy tho

Some are intelligent. The only ones to avoid are the militants who are going out in the street yelling

I did date some feminist women, we had a lot of common points for equality. It's just that we have to present them our problems without bashing anyone

Hi human, I'm dad !

Thank you :3

Admin will come, he has to sleep also x) @Tyunka @Randomm

@buddingbimbo i used to call myself a feminist also because I believe in the equality of the genders in front ofc the law. But I don't want to share the same etiquette with the Feminazis

You know, those women who are just bullies and toxic people

(and so called chivalrous men)

Hai :))

I'm not saying the opposite @buddingbimbo . But there are too many of the toxic ones, and we have to either change our own etiquettes or change theirs, in order to make a gap in between the two.

i seek to distance myself from them tbh

it's a lot of effort to convince people

and you can't do anything to convince them if they have an agneda

@buddingbimbo just hang out less with them

If it's a group, yes it's harder

@buddingbimbo i personally have only a handful of friends, and I'm quite picky tbh

I enjoy being by myself personally @buddingbimbo


Fuck isn't a fucking ponctuation, bro

*what fucking happens?


Watch out for Thanos,
If he here prepare your anos

Hello there!

Hello there !

Excuse me, whaaat?

It's Romania countryball with WW1 hat and rifle

The blue in the Romanian flag is slightly brighter

Obviously yes, check out how many people are online :D

You just need to be authorised by a mod to see the other channelz


Because you didn't have the rights to see them yet

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