
Discord ID: 798299146007609374

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2021-01-11 21:27:02 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

new here..howdy

It has been a few times by Biden himself

2021-01-12 00:28:40 UTC [Zeducation #🤡|political-news]  

Can anyone confirm this... I’m getting a lot of chatter Trump is possibly going to show up on newsmax and OAN at 9pm

2021-01-12 01:23:29 UTC [Zeducation #🏈|sports]  

GO BAMA!!!!!! Ohio State doesn't deserve to be here

2021-01-12 04:57:22 UTC [Zeducation #🏈|sports]  

wooooot bama osu knows what its like to be a PSU

2021-01-13 03:31:16 UTC [Zeducation #💪|military-war]  

As a vermonter your PM is a moron....hes in the same class as obama , biden and the left wing here

2021-01-14 01:20:08 UTC [Zeducation #🍳|cooking-food]  

ok need a great cook but i just got two gigantic london broil cuts for damn near free message me with ideas on what to do with them

That was a PBS attorney and he was fired yesterday

Ya pretty sure it was then

both of those videos scare the shit out of me ..

yeah...been saying this for days

Here's my only issue with a martial law type situation.....theres simply not enough law enforcement to make this happen. Plus don't you think if we went into martial law this country would completely come unglued.....?

and thats what scares chaos

2021-01-14 21:54:36 UTC [Zeducation #🤡|political-news]  

best comment of the day from The General back to pilosi “If you want us to help combat his supporters, I suggest you get him on the phone and tell him that. If he orders me to, I will. Otherwise, I suggest you listen really hard to the words escaping your cracked, poisonous lips; they’re tantamount to treason,” Gen. Berger

here you go for those that dont know....pretty sure we are almost at red6

2021-01-14 22:50:30 UTC [Zeducation #🤡|political-news]  

I'd bet 90% of it goes to foreign entities just like that last one

ahahahahah lol

National Military Command Central...if I remember correctly


First off I love his pillow..... secondly he’s actually an interesting guy. Should read his book

My tinfoil hat is messing up my cell signal.... took it off and now it plays. LOL.


I know it’s glorious. I want feet of it. Lol. Just not looking forward to the wind later

Damn Raining here too. Grerrrr

Came off the mountain all rain below. Still snow at house

There seems to be a new virus around called Epstein21

every white house webcam has been shut of today....

Literally five mins ago they all were off. Strange

I question the validity of that...



confirmed.....have national guard contacts there...


ya this doesnt sound good

This lindell interview is making me wanna go puke.....I cant believe what i heard

That he basically got blown off.....

im saying really bad

ya I got it too

After what I just watched I’m pretty sure we are done for as a country. Put a fork in her folks she’s done

The lindelll interview

Agreed however that fact he was basically blown off at White House does not sit well

You wouldn’t be if you were a small business owner like me

Its only 8 pm sooooo negative

yes nothing yet

can someone make any sense ....and I mean real sense of this barricading of DC.....watching Newsmax and now as of Monday Gov of VA is shutting down all the bridges into city till after event. THIS MAKES NO SENSE.......especially when FBI and now NSA has "no credible threat to DC".....I have three theories. 1 it really is a show and everyone is going to jail. or #2 The dems are provoking the american people to do something stupid...ok maybe not stupid if you love the country....but I digress. #3 they are going to stage a bunch of ANTIFA and BLM and blame the right . Discuss

Earlier post was speculating trump speech...fact checked not happening

can someone make any sense ....and I mean real sense of this barricading of DC.....watching Newsmax and now as of Monday Gov of VA is shutting down all the bridges into city till after event. THIS MAKES NO SENSE.......especially when FBI and now NSA has "no credible threat to DC".....I have three theories. 1 it really is a show and everyone is going to jail. or #2 The dems are provoking the american people to do something stupid...ok maybe not stupid if you love the country....but I digress. #3 they are going to stage a bunch of ANTIFA and BLM and blame the right . Discuss

something like that


unless SOROS was paying you

exactly......low importance and no one would suspect due to the vast majority in air most days

ya theres always 6+ in the air .....

They didnt....

We have a small handfull of good politicians

This is not new news.....weve known for a week

Cruz....and a very small handfull of reps. It's a shrinking circle as every day goes by...forgot the new one from Colorado...shes pretty cool

No.....he didnt finish cleaning up DC.....its his one last accomplishment.

Cruz has but he's still legitimate. He just disagrees with trump sometimes....and im ok with that


And goes back to my earlier post

but maybe America as it is...needs to die. ?.....its gone anyway

we need a reboot so to speak

you men like we have currently ?

look just playing devils advocate for discussion sake

Look at the world around you my friend. we have media censorship...criminals get away with everything because they have money...etc etc etc

There is a point where it is hopeless....we are quickly reaching that point.

oh good sir we are beyond fucked...we have been since Bush

I never thought 9/11 was an inside job until this year

Swamp rats do not want to give up power......if I was them I'd do anything to remain in power. Shit when I did coke in the 90's it was the same way. Power is a drug.....only issue is power addiction cant be cured by NARCAN.....

they are already making patriot bodies hit the floor...look how many soldiers we've lost in bullshit wars from every president since bush...


civil war will be started by the left......and we patriots will be blamed ....mark my words

I'm here from the government and I'm here to help.......scariest words ever

never did

correct we all feel the same way

and its exactly my prediction for what will happen ......did any of you watch the TV show scandal? WE ARE LIVING IT NOW!

pretty bad when conspiracy group is better behaved than here ......

kinda....but go start binge watching scandal.... way or another this country is gonna reset. Its either gonna be good or bad ....I dont have a ton of faith in a good reset . I trust God has this but its hard to see through the fog at this point

hey theres alot of us who are losing hope..bunkering down and stocking up. Remember you can only save yourself. GOV has one job to do and they have failed us .

yes....we are to blame.

we sat back for 30 years and let this happen

Its like the alcoholic husband sitting on the curb wondering why his wife left him....he chose to hide from the issues and let his life slip away....just like all of us did with this country .....blame ourselves for this mess and own it damnit !

I'll die protecting my property and my family ....end story

correct ...bait and switch is the game

I wish i knew ....


I think we all feel the same. Its frustrating watching a country implode . Yes we all may disagree at times but we all just want to go to work and succeed.....this is gong to be taken away bit by bit....shit it has been taken away . I wish i had an answer to how to fix this mess...

emptied all my accounts today

Im tired of being a fucking mushroom!.....kept in the dark and fed shit! All i want is truth in leadership

Actually yes it does...lets make it real simple. What happens when you lie to your wife....she finds out and you lose . Lies and with holding the truth are never a good outcome. Think about it

yup........people just dont seem to realize lies and secrets get humanity no where

and again.....some dumb fuck is gonna try some stupid shit and put us all furthur back in hiding

or antifa


we all do....

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